[midPoint] Midpoint LDAP objectClasses

Mencel, Matt mr-mencel at wiu.edu
Wed Aug 24 19:59:04 CEST 2016

Yep that's what I'm doing.  Editing via XML and then importing.


On Wed, Aug 24, 2016 at 12:25 PM, Pavol Mederly <mederly at evolveum.com>

> It means you can not use GUI (Resource Wizard) to edit your resource. You
> have to edit it directly via XML.
> But the synchronization itself should work in 3.4.
> Best regards,
> Pavol Mederly
> Software developerevolveum.com
> On 24.08.2016 18:52, Mencel, Matt wrote:
> I saw you mentioned that a few days ago on the list.  I'm on the latest
> stable, 3.4.  Do I need to try to use the development build?
> If this is just a cosmetic issue and I can ignore it and setup a working
> synchronization, I'm ok with waiting for the next release.
> Matt
> On Wed, Aug 24, 2016 at 11:37 AM, Pavol Mederly <mederly at evolveum.com>
> wrote:
>> Hello Matt,
>> which version of midPoint do you use? I've fixed this issue (of not
>> recognizing aux object classes in Resource Wizard) just a few days ago.
>> Best regards,
>> Pavol Mederly
>> Software developerevolveum.com
>> On 24.08.2016 18:31, Mencel, Matt wrote:
>> OK I'm back to trying to get an LDAP resource configured.  I understand a
>> bit more of the workings of midpoint now so maybe I can get further on this
>> today.  I've used the 389DS sample as a basic starting point.
>> The LDAP system is actually an old Sun DS system and I'm pretty sure the
>> OCs are not setup according to any standard best practice.  Here is a very
>> basic user object example.
>> [1] DN = [uid=matt,ou=People,dc=wiu,dc=edu]
>>> [1]    -------------------- : --------------------
>>> [1]             objectClass : top
>>> [1]    -------------------- : --------------------
>>> [1]             objectClass : person
>>> [1]                      cn : Matthew R Mencel
>>> [1]                      sn : Mencel
>>> [1]    -------------------- : --------------------
>>> [1]             objectClass : wiuPerson
>>> [1]               givenName : Matthew
>>> [1]                     uid : matt
>> In my resource I've tried defining wiuPerson as an auxiliaryObjectClass
>> like this...
>> <schemaHandling>
>>>         <objectType>
>>>             <kind>account</kind>
>>>             <intent>person</intent>
>>>             <displayName>Person Account</displayName>
>>>             <default>true</default>
>>>             <objectClass>ri:person</objectClass>
>>>             <auxiliaryObjectClass>wiuPerson</auxiliaryObjectClass>
>>>             <attribute>
>>>                 <ref>ri:dn</ref>
>>>                 <displayName>Distinguished Name</displayName>
>>>                 <outbound>
>>>                     <!-- Name cannot be weak. Changes in name trigger
>>> object rename. -->
>>>                     <source>
>>>                         <path>$user/name</path>
>>>                     </source>
>>>                     <expression>
>>>                         <script>
>>>                             <code>
>>>                                 basic.composeDnWithSuffix('uid', name,
>>> 'ou=people,dc=wiu,dc=edu')
>>>                             </code>
>>>                         </script>
>>>                     </expression>
>>>                 </outbound>
>>>             </attribute>
>>>             <attribute>
>>>                 <ref>ri:cn</ref>
>>>                 <displayName>Common Name</displayName>
>>>                 <outbound>
>>>                     <source>
>>>                         <path>$user/fullName</path>
>>>                     </source>
>>>                 </outbound>
>>>                 <inbound>
>>>                     <strength>weak</strength>
>>>                     <target>
>>>                         <path>$user/fullName</path>
>>>                     </target>
>>>                 </inbound>
>>>             </attribute>
>>>             <attribute>
>>>                 <ref>ri:sn</ref>
>>>                 <outbound>
>>>                     <source>
>>>                         <path>familyName</path>
>>>                     </source>
>>>                 </outbound>
>>>                 <inbound>
>>>                     <strength>weak</strength>
>>>                     <target>
>>>                         <path>$user/familyName</path>
>>>                     </target>
>>>                 </inbound>
>>>             </attribute>
>>>             <attribute>
>>>                 <ref>ri:givenName</ref>
>>>                 <outbound>
>>>                     <source>
>>>                         <path>$user/givenName</path>
>>>                     </source>
>>>                 </outbound>
>>>                 <inbound>
>>>                     <strength>weak</strength>
>>>                     <target>
>>>                         <path>$user/givenName</path>
>>>                     </target>
>>>                 </inbound>
>>>             </attribute>
>> Midpoint doesn't like that though and tells me that givenName is not in
>> the person OC...
>> There is no attribute named '{http://midpoint.evolveum.com
>>> /xml/ns/public/resource/instance-3}givenName' in object class '{
>>> http://midpoint.evolveum.com/xml/ns/public/resource/instance-3}person'
>>> (defined in schema handling for 'Person Account (kind: ACCOUNT, intent:
>>> person)').
>> ...which of course it is not.  So how do I define givenName so I can use
>> it in midpoint?
>> Thanks,
>> Matt
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