[midPoint] ignoring attributes when LDAP connector reads schema

Brad Fardig brad.fardig at cogitogroup.com.au
Thu Oct 27 08:38:08 CEST 2016



Is it possible to have the LDAP connector ignore particular attributes when
it is dynamically building the schema?


I have midPoint 3.4 with the LDAP connector version


I am getting errors when the schema is being retrieved.  If I turn quirks
mode on the errors are as shown in connector-error1.log and
connector-error2.log (taken from idm.log.  


With quirks mode off the error is shown in err.txt.  The attribute in
question here has a complex syntax that is defined in the schema but doesn't
appear to be returned by the directory as my LDAP admin tool doesn't show
the syntax either.  The attribute is not used within any entries in the
directory but is defined as a "may" attribute within several aux object



Kind Regards,







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