[midPoint] Adding new posixaccount attributes

Shawn McKinney smckinney at symas.com
Tue Mar 1 21:41:51 CET 2016

> On Mar 1, 2016, at 11:35 AM, Radovan Semancik <radovan.semancik at evolveum.com> wrote:
> I have one more advice: switch to midPoint 3.3.1-SNAPSHOT if you can. You can get that by compiling the sources from the support-3.3 branch. We have already identified a handful of bugs related to handling of auxiliary object classes in midPoint 3.3. These are fixed in 3.3.1-SNAPSHOT. And I'm currently fixing another one.
> The support-3.3 branch is fairly stable as MidPoint 3.3.1 release is planned to happen in a couple of weeks.

Hello Radovan,

Yep, will give 3.3.1-SNAPSHOT a try also….

If there is a link, that describes the steps to build and deploy from source, please send my way.  Otherwise I can add page to your wiki if that will help.



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