[midPoint] Password Inbound from Database Table

Martin Marchese mmarchese at identicum.com
Thu Oct 6 22:55:04 CEST 2016

Hi All,

We are using a Database table connector (using PostgreSQL 9.5) to create
users into midpoint, and we are facing a problem while we try to set their

Connector version is and MidPoint version is 3.4.1

We have configured a password policy that complies with all passwords
within the database.

Password column is configured correctly in the connector configuration. I
was looking into the samples and I see that every samples uses the
<generate> option as it follows:


My first thought was that replacing the expression as it follows it will


However, when I run an import or livesync task i receive the following

Provided password does not satisfy password policies. Required minimal size
(4) of password is not met (password length: 0)

As if the password was not coming from the database. Also, when I look into
the resource object thru the UI, the password attribute is empty.

I took a look at this bug just in case:
https://jira.evolveum.com/browse/MID-2405, but it was a different behavior
since for me, it fails with every password I try.

Any ideas on what I'm missing here?

Thanks in advance.

*Ing. Martín Marchese*
Identicum S.A.
Jorge Newbery 3226
Tel: +54 (11) 4552-3050
mmarchese at identicum.com
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