[midPoint] Clustering and ldap resources

Radovan Semancik radovan.semancik at evolveum.com
Tue Nov 8 13:21:06 CET 2016


If you have midpoint in cluster then only one instance will push one 
change to the resource at same time. The cluster will behave as a single 
system when you look at it from the outside.

I'm not sure what is your goal. I guess you are looking for "full-mesh" 
HA: replicated/clustered midPoint working with replicated LDAP where one 
node from each system can go down and the system will still work. In 
that case the midPoint part will work fine. Currently the issue is the 
midPoint->LDAP link. We do not have failover/replication support in the 
LDAP connector yet. The connector will always connect only to a single 
LDAP node. The "topology" support in the connector is planned. And it 
was even partially implemented what I was implementing the multi-domain 
support for AD. But it is not finished. And currently there is no 
specific plan for this (it is not in current roadmap).

So realistically you have two options:
1) use load balancer in front of LDAP servers.
2) sponsor connector improvement so it can get on the midPoint roadmap.

Radovan Semancik
Software Architect

On 11/08/2016 11:11 AM, Pertti Kellomäki wrote:
> The wiki page at 
> https://wiki.evolveum.com/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=11075783 shows 
> two midPoint instances working against a common repository.
> Suppose I want the instances to provision users to ldap and I want to 
> replicate the ldap servers as well. Can I configure both the midPoint 
> instances to push changes to both ldap servers, or would that cause 
> problems?
> Thanks, Pertti
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