[midPoint] Delayed Disable after Deleted from Resource

Pavol Mederly mederly at evolveum.com
Thu Jan 15 17:03:32 CET 2015


I was (positively) shocked by your effort before asking your first 
question here (do you remember? it was about problems with the AD 
connector) - a couple of months ago. That impressed me a lot. But you 
can safely ask sooner than that. :-) At least for quite simple questions 
that take perhaps a couple of minutes to answer.

Best regards,

> Wow, really that is it, I was looking at this for a few days here and 
> there reading on java code calendar and date functions trying to 
> figure it out as I always do before I post to the mailing list!
> Thanks!
> On Thu, Jan 15, 2015 at 9:47 AM, Pavol Mederly <mederly at evolveum.com 
> <mailto:mederly at evolveum.com>> wrote:
>     Hello Jason,
>     I would suggest this:
>     <mapping>
>           <expression>
>              <script>
>                 <code>
>                 validTo = basic.currentDateTime()
>     validTo.add(javax.xml.datatype.DatatypeFactory.newInstance().newDuration("P30D"))
>                 validTo
>                 </code>
>              </script>
>           </expression>
>           <target>
>              <path>activation/validTo</path>
>           </target>
>     </mapping>
>     Note that *P30D* is ISO 8601 representation for a duration of 30
>     days, see e.g. http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-2/#duration
>     *basic.currentDateTime()* is a method from midPoint's basic
>     functions library (
>     com.evolveum.midpoint.model.common.expression.functions.BasicExpressionFunctions)
>     Best regards,
>     Pavol
>     On 15. 1. 2015 16:12, Jason Everling wrote:
>>     I wanted to update you on this, on current master I am able to
>>     use objectTemplate in the deleted actions without it changing
>>     anything.
>>     I have a simple mapping to set expiration and the action under
>>     the CSV is to unlink followed by the template which works and I
>>     double-checked the user account and no other attributes are
>>     changed. I also tested changing orgs and updating other
>>     attributes and had same success.
>>     I am not fluent in Java code so I had to test with a hardcoded
>>     date and time,
>>     How can I grab the current date/time and add lets say add 30 days
>>     to the value and use that for validTo instead of hardcoded value ?
>>         <name>Deleted User Template</name>
>>         <description>
>>             This object is used to set expiration date when accounts
>>     are removed from CSV.
>>         </description>
>>         <mapping>
>>             <source>
>>     <path>$user/activation/validTo</path>
>>             </source>
>>     <expression>
>>     <script>
>>     <code>
>>     '2015-12-31T22:59:00.000+01:00'
>>     </code>
>>     </script>
>>     </expression>
>>             <target>
>>     <path>activation/validTo</path>
>>             </target>
>>         </mapping>
>>     </objectTemplate>
>>     JASON
>>     On Tue, Jan 13, 2015 at 7:53 PM, Jason Everling
>>     <jeverling at bshp.edu <mailto:jeverling at bshp.edu>> wrote:
>>         Thanks for the quick reply,
>>         I have been thinking of different ways, the easiest way I
>>         think that would work is to just remove inactivateFocus from
>>         the deleted situation and reference to a objectTemplate that
>>         sets the activation/validTo date which I see you created an
>>         issue already for a previous question of mine a while back
>>         https://jira.evolveum.com/browse/MID-2100
>>         Anyways, let me know what you find out, no rush. I am looking
>>         forward to the next release and I am patiently waiting while
>>         tinkering with all kinds of other useful things midpoint can
>>         do for us!
>>         JASON
>>         On Tue, Jan 13, 2015 at 3:28 PM, Ivan Noris
>>         <ivan.noris at evolveum.com <mailto:ivan.noris at evolveum.com>> wrote:
>>             Hi,
>>             as this seems to be quite the opposite case to what I am
>>             normally doing, I'm discussing it with the developers and
>>             will post a feedback to the list once I get it.
>>             The opposite case I'm referring to is like this: when all
>>             roles providing some account are unassigned from the
>>             user, midPoint will normally delete the resource account.
>>             This can be reconfigured to disable the account, or if
>>             you wish, to disable and then delete the account later.
>>             This is just for reference, maybe someone on the list
>>             will need this:
>>             https://wiki.evolveum.com/display/midPoint/Resource+Schema+Handling%3A+Activation
>>             We use this commonly.
>>             So for your case I will try to get an answer from the
>>             developers and see if it can be configured or if it needs
>>             to be implemented.
>>             Thank you for understanding. Anyway it seems to be pretty
>>             nice/usable feature.
>>             Regards,
>>             Ivan
>>             On 01/12/2015 04:03 PM, Jason Everling wrote:
>>>             I know you all are busy getting work done on the next
>>>             release so if this requires a lot then it can wait.
>>>             I have a situation that I am unsure of how to go about
>>>             it, I have seen examples of delayed delete after
>>>             disabled so this would be something like that.
>>>             Within the main resource, a CSV file, it will contain
>>>             only active students/faculty/staff. When a student
>>>             graduates they will no longer be in the CSV resource
>>>             thus I have under situations to inactivateFocus, works
>>>             great, disables their accounts.
>>>             Now what I would like to do and where I am lost and do
>>>             not know where to begin,
>>>             Instead of disabling their account immediately, How can
>>>             I changed it so that I can add maybe a valid-to date 30
>>>             days after being deleted from the resource instead of
>>>             disabling their accounts right a way.
>>>             Reason being, graduated students can use their accounts
>>>             up to 30 days after graduating then we disable them.
>>>             JASON
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>>             -- 
>>                Ing. Ivan Noris
>>                Senior Identity Management Engineer
>>                evolveum.com  <http://evolveum.com>      evolveum.com/blog/  <http://evolveum.com/blog/>
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>>                "Semper Id(e)M Vix."
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