[midPoint] Correlation filter clause error

Pavol Mederly mederly at evolveum.com
Thu Dec 8 13:59:38 CET 2016


I've hopefully fixed in on master (3.5-snapshot) branch. You can test it 
if you like. If there would be any problem, please just re-open MID-3586 

Concerning Resource Wizard in general: There are some known bugs and 
enhancements requests logged 
Please use it with care, for example beware that it (theoretically) 
could corrupt parts of your resource definition when making changes into 
it. That's why there's also a read-only mode that can be useful for 
browsing the definitions, mappings, and so on, in a semi-visual way. Or 
for generating a DOT (GraphViz) visualization of resource mappings.

Overall, we at Evolveum prefer to edit resources via XML (and also 
JSON/YAML since 3.5); possibly with the help of some intelligent, 
schema-aware XML editor. Or even using the Eclipse plugin 
(although it is also a bit experimental for now).

Best regards,

Pavol Mederly
Software developer

On 08.12.2016 8:13, Wojciech Staszewski wrote:
> 3.4.1
> Dnia czwartek, 8 grudnia 2016 00:05:30 CET Pavol Mederly pisze:
>> Hello Wojciech,
>> thank you for pointing to this. Just by the way, which version of
>> midPoint do you use? I don't quite remember but I think that in 3.4 the
>> resource wizard was relatively well working.
>> We are a few days before 3.5 release, having quite a lot of bugs to fix
>> and, to be honest, Resource Wizard is not a component that is endorsed
>> by our subscribers. Therefore it gets "best effort"-style attention.
>> However, tomorrow I'll try to have a look at this problem. It doesn't
>> seem to be much complicated.
>> Best regards,
>> Pavol Mederly
>> Software developer
>> evolveum.com
>> On 07.12.2016 21:32, Wojciech Staszewski wrote:
>>> Hello again,
>>> Everytime I try to create new synchronization correlation, or even update existing rule I must do it by editing XML source
>>> because the Wizard displays error:
>>> "Could not create MaxXNode from provided XML filterClause. Please enter correct expression. Reason: {0}"
>>> Even these imported from Evolveum example resources.
>>> Log (first two lines):
>>> 2016-12-07 21:27:35,554 [] [https-openssl-apr-443-exec-50] ERROR (com.evolveum.midpoint.web.component.input.SearchFilterPanel): Could not create MapXNode from provided XML filterClause..
>>> java.lang.IllegalStateException: Error parsing XML document The prefix "q" for element "q:equal" is not bound.
>>> Is this a bug? If not, where can I find some working examples? Documentation is XML-based...
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