[midPoint] Adding Custom Attributes to Midpoint

Mencel, Matt mr-mencel at wiu.edu
Mon Aug 22 23:39:29 CEST 2016

I have lots of custom attributes in my different resources (e.g. studentId,
major, minor, etc....).  I'd like to add this and many others to Midpoint
so I can sync them between resources.  I see there is an objectTemplate
that can be used, but the examples I've seen only only show using that to
do actions like create fullName from givenName and familyName.

Do I also use objectTemplate when I just want to sync a new attribute in
from a resource?  Or should it be picking that up from the schema?

I get errors like this when attempting to import an account with a custom

2016-08-22 16:35:45,425 [] [http-nio-8080-exec-4] WARN
(com.evolveum.midpoint.provisioning.impl.ResourceManager): Schema error
while processing schemaHandling section of
resource:0d6babea-6896-11e6-9d38-0050569aa9d2(CSV TEADVS): Definition of
attribute studentmajor not found in object class {
as defined in definition of
resource:0d6babea-6896-11e6-9d38-0050569aa9d2(CSV TEADVS)
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