[midPoint] Correlation filter clause error

Wojciech Staszewski wojciech.staszewski at diagnostyka.pl
Wed Dec 7 21:32:13 CET 2016

Hello again,

Everytime I try to create new synchronization correlation, or even update existing rule I must do it by editing XML source
because the Wizard displays error:
"Could not create MaxXNode from provided XML filterClause. Please enter correct expression. Reason: {0}"

Even these imported from Evolveum example resources.

Log (first two lines):
2016-12-07 21:27:35,554 [] [https-openssl-apr-443-exec-50] ERROR (com.evolveum.midpoint.web.component.input.SearchFilterPanel): Could not create MapXNode from provided XML filterClause.. 
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Error parsing XML document The prefix "q" for element "q:equal" is not bound.

Is this a bug? If not, where can I find some working examples? Documentation is XML-based...

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