[midPoint] - Internal server error (500) in MidPoint

Rodrigo Yanis ryanis at identicum.com
Fri Nov 11 21:18:58 CET 2016

Hello everyone,

We're getting an error 500 in MidPoint
(javax.ws.rs.WebApplicationException: HTTP 500 Internal Server Error) in
unidentified times. This causes operations like user reconciliations, role
reconciliations, user imports from data sources to freeze and last for more
than 10 minutes with no related result.

At that point we need to restart the tomcat in order to restore operativity.

On the stack trace we can see the following "cause":
Caused by: com.evolveum.midpoint.util.exception.SchemaException: No object
definition for element name objectModification

Do you have any lead on what could this be related to?

Thanks in advance,

*Rodrigo Yanis.*
Identicum S.A.
Jorge Newbery 3226
Tel: +54 (11) 4824-9971
ryanis at identicum.com
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