[midPoint] MidPoint 3.5 Development Plan

Radovan Semancik radovan.semancik at evolveum.com
Thu Jul 14 16:00:00 CEST 2016

Dear midPoint community,

MidPoint 3.4 is released. And I would like to thanks all the supporters 
and contributors once again. Now it is time ti focus on midPoint 3.5.

Some time ago the MidPoint project has switched to the roadmap and 
planing method based on sponsored features. For those of you that are 
not familiar with this method it works like this: Evolveum will invest 
in one or two major feature or architectural improvement in each 
midPoint release. But the rest of the features are chosen by midPoint 
subscribers and sponsors. Each midPoint subscriber has the privilege to 
influence a roadmap and to endorse specific features (reasonably 
proportional to their subscription price). Any member of midPoint 
community may sponsor a specific feature which basically means that he 
pays for the development cost. More than a half of each midPoint release 
plan is reserved for the sponsored features.

Evolveum will invest in development of JSON a YAML support in midPoint 
3.5. The rest of the midPoint 3.5 development plan is open for 
sponsoring and now it is the right time to get your feature into the 3.5 
development plan. Therefore any midPoint subscriber that wants to 
endorse and specific feature or anyone else who is willing to sponsor a 
feature please do not hesitate to contact us.

Radovan Semancik
Software Architect

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