[midPoint] Adding Custom Attributes to Midpoint

Mencel, Matt mr-mencel at wiu.edu
Tue Aug 23 19:58:04 CEST 2016

The process right now is a Perl script we wrote 15+ years ago, but you're
right.  If I get this working correctly, Midpoint would create the
usernames instead, so this will be fine.  When the import from CSV does an
add, the object template would generate the UID.  I need to get all the
users imported from LDAP first though before I implement that.

I'd love to see your template, if just to have a real world example to
refer to.  If you don't want to share it here feel free to email me
directly, or put it in a private gist on Github or something.


On Tue, Aug 23, 2016 at 12:45 PM, Jason Everling <jeverling at bshp.edu> wrote:

> Does it have to wait for username from ldap or can you generate them in
> midpoint or have you just gotten that far yet? Maybe someone else can jump
> in on which route to take, in reverse order, our CSV is also authoritative ,
> BUT if no account found it will generate the username based on an object
> template in midpoint and then it provisions that account to the different
> resources the user should have access to.
> Have you gotten around to object templates in midpoint? You can attach a
> template to each resource, and also make a default gui one, for example,
> on the resource it is
>                 <reaction>
> <!-- Users will be ENABLED and moved into the correct Org Unit -->
>                     <situation>unlinked</situation>
> <objectTemplateRef oid="10000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000302"/>
> <action>
> <handlerUri>http://midpoint.evolveum.com/xml/ns/public/
> model/action-3#linkAccount</handlerUri>
> </action>
>                 </reaction>
>                 <reaction>
>                     <situation>unmatched</situation>
>                     <objectTemplateRef oid="10000000-0000-0000-0000-
> 000000000203"/>
> <action>
> <handlerUri>http://midpoint.evolveum.com/xml/ns/public/
> model/action-3#addUser</handlerUri>
> </action>
>                 </reaction>
> and then my object template relating to the 'unmatched' situation will
> generate a username based on different user 'types' or their affiliated
> status, you know, faculty/staff like to have better looking usernames,
> hah.. I can share some of the template if needed
> On Tue, Aug 23, 2016 at 12:32 PM, Mencel, Matt <mr-mencel at wiu.edu> wrote:
>> The CSV is the authoritative source.  When an account is first sent in
>> that file I don't have an LDAP entry for it yet, so no username can be
>> assigned yet.  So ideally what would happen...
>> - New user created from the CSV with the ID as it's name for the time
>> being...
>> - An LDAP account is then provisioned based on the info and I get the
>> username back from the LDAP resource
>> - "Rename" the object in midpoint with the username set as name and ID
>> would be in the employeeID attribute.
>> I haven't done anything with the name attribute yet because I wasn't sure
>> what I needed to do.  So right now it just picks up the ID from the CSV I
>> think because that is what is set as the "uniqueIdentifier" in that
>> resource.
>> <attribute>
>> <ref>icfs:name</ref>
>> <displayName>Name</displayName>
>> <outbound>
>> <strength>weak</strength>
>> <source>
>> <path>$user/name</path>
>> </source>
>> </outbound>
>> <inbound>
>> <target>
>> <path>$user/name</path>
>> </target>
>> </inbound>
>> </attribute>
>> On Tue, Aug 23, 2016 at 12:22 PM, Jason Everling <jeverling at bshp.edu>
>> wrote:
>>> In one of our resources, we also use the ID as the unique identifier. Do
>>> the users already exist in midpoint that the CSV accounts belong too? If
>>> so, then you would match based on your extension attribute, what do you
>>> have for icfs:name mapping? like our CSV for example,
>>>                 <attribute>
>>>                     <ref>icfs:name</ref>
>>>                     <displayName>Name</displayName>
>>>                     <limitations>
>>>                         <minOccurs>0</minOccurs>
>>>                         <access>
>>>                             <read>true</read>
>>>                         </access>
>>>                     </limitations>
>>>                     <inbound>
>>>                         <target>
>>>                             <path>
>>>                                 $c:user/c:extension/bshp:uniqueID
>>>                             </path>
>>>                         </target>
>>>                     </inbound>
>>>                 </attribute>
>>>                 <correlation>
>>>                     <q:equal>
>>>                         <q:path>c:user/c:extension/bsh
>>> p:unqiueID</q:path>
>>> <expression>
>>> <path>
>>> declare namespace icfs="http://midpoint.evolveum
>>> .com/xml/ns/public/connector/icf-1/resource-schema-3";
>>> $account/attributes/icfs:name
>>> </path>
>>> </expression>
>>>                     </q:equal>
>>>                 </correlation>
>>> This way, if it is an existing user with the same value, it will match
>>> and link accounts, if not, then the object template will generate a new
>>> user based on what we have defined as a 'username'
>>> On Tue, Aug 23, 2016 at 10:50 AM, Mencel, Matt <mr-mencel at wiu.edu>
>>> wrote:
>>>> I meant to include this screenshot in my reply....
>>>> On Tue, Aug 23, 2016 at 10:37 AM, Mencel, Matt <mr-mencel at wiu.edu>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> So I have a followup question.  In my CSV resource the unique
>>>>> attribute is an ID number.  It's getting imported to the "Name" field in
>>>>> Midpoint.  It's just odd that the "Name" appears as the id number.  Can I
>>>>> rename that field or should I import that ID attribute to a new custom
>>>>> field that I put in my custom schema file?  Is there a way to present a
>>>>> custom schema attribute in that top bar?
>>>>> I'm assuming the Name field in Midpoint really should be a username as
>>>>> that seems to be the intent for that.  When I get my LDAP resource working
>>>>> I will be able to add the username data, but I'm not that far yet.  So just
>>>>> trying to figure out how to handle it with the data coming from the CSV
>>>>> import.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Matt
>>>>> On Mon, Aug 22, 2016 at 5:20 PM, Mencel, Matt <mr-mencel at wiu.edu>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Figured it out.  Have to call $user/extention/major in the attribute
>>>>>> mapping.
>>>>>> On Mon, Aug 22, 2016 at 5:17 PM, Mencel, Matt <mr-mencel at wiu.edu>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Ah, of course...thanks for that link.  I created the xsd file with
>>>>>>> my new attributes...
>>>>>>> <xsd:element name="major" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0"
>>>>>>> maxOccurs="unbounded">
>>>>>>>                 <xsd:annotation>
>>>>>>>                     <xsd:appinfo>
>>>>>>>                         <a:indexed>true</a:indexed>
>>>>>>>                         <a:displayName>Major</a:displayName>
>>>>>>>                         <a:displayOrder>130</a:displayOrder>
>>>>>>>                     </xsd:appinfo>
>>>>>>>                 </xsd:annotation>
>>>>>>>             </xsd:element>
>>>>>>> I see the empty fields now in the user entry (Extension section),
>>>>>>> but I must still be missing something because I'm still not getting it
>>>>>>> during the import.  Do I have to do anything different in the
>>>>>>> schemaHandling section of my resource in order to use it?
>>>>>>> <schemaHandling>
>>>>>>> ...
>>>>>>> <attribute>
>>>>>>>           <ref>ri:major</ref>
>>>>>>>           <displayName>Major</displayName>
>>>>>>>           <outbound>
>>>>>>>             <strength>weak</strength>
>>>>>>>             <source>
>>>>>>>               <path>$user/major</path>
>>>>>>>             </source>
>>>>>>>           </outbound>
>>>>>>>           <inbound>
>>>>>>>             <target>
>>>>>>>               <path>$user/major</path>
>>>>>>>             </target>
>>>>>>>           </inbound>
>>>>>>>         </attribute>
>>>>>>> ...
>>>>>>> On Mon, Aug 22, 2016 at 4:56 PM, Brad Fardig <
>>>>>>> brad.fardig at cogitogroup.com.au> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Matt,
>>>>>>>> This doc provides an example of how to add the schema extensions
>>>>>>>> that you require:  https://wiki.evolveum.com/disp
>>>>>>>> lay/midPoint/Custom+Schema+Extension
>>>>>>>> Hope this helps
>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>> Brad
>>>>>>>> *From:* midPoint [mailto:midpoint-bounces at lists.evolveum.com] *On
>>>>>>>> Behalf Of *Mencel, Matt
>>>>>>>> *Sent:* Tuesday, 23 August 2016 7:39 AM
>>>>>>>> *To:* midPoint General Discussion <midpoint at lists.evolveum.com>
>>>>>>>> *Subject:* [midPoint] Adding Custom Attributes to Midpoint
>>>>>>>> I have lots of custom attributes in my different resources (e.g.
>>>>>>>> studentId, major, minor, etc....).  I'd like to add this and many others to
>>>>>>>> Midpoint so I can sync them between resources.  I see there is an
>>>>>>>> objectTemplate that can be used, but the examples I've seen only only show
>>>>>>>> using that to do actions like create fullName from givenName and
>>>>>>>> familyName.
>>>>>>>> Do I also use objectTemplate when I just want to sync a new
>>>>>>>> attribute in from a resource?  Or should it be picking that up from the
>>>>>>>> schema?
>>>>>>>> I get errors like this when attempting to import an account with a
>>>>>>>> custom attribute.
>>>>>>>> 2016-08-22 16:35:45,425 [] [http-nio-8080-exec-4] WARN
>>>>>>>> (com.evolveum.midpoint.provisioning.impl.ResourceManager): Schema
>>>>>>>> error while processing schemaHandling section of
>>>>>>>> resource:0d6babea-6896-11e6-9d38-0050569aa9d2(CSV TEADVS):
>>>>>>>> Definition of attribute studentmajor not found in object class {
>>>>>>>> http://midpoint.evolveum.com/xml/ns/public/resource/instanc
>>>>>>>> e-3}AccountObjectClass as defined in definition of
>>>>>>>> resource:0d6babea-6896-11e6-9d38-0050569aa9d2(CSV TEADVS)
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>>>>>>>> person. *
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