[midPoint] Discovering Custom objectClasses

Keith Hazelton keith.hazelton at wisc.edu
Mon Sep 19 19:03:36 CEST 2016

Message 1 of 2    --Keith

A big thank you to Radovan for this very informative wiki page on auxiliary object classes.

But even with this, I am having trouble getting my OpenDJ Resource configuration to handle eduPerson and eduMember auxiliary object classes on the account structural object class, inetOrgPerson. The full text of the first error result is attached.

Here are the steps I had taken so far:

1)       Added an xmlns declaration for edu* object classes and attributes at the top of the resource element
a.       xmlns:e=http://id.internet2.edu/namespaces/edu

2)       Added the two auxiliary object classes in the schema / generationconstraintselement
a.                <!-- khazelton  See if the edu* object classes need to be included here  -->
b.                <generateObjectClass>e:eduPerson</generateObjectClass>
c.                <generateObjectClass>e:eduMember</generateObjectClass>

3)       Added declaration of eduPerson and eduMember attributes to schema / definition element
a.        <!--  -->
b.       <!--  khazelton  begin  supplemental schema defs: auxiliary object classes and attributes for eduPerson and eduMember  -->
c.       <!--  -->
d.        <xsd:complexType name="e:eduPerson">
e.                       <xsd:annotation>
f.                           <xsd:appinfo>
g.                             <ra:resourceObject/>
h.                             <ra:nativeObjectClass>e:eduPerson</ra:nativeObjectClass>
i.                            </xsd:appinfo>
j.                         </xsd:annotation>
k.                       <xsd:sequence>
l.                            <xsd:element maxOccurs="unbounded"
m.                                     minOccurs="0"
n.                                       name="eduscopedaffil"
o.                                       type="xsd:string">
p.                             <xsd:annotation>
q.                                <xsd:appinfo>
r.                                    <a:displayOrder>120</a:displayOrder>
s.                                    <a:matchingRule xmlns:qn147="http://prism.evolveum.com/xml/ns/public/matching-rule-3">qn147:stringIgnoreCase</a:matchingRule<http://prism.evolveum.com/xml/ns/public/matching-rule-3%22%3Eqn147:stringIgnoreCase%3C/a:matchingRule>>
t.                                    <ra:nativeAttributeName>eduPersonScopedAffiliation</ra:nativeAttributeName>
u.                                   <ra:frameworkAttributeName>eduscopedaffil</ra:frameworkAttributeName>
v.                                </xsd:appinfo>
w.                           </xsd:annotation>
x.                          </xsd:element>
y.       <xsd:element maxOccurs="unbounded"
z.                                       minOccurs="0"
aa.                                   name="eduentitlement"
bb.                                   type="xsd:string">
cc.                          <xsd:annotation>
dd.                            <xsd:appinfo>
ee.                               <a:displayOrder>130</a:displayOrder>
ff.                                  <a:matchingRule xmlns:qn147="http://prism.evolveum.com/xml/ns/public/matching-rule-3">qn147:stringIgnoreCase</a:matchingRule<http://prism.evolveum.com/xml/ns/public/matching-rule-3%22%3Eqn147:stringIgnoreCase%3C/a:matchingRule>>
gg.                               <ra:nativeAttributeName>eduPersonEntitlement</ra:nativeAttributeName>
hh.                               <ra:frameworkAttributeName>eduentitlement</ra:frameworkAttributeName>
ii.                                </xsd:appinfo>
jj.                             </xsd:annotation>
kk.                       </xsd:element>
ll.                       </xsd:sequence>
                                                               i.      </xsd:complexType>
mm.                        <!--  -->
nn.    <xsd:complexType name="e:eduMember">
oo.                   <xsd:annotation>
pp.                      <xsd:appinfo>
qq.                         <ra:resourceObject/>
rr.                           <ra:nativeObjectClass>e:eduMember</ra:nativeObjectClass>
ss.                        </xsd:appinfo>
tt.                     </xsd:annotation>
uu.                   <xsd:sequence>
vv.                       <xsd:element maxOccurs="unbounded"
ww.                                minOccurs="0"
xx.                                    name="initials"
yy.                                    type="xsd:string">
zz.                          <xsd:annotation>
aaa.                                                 <xsd:appinfo>
bbb.                                                    <a:displayOrder>120</a:displayOrder>
ccc.                             <a:matchingRule xmlns:qn147="http://prism.evolveum.com/xml/ns/public/matching-rule-3">qn147:stringIgnoreCase</a:matchingRule<http://prism.evolveum.com/xml/ns/public/matching-rule-3%22%3Eqn147:stringIgnoreCase%3C/a:matchingRule>>
ddd.                                                    <ra:nativeAttributeName>isEduMemberOf</ra:nativeAttributeName>
eee.                                                    <ra:frameworkAttributeName>edumemberof</ra:frameworkAttributeName>
fff.                             </xsd:appinfo>
ggg.                                              </xsd:annotation>
hhh.                                           </xsd:element>
iii.                      </xsd:sequence>
jjj.       </xsd:complexType>
kkk.  <!--  -->
lll.       <!--  khazelton  end of supplemental schema defs: auxiliary object classes and attributes for eduPerson and eduMember  -->
mmm.                   <!--  -->

4)       Added eduPerson and eduMember to the schemHandling element:
a.                <objectClass>ri:inetOrgPerson</objectClass>
b.                   <auxiliaryObjectClass>e:eduPerson</auxiliaryObjectClass>
c.                   <auxiliaryObjectClass>e:eduMember</auxiliaryObjectClass>
d.                   <!-- khazelton added eduPerson and eduMember as auxiliary object classes  -->

5)       Added eduPerson and eduMember attributes to the schemaHandling element:
a.                <!-- eduPerson and eduMember attributes  -->
b.                <attribute>
c.                   <c:ref>e:eduPersonAffiliation</c:ref>
d.                   <displayName>eduPersonAffiliation</displayName>
e.                   <outbound>
f.                       <source>
g.                         <c:path>$user/eduaffil</c:path>
h.                      </source>
i.                     </outbound>
j.                     <inbound>
k.                      <target>
l.                           <c:path>$user/eduaffil</c:path>
m.                    </target>
n.                   </inbound>
o.                </attribute>
p.                <attribute>
q.                   <c:ref>e:eduMemberOf</c:ref>
r.                    <displayName>eduMemberOf</displayName>
s.                    <outbound>
t.                       <source>
u.                         <c:path>$user/edumemberof</c:path>
v.                      </source>
w.                 </outbound>
x.                   <inbound>
y.                      <target>
z.                         <c:path>$user/edumemberof</c:path>
aa.                  </target>
bb.               </inbound>
cc.             </attribute>
dd.            <!-- end of eduPerson and eduMember attributes  -->

Thanks in advance for pointing me in the right direction.    --Keith
email & jabber: keith.hazelton at wisc.edu<mailto:keith.hazelton at wisc.edu>
calendar: http://go.wisc.edu/i6zxx0

From: midPoint <midpoint-bounces at lists.evolveum.com<mailto:midpoint-bounces at lists.evolveum.com>> on behalf of Radovan Semancik <radovan.semancik at evolveum.com<mailto:radovan.semancik at evolveum.com>>
Reply-To: midPoint General Discussion <midpoint at lists.evolveum.com<mailto:midpoint at lists.evolveum.com>>
Date: Thursday, September 15, 2016 at 05:11 
To: midPoint General Discussion <midpoint at lists.evolveum.com<mailto:midpoint at lists.evolveum.com>>
Subject: Re: [midPoint] Discovering Custom objectClasses


I have realized that there is some confusion about the use of auxiliary object classes. Therefore I have added a bit of new documentation to fill the gap:


Radovan Semancik
Software Architect

email & jabber: keith.hazelton at wisc.edu<mailto:keith.hazelton at wisc.edu>
calendar: http://go.wisc.edu/i6zxx0
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