[midPoint] Resource Add/Removal Approval

Anand Kothekar anand.kothekar at confluxsys.com
Thu Jan 8 05:58:50 CET 2015

Hi Radovan,

Thanks for your assistance. I am referring few things which you mentioned
in the another mail.
So it is completely fine if it takes time for Pavol to return.

Anand Kothekar

On Wed, Jan 7, 2015 at 5:03 PM, Radovan Semancik <
radovan.semancik at evolveum.com> wrote:

>  Hi Anad,
> As I have already mentioned in another mail this should be theoretically
> possible but I'm not sure about the state of the implementation and we have
> definitely not tested it yet. I guess that some modifications to the
> workflow hook code will be needed. As this is not a standard midPoint
> functionality yet I would like to consult Pavol who has originally
> developed the workflow hook code. He will have it all still fresh in his
> head and he can provide much better information than me. The thing is that
> Pavol is still on his well-deserved vacation. Let me know if this is an
> urgent issue and in such a case I will have a look at the code myself.
> Otherwise it would be best to wait a couple of days for Pavol to return.
> --
>                                            Radovan Semancik
>                                           Software Architect
>                                              evolveum.com
> On 12/23/2014 08:55 AM, Anand Kothekar wrote:
> Hi
>    I wanted to know that whether it is possible to raise an approval
> request at the time of resource *assignment* to *Role. *(I want approval
> for *Assignment of Resource* a/c to *Role*)
>    And going through your documentation I also found out that it is
> possible to have * role/resource removal approval.*
>   So I want information about achieving,
>    -       Approval For Adding Resource To Role
>     -       Resource Add/Remove Approval.
>     So  will you please assist me with the two functionalities as early
> as possible.
>      Thanks,
> Anand Kothekar
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