[midPoint] User Not Getting Deleted From LDAP Group

Anand Kothekar anand.kothekar at confluxsys.com
Fri Jan 23 16:08:15 CET 2015


I was playing around with the Role Inducement and observed following things.

*Details* :-

   1. Created a role having Resource as an Inducement.
   2. And assigned that role to user.
   3. user got stored in the LDAP Group mentioned in Resource.

*Issue* :- While performing various Delete operations user is not getting
removed from the LDAP Group.

 *User not getting Deleted from LDAP Group while doing following things.*

   1. Resource inducement unassigned from Role.
   2. Role unassigned from User.
   3. Role deleted.
   4. User Deleted.

Please provide me assistance with the above problem.

Anand Kothekar
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