[midPoint] Synchronizing same user with different resources (ObjectAlreadyExistsException)

Ерошенко Антон aeroshenko at frte.ru
Thu Jun 2 08:01:43 CEST 2016

I figured out the problem. There were two shadows of one account, that seems to violates unique constraints. First shadow created during import process that passed normally, second shadow created during import process that failed for some reason. I delete one shadow manually, so sync works now.
How many shadows can we have for one account? How to avoid creation of multiple shadows of one account?

I'm trying to import accounts from AD resource. These accounts were already imported (LINKED) from another resource configured with same AD . So, users are the same, ADs are the same, resources configurations only differ.  I would like to get midpoint user linked to two projections (accounts).
Midpoint sync process set UNLINKED status for accounts, but then fails them and shows ObjectAlreadyExistsException instead of link the account to midpoint user.
Does it mean that its impossible to have two similar accounts for the same midpoint user? Or something wrong?

Resource config http://pastebin.com/XX6KrcQB

Exception class com.evolveum.midpoint.util.exception.SystemException thrown by object change listener model synchronization service: com.evolveum.midpoint.util.exception.ObjectAlreadyExistsException: Too many iterations (6) for account(ID {.../resource/instance-3}objectGUID = [ 2d42b6f0b3554a4cbe75fb9a8f0a1141 ], type 'default', resource:ef2bc95b-76e0-48e2-86d6-3d4f02d3eaed(Active Directory Advanced Sync 1)): cannot determine values that satisfy constraints: Found more than one object with attribute {.../resource/instance-3}dn = [ CN=Vilk,DC=igp,DC=local]
com.evolveum.midpoint.util.exception.SystemException: com.evolveum.midpoint.util.exception.ObjectAlreadyExistsException: Too many iterations (6) for account(ID {.../resource/instance-3}objectGUID = [ 2d42b6f0b3554a4cbe75fb9a8f0a1141 ], type 'default', resource:ef2bc95b-76e0-48e2-86d6-3d4f02d3eaed(Active Directory Advanced Sync 1)): cannot determine values that satisfy constraints: Found more than one object with attribute {.../resource/instance-3}dn = [ CN=Vilk,DC=igp,DC=local ]
                at com.evolveum.midpoint.model.impl.sync.SynchronizationService.notifyChange_aroundBody0(SynchronizationService.java:298) ~[model-impl-3.3.1.jar:na]
                at com.evolveum.midpoint.model.impl.sync.SynchronizationService$AjcClosure1.run(SynchronizationService.java:1) ~[model-impl-3.3.1.jar:na]

Thanks for any suggestions.

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