[midPoint] Problem With midpoint.searchObjects in approverExpression

Pavol Mederly mederly at evolveum.com
Tue Sep 20 23:52:13 CEST 2016


a possible cause: the operation runs under the user who requests the 
operation. If he has restricted rights, it might be possible he simply 
does not see alice.

There is a method how to run a code "as root" (runPrivileged in 
SecurityEnforcer). If this is the problem we can have a look how to 
invoke it from script. (Concerning me, only tomorrow as I have to leave 

Other possibilities... I don't know. The value should not be String; it 
should be PolyString. But you've tried that. Also, your attempts #3 and 
#4 should work. The correct matching rule is either none, 
polyStringNorm, polyStringOrig or polyStringStrict.

Best regards,

Pavol Mederly
Software developer

On 20.09.2016 23:43, pdbogen at cernu.us wrote:
> Howdy!
> I'm working approval schemas that select the approver based on the value of
> the extension attribute; the result of this is that I need to locate a User
> object based on the Name.
> Here's my code that I believe should accomplish this:
>    import com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.path.ItemPath
>    import com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.query.EqualFilter
>    import com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.query.ObjectQuery
>    import javax.xml.namespace.QName
>    import com.evolveum.midpoint.xml.ns._public.common.common_3.UserType
>    qn = new QName("http://cernu.us/xml/ns/userSchema", "managerDn")
>    dn = basic.getExtensionPropertyValue(object, qn)
>    dn_parts = dn.split(",")
>    cn_parts = dn_parts[0].split("=")
>    cn = cn_parts[1]
>    log.info('assign: searching for manager with username {}', cn)
>    prismContext = midpoint.getPrismContext()
>    filter = EqualFilter.createEqual(UserType.F_NAME, UserType.class, prismContext, null, cn)
>    log.error('assign: {}', filter)
>    query = ObjectQuery.createObjectQuery(filter)
>    log.error('assign: {}', query)
>    managers = midpoint.searchObjects(UserType.class, query)
>    log.error('assign: {}', managers)
>    if (managers.size() == 0) {
>      log.warn('assign: for approval of assignment of {} to {}, no user for cn: {}', object, target, cn)
>    } else {
>      managers.each { m ->
>        log.info('assign: for approval of assignment of {} to {}, found {} for cn: {}', object, target, m, cn)
>      }
>      managers.collect { it.getOid() }
>    }
> For brevity, I've excluded some defensive programming around parsing the dn,
> etc.; please just assume that 'cn' is valid by the time we create the
> EqualFilter.
> The logging output of this is:
>    INFO (com.evolveum.midpoint.expression): assign: searching for manager with username alice
>    ERROR (com.evolveum.midpoint.expression): assign: EQUAL: name,PPV(String:alice)
>    ERROR (com.evolveum.midpoint.expression): assign: Q{EQUAL: name,PPV(String:alice),null paging
>    ERROR (com.evolveum.midpoint.expression): assign: []
>    WARN (com.evolveum.midpoint.expression): assign: for approval of assignment of user:db85f122-a6fc-4a97-8a42-e37c204db5c4(bob) to role:abe7a780-3644-4b7e-a7e4-8378402ab208(foo), no user for cn: alice
> Is there anything obvious I've done wrong? The User 'alice' definitely exists.
> Also, I _think_ this was working on 3.4, whereas I'm now on 3.4.1. I don't
> know of anything else I might have changed that would break this.
> I've tried a few variations:
> * Making a filter with PolyString.fromOrig(cn) instead of just cn
> * The above, plus replacing the `null` matching rule with variations on new QName("origIgnoreCase")
> * Using midpoing.searchObjectByName, which very surprisingly did not work either
> * Using ObjectQueryUtil.createNameQuery to create the query
> Any advice on this would be quite helpful.
> Thanks!
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