[midPoint] kind-account-objectclass

Ivan Noris ivan.noris at evolveum.com
Wed Oct 19 09:20:47 CEST 2016

Hi Oleg,

you didn't specify which resource are you referring to (in live demo), but:

- schema corresponds to all available object classes and their
attributes as returned from the connector. The (Open)ICF framework
defines that "accounts" are managed as __ACCOUNT__ native object class.
This is a fixed constant.

- schema handling: AccountObjectClass corresponds to __ACCOUNT__ native
object class. Which represents the accounts. kind and intents can be
defined, if they are not, for backward compatibility reasons default
kind=account and default intent=default

- if there is no synchronization, the data from the resource should not
be synchronized to midPoint (because midPoint does not know how and what
to synchronize)

There are currently three possible values of kind:
- account (this is default if not specified)
- entitlement
- generic

Some resources (or better: connectors) don't directly support anything
than accounts. For example CSV and DB Table connectors. (There are plans
to change this, waiting to be sponsored or prioritized by our customers.)

Please read also:
https://wiki.evolveum.com/display/midPoint/Resource+Schema+Handling (and
linked pages there)


On 10/19/2016 08:57 AM, oleg okunev wrote:
> please explain me
> 1. How dependent these entities,
> 2. in the demo in config in Schema tab there is    kind account
> ;native obj.class __acccount__         ; intend  empty
>                                           schema handling tab   kind
> EMTY    ;objectClass AccountObjectClass    ; intend  default
>                                           synchronization tab     all emty
> and everything works - task and new users
> WHY and HOW?
> 3.but if try this  Schema tab is             kind account ;native
> obj.class __acccount__         ; intend  empty
>                       schema handling tab   kind account ;objectClass
> AccountObjectClass    ; intend  default
>                       synchronization tab  
>   kind account ;objectClass AccountObjectClass    ; intend  default
> WHY an HOW?
> sorry for demo now(( i have tried to understand
> P.S. after change kind in schema handling and save i cant bring back
> "chose one" string
> oleg okunev
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Ivan Noris
Senior Identity Engineer

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