[midPoint] HA: Changes set to secodaryDelta doesn't applyes

Алексей Ващенков a.vashchenkov at solarsecurity.ru
Tue May 26 10:09:19 CEST 2015

I tryied to debug.  This method calls com.evolveum.midpoint.model.impl.lens.LensElementContext#addSecondaryDelta with properly attributes, but method swallowToSecondaryDelta of that object doesn't calls. It seems I should set delta to another object.
От: midPoint [midpoint-bounces at lists.evolveum.com] от имени Pavol Mederly [mederly at evolveum.com]
Отправлено: 26 мая 2015 г. 11:00
Кому: midpoint at lists.evolveum.com
Тема: Re: [midPoint] Changes set to secodaryDelta doesn't applyes


this is from a model hook? I never used that hooks, but my intuition
says that beware of changing objects in the model context (the first
line); create a clone before that.
If that does not help, enable logging for model (either the whole model,
or projector + change executor only) and see what happens. If you would
need help with that, post the log here.

Or maybe someone else would have a better idea :)


On 26. 5. 2015 9:48, Алексей Ващенков wrote:
> Hello.
> I need to remove all roles after user fired.
> I wrote the code
> focus.assignment.removeAll(rolesToDelete);
> current = modelController.getObject(UserType.class, focus.oid, null, task, result);
> delta = current.diff(focus.asPrismObject(), true, true);
> context.engineScope.get("modelContext").focusContext.addSecondaryDelta(delta)
> The delta evaluated properly, but it doesn't applies to user.
> Where am I wrong?
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