[midPoint] How to specify multiple object template ref in sync rules

HURTEVENT VINCENT vincent.hurtevent at univ-lyon1.fr
Wed Oct 5 15:02:49 CEST 2016


We are still working on Midpoint in order to replace our current IDM solution.

We have a first ressource which our main data source ressource with all our people (staff, students, etc). Actually it’s only one table.

We would like to have distinct rules for each of our people category, i.e., rules for staff, different rules for student, etc.
The object template seems to be the right solution, with one object template for each category BUT we don’t know how to use different objet templates in the same reaction (unmatched->addFocus).

Is it possible ? Or do we need to split people upstream, in our database (one table per people category) ? Ressource configuration (WHERE clause) ? 

Have multiple ressources pointing to the same database/table without select specific category will result to bad perf IMO, each import task will have to crawl the whole database/table.

Thank you !

Vincent Hurtevent
Direction du Système d’Information
Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1

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