[midPoint] Still disabling User's GUI accounts! I cannot figure this out..

Jason Everling jeverling at bshp.edu
Wed Oct 7 17:51:27 CEST 2015

So strange, I looked some more, at 11:00pm my recon task kicked off which
just has outbound mappings, no activation at all in the resource, and it
replaced effectiveStatus and disabledStatus,

Does a recon task normally disable accounts with no mappings defined for

06.10.15, 23:00:00 user:111111(user1) RECONCILIATION REQUEST
Address Management))

06.10.15, 23:00:54 user:111111(user1) MODIFY_OBJECT REQUEST

06.10.15, 23:00:55 user:111111(user1) MODIFY_OBJECT EXECUTION
(user:122222222(usermodified)) SUCCESS
PropertyDelta(activation / {.../common/common-3}administrativeStatus,
REPLACE), PropertyDelta(activation / {/common/common-3}effectiveStatus,
REPLACE), PropertyDelta(activation / {.../common/common-3}disableTimestamp,
REPLACE), PropertyDelta(metadata / {.../common/common-3}modifyChannel,
REPLACE), PropertyDelta(metadata / {.../common/common-3}modifyTimestamp,
REPLACE), ReferenceDelta(metadata / {.../common/common-3}modifierRef,
R(com.evolveum.midpoint.model.impl.lens.ChangeExecutor.executeDelta SUCCESS

On Wed, Oct 7, 2015 at 10:32 AM, Jason Everling <jeverling at bshp.edu> wrote:

> I was trying to figure this out this morning so the values have changed
> since it was last set since I re enabled the persons account in the gui, so
> it is the way it should be now , I meant to capture that before I modified
> it but I forgot :( I will have to capture that the next time it happens
> Is there a way to narrow this filter so that it only sends if a resource
> object is disabled?
>       <handler>
>          <expressionFilter>
>             <script>
>                <code>
>         event.isRelatedToItem(new
> com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.path.ItemPath("activation",
> "administrativeStatus")) &&
> basic.getExtensionPropertyValue(requestee, '
> http://www.bshp.edu/xml/ns/public/bshp', 'eduPersonAffiliation') ==
> 'student'
>                 </code>
>             </script>
>          </expressionFilter>
> I checked the AD Connector logs, and at exactly that time, and nothing
> happened before that time, the persons group memberships were modified,
> ConnectorServer.exe Information 0 Creating case insensitive filter 2015-10-06
> 22:21:55Z
> ActiveDirectoryConnector.Api Information 1 ExecuteQuery starting, query =
> (member=CN=User Modified,OU=DEPT,OU=Students,DC=CHANGED,DC=EDU) 2015-10-06
> 22:21:55Z
> ActiveDirectoryConnector Verbose 1 AD.ExecuteQueryInternal: modifying
> query; attributesToReturn = cn, samAccountName, description, displayName,
> managedBy, mail, info, groupType, objectClass, member, uSNChanged,
> uSNCreated, whenChanged, whenCreated, ad_container, __DESCRIPTION__,
> __SHORT_NAME__, __NAME__, __UID__ 2015-10-06 22:21:55Z
> ActiveDirectoryConnector Verbose 1 Setting search string to
> '(&(objectclass=Group)(member=CN=User
> Modified,OU=DEPT,OU=Students,DC=CHANGED,DC=EDU))' 2015-10-06 22:21:55Z
> ActiveDirectoryConnector Verbose 1 Search: Performing query 2015-10-06
> 22:21:55Z
> ActiveDirectoryConnector Verbose 1 searcher.FindAll took 00:00:00.005 2015-10-06
> 22:21:55Z
> ActiveDirectoryConnector Verbose 1 Found object LDAP://
> dc1.changed.edu/CN=CHANGED1,OU=Students,DC=CHANGED,DC=EDU 2015-10-06
> 22:21:55Z
> ActiveDirectoryConnector Verbose 1 Unsupported attribute type ... calling
> ToString (Name: 'whenChanged'(0) Type: 'System.DateTime' String Value:
> '8/28/2015 7:56:13 PM' 2015-10-06 22:21:55Z
> ActiveDirectoryConnector Verbose 1 Unsupported attribute type ... calling
> ToString (Name: 'whenCreated'(0) Type: 'System.DateTime' String Value:
> '10/6/2009 7:08:43 PM' 2015-10-06 22:21:55Z
> ActiveDirectoryConnector.Api Verbose 1 Returning ''LDAP://
> dc1.changed.edu/CN=CHANGED1,OU=Students,DC=CHANGED,DC=EDU'', in 92 ms 2015-10-06
> 22:21:55Z
> ActiveDirectoryConnector Verbose 1 Found object LDAP://
> dc1.changed.edu/CN=CHANGED2,OU=Groups,OU=Exchange,DC=CHANGED,DC=EDU 2015-10-06
> 22:21:55Z
> ActiveDirectoryConnector Verbose 1 Unsupported attribute type ... calling
> ToString (Name: 'whenChanged'(0) Type: 'System.DateTime' String Value:
> '10/2/2015 7:15:07 AM' 2015-10-06 22:21:55Z
> ActiveDirectoryConnector Verbose 1 Unsupported attribute type ... calling
> ToString (Name: 'whenCreated'(0) Type: 'System.DateTime' String Value:
> '1/4/2013 7:50:41 PM' 2015-10-06 22:21:55Z
> On Wed, Oct 7, 2015 at 9:50 AM, Pavol Mederly <mederly at evolveum.com>
> wrote:
>> Hello Jason,
>> and what's the current content of the <activation> and <metadata>
>> sections of that user?
>> Pavol
>> ------------------------------
>> *From: *"Jason Everling" <jeverling at bshp.edu>
>> *To: *"midPoint General Discussion" <midpoint at lists.evolveum.com>
>> *Sent: *Wednesday, October 7, 2015 4:23:02 PM
>> *Subject: *[midPoint] Still disabling User's GUI accounts! I cannot
>> figure        this out..
>> At 5:21pm yesterday this persons GUI account was disabled, firing off the
>> account disabled notification, but the account should not have been
>> disabled, I have no mappings for any resource that disables an account
>> except for when users are removed from CSV which the user still exists.
>> I have NO tasks or recons that happen at that time or even close to that
>> time, so all of a sudden at 5:21 their account was disabled? I cannot
>> figure out why, in the audit logs it just has
>> [ObjectDeltaOperation(ObjectDelta(UserType:000010101010101010101010,MODIFY:
>> PropertyDelta(activation / {.../common/common-3}administrativeStatus,
>> REPLACE), PropertyDelta(activation / {.../common/common-3}effectiveStatus,
>> REPLACE), PropertyDelta(activation / {.../common/common-3}enableTimestamp,
>> REPLACE), PropertyDelta(metadata / {.../common/common-3}modifyChannel,
>> Does the admin/effective status that is in the roles and orgs have
>> anything to do with it?
>> --
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