[midPoint] How to properly edit ressource

HURTEVENT VINCENT vincent.hurtevent at univ-lyon1.fr
Sun Apr 24 21:07:42 CEST 2016


we’re stil evaluating Midpoint and we made some extensions to default User object type.

We didn’t succeeded in referencing to extension attributes directly from the Web UI, we have to manually write the ressource XML file and import it.

BUT when we try to edit the ressource from the web UI, the namespace definition (xmlns:ext at the top ressource element) is deleted and extension/ext:attribute is not permitted, midpoint’s complaining about not knowing ext namespace.

Do we wrongly edit the ressource from the web UI ?

Is there a way to quickly edit the ressource (add/rm attribute mapping for example) without removing and re-import the resource file ?

Thank you !

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