[midPoint] Password policy issue

midpoint at mybtinternet.com midpoint at mybtinternet.com
Thu Nov 5 13:23:31 CET 2015

  Seems to be a new password policy issue(s) for 3.2 ...
  I have a HR feed, csvfile, and this generates a new password on user import. The password generated
  does not meet the minimum length for the default password policy; e.g.
  # ----- default pw policy extract -----
  # ----- result of import -----
Failed to import: com.evolveum.midpoint.model.api.PolicyViolationException: Provided password does not satisfy
password policies. Required minimal size (7) of password is not met (password length: 6) : Failed to import:
com.evolveum.midpoint.model.api.PolicyViolationException: Provided password does not satisfy password policies.
Required minimal size (7) of password is not met (password length: 6) 
  When referencing another password policy from the feed resource, this seems to be ignored in favour of the
  default password policy; e.g.
  # ----- another pw policy -----
  # ----- reference another pw policy -----
                        <passwordPolicyRef oid="c8468dd4-0264-45e0-8752-4a16d0cce79b" type="c:ValuePolicyType"/>
  Import results in the same error message as before.
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