[midPoint] Database resource and multiple tables

Radovan Semancik radovan.semancik at evolveum.com
Wed Aug 10 14:08:27 CEST 2016


The short answer is "no". The DatabaseTableConnector is a connector that 
is more-or-less inherited from Sun. As Sun IDM haven't really supported 
multiple object types the connector is hardcoded to use just one table. 
The code of that connector is generally very old and obsolete. We do not 
have any plans to invest any more effort in that old code. This 
connector has to be re-written.

Some time ago I have started a rewrite of the database table connector: 
But right after the start our priorities have shifted and the work on 
this rewrite was stopped. I would really like to finish that. But this 
work needs funding. Therefore it needs sponsoring or endorsement from 
midPoint subscriber(s):


Radovan Semancik
Software Architect

On 08/09/2016 10:44 PM, Ana Pereyra wrote:
> Hi everyone. I'm writing to ask for information about the database 
> connector. I'm using the ICF 
> org.identityconnectors.databasetable.DatabaseTableConnector 
> v1.1.0.3-SNAPSHOT version.
> What I need to do is synchronize MidPoint different objects to two 
> different tables using one resource. For example, adding a user and 
> all his attributes from MidPoint to one table and adding his user id 
> and roles to another table.
> Is that possible? If it is, can anyone provide documentation about how 
> to configure the resource? Thank you very much.
> Ana
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