[midPoint] Office365 projection error

Pavol Mederly mederly at evolveum.com
Tue Aug 30 10:10:06 CEST 2016

Hello Dick,

the error indicates that the O365 account was probably not created 
successfully (although I would prefer more specific exception message, 
if that's the case).

You could do the following:

 1. Enable logging for org.identityconnectors.office365 package at
    highest level (ALL/TRACE)
 2. Retry the operation
 3. Send here relevant parts of the log

Although after looking at the connector code I am not 100% sure this 
would help, it might be useful as a first step.

(Or maybe somebody with experiences with O365 could have a look at your 
configuration ...)

Pavol Mederly
Software developer

On 30.08.2016 9:49, Dick Muller wrote:
> Hello,
> I’m working on a MidPoint – Office365 integration.
> The connector is tested and gives result OK. In O365 I setup all 
> available permissions on the account for graphs.windows.net and 
> Windows Azure Domain.
> But still I get an error when I project the user to O365.
> I used the example from GitHub and configured it with my settings.
> The error I get is: Generic error in connector: ICF did not returned 
> UID after create.
> The full error text is attached in the mail, together with the 
> Resource file.
> I hope somebody can help me with this.
> Many thanks,
> Dick Muller
> <http://www.tahzoo.com> 	
> Dick Muller
> Senior Systems Engineer
> P: 	*0031 8 82682586* <tel:0031%208%2082682586> 	 | 	M: 
> *0031 6 46477690* <tel:0031%206%2046477690>
> E: 	*dick.muller at tahzoo.com* <mailto:dick.muller at tahzoo.com> 	 | 	W: 
> *www.tahzoo.com* <http://www.tahzoo.com>
> A: 	*Delftechpark 37I, 2628 XJ Delft, Netherlands* 
> <https://www.google.com/maps/place/Delftechpark+37,+2628+XJ+Delft,+Netherlands/@51.997531,4.3824845,17z/data=%213m1%214b1%214m5%213m4%211s0x47c5b589ec2c237b:0x22b6e5d15befb3d5%218m2%213d51.997531%214d4.3846732> 
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