[midPoint] Translate midPoint at Transifex

Radovan Semancik radovan.semancik at evolveum.com
Thu Sep 24 17:29:22 CEST 2015

Dear midPoint community,

We have received several midPoint translations from the community and I 
would like to thank a lot for that. We have made several changes in 
midPoint to make future translations easier:

1) All the small resource files were joined to a single file. All the 
translations are now in gui/admin-gui/src/main/resources/localization

2) We have set up a midPoint project on Transifex: 
Transifex is a web-based globalization management platform that support 
crowsourced translations.

Therefore the translation can now be managed both by the traditional 
github pull-request model and also by using Transifex.

Radovan Semancik
Software Architect

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