[midPoint] Assign approval work item to role

Pavol Mederly mederly at evolveum.com
Mon Jul 27 13:00:49 CEST 2015


back from the vacation.

Created Org "wheel" with two users: admin1, admin2 (both having 
Superuser role, not to bother with security).
Created role "testrole" where approver == wheel.
Attempted to create "testuser" with assigned "testrole".

Work item was created, where candidate is wheel (org).

After logging in as "admin1" - no "My work items", but one "Work items 
claimable by me":

It can be claimed and released back, or directly processed.

Implementation is such that this Activiti Task is created like this - 
see the second row:

I.e. its candidate group is in the form of "org:oid" where oid is the 
midPoint OID of the "wheel" org.

For implementation, see e.g.
- PrepareApprover.execute (called from ItemApproval BPMN process) - maps 
approverRef of type Role or Org  to "role:oid" or "org:oid" Activiti 
candidate group names
   - and then see ItemApproval BPMN process, userTask 
id="loopLevels.loopApprovers.approve.withGroups" (lines 123-131)
- WorkItemProvider. createQueryForTasksRelatedToUser (searching for work 

Hope this helps,

On 22. 7. 2015 9:15, Дорофеев Илья wrote:
> Pavol,
> Thanks for the answer. I am sorry but the assignment to members of an 
> org. unit didn’t work either. None of the members of the org. unit are 
> offered a work item. I looked through the code and didn’t find any 
> mentions of mapping between midPoint and Activiti groups. So, when an 
> Activiti task is assigned to a candidate group 
> org:c96bf133-10f6-4ed0-9c88-cb3c69bb27ec, the Activiti engine doesn’t 
> really know the actual users of the group, and the task is basically 
> assigned to no one.
> Could you show me that piece of code responsible for this behavior in 
> case I’m wrong?
> Ilya
> *From:*midPoint [mailto:midpoint-bounces at lists.evolveum.com] *On 
> Behalf Of *Pavol Mederly
> *Sent:* Tuesday, July 21, 2015 4:44 PM
> *To:* midPoint General Discussion
> *Subject:* Re: [midPoint] Assign approval work item to role
> Ilya,
> I've implemented this quite a long ago, so I'm having a little trouble 
> remembering the current status. ;)
> But as described here: 
> https://wiki.evolveum.com/display/midPoint/Current+status+and+future+plans:
> /#7: Ability to define approver not as an individual only, but also as 
> a member of an org. unit; allowing to claim/release a work item. 
> Currently this feature is limited to "direct" members, i.e. not to 
> members of subordinate org. units. (Temporarily, it is possible to use 
> a role as an approver as well, but this also applies only to users 
> that have directly assigned this role - and perhaps support for this 
> will be dropped in the future, see the following discussion on roles 
> and orgs <https://wiki.evolveum.com/display/midPoint/Roles+and+Orgs>.)/
> So, the assignment to members of an org. unit works, but in a special 
> mode: each of the members is offered the work item. (I.e. not assigned 
> directly.) He/she may claim it, and work on it.
> As written above, I would suggest not using roles for this, but org. 
> units instead. (Note that org. unit is a very general term. It may 
> well correspond to an arbitrary group of people.)
> Hope this helps,
> Pavol
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From: *"ДорофеевИлья" <i.dorofeev at solarsecurity.ru 
> <mailto:i.dorofeev at solarsecurity.ru>>
> *To: *"midPoint General Discussion" <midpoint at lists.evolveum.com 
> <mailto:midpoint at lists.evolveum.com>>
> *Sent: *Tuesday, July 21, 2015 12:24:56 PM
> *Subject: *[midPoint] Assign approval work item to role
> Hi,
> I have just come across a problem of assigning approval work item to a 
> role.
> <role>
> <approverRef oid="1ae3ab25-188f-4685-a073-fe522c55e057" 
> type="c:RoleType"><!-- resource_owner --></approverRef>
> </role>
> I expected that the created workitem(s) would be assigned to all the 
> users included in the ‘resource_owner’ role. Is this not implemented yet?
> Regards, Ilya
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