[midPoint] Assign approval work item to role

Pavol Mederly mederly at evolveum.com
Tue Jul 21 15:43:45 CEST 2015


I've implemented this quite a long ago, so I'm having a little trouble remembering the current status. ;) 

But as described here: https://wiki.evolveum.com/display/midPoint/Current+status+and+future+plans: 
#7: Ability to define approver not as an individual only, but also as a member of an org. unit; allowing to claim/release a work item. Currently this feature is limited to "direct" members, i.e. not to members of subordinate org. units. (Temporarily, it is possible to use a role as an approver as well, but this also applies only to users that have directly assigned this role - and perhaps support for this will be dropped in the future, see the following discussion on roles and orgs .) 

So, the assignment to members of an org. unit works, but in a special mode: each of the members is offered the work item. (I.e. not assigned directly.) He/she may claim it, and work on it. 

As written above, I would suggest not using roles for this, but org. units instead. (Note that org. unit is a very general term. It may well correspond to an arbitrary group of people.) 

Hope this helps, 

----- Original Message -----

From: "Дорофеев Илья" <i.dorofeev at solarsecurity.ru> 
To: "midPoint General Discussion" <midpoint at lists.evolveum.com> 
Sent: Tuesday, July 21, 2015 12:24:56 PM 
Subject: [midPoint] Assign approval work item to role 


I have just come across a problem of assigning approval work item to a role. 


<approverRef oid="1ae3ab25-188f-4685-a073-fe522c55e057" type="c:RoleType"><!-- resource_owner --></approverRef> 


I expected that the created workitem(s) would be assigned to all the users included in the ‘resource_owner’ role. Is this not implemented yet? 

Regards, Ilya 

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