[midPoint] Restrict role visibility

Grzegorz Lechowicz grzegorz.lechowicz at enigma.com.pl
Wed Aug 3 15:06:12 CEST 2016

Hi everyone,

I'm just testing MidPoint IDM 3.4 and I try to do some basic tests to 
see if it fit in our company requirements.
The one of the requirements is to prevent users from seeing all the 
roles available in organization. For example 'role 01' should only be 
available to request in organization 'org 01' and role 'role 02' should 
only be visible in 'org 02' organization.

So just to clarify: user that belongs to 'org 01' should only see role 
'role 01' and not 'role 02'.

Is it possible?

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