[midPoint] Authentication in resource

Radovan Semancik radovan.semancik at evolveum.com
Mon May 2 10:54:35 CEST 2016

On 05/02/2016 08:25 AM, Aivo Kuhlberg wrote:
> Does midPoint support authentication in resource (eg AD). I mean that 
> when user tries to log on to midPoint then his/her credentials are 
> sent to Active Directory and if they match with AD credentials then 
> user can log on to midPoint.

Not directly. We do not (yet) have pass-through authentication as Sun 
IDM used to have. But there are two ways how to do this:

1: Use SSO system (such as CAS) and let that authenticate against AD. 
Then configure spring security in midPoint to use "pre-auth" module. We 
have done that several times and it works well. See 

2: Theoretically you can configure spring security AD authentication 
module directly in midPoint (instead of the "pre-auth" module). This 
should work. Theoretically. But we have never tried that. There may be 
some issues with username/DN mapping, though.

And there is always the option to sponsor the pass-through 
authentication feature. The ConnId supports it. So it is just a matter 
of implementing it in midPoint. There was some work done in that 
direction in midPoint 3.4 code base. So this feature should not be that 
difficult to implement in midPoint 3.5. It is just a matter of 
priorities and motivation.

Radovan Semancik
Software Architect

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