[midPoint] Using Active Directory with Virtual IP for Failover

Ivan Noris ivan.noris at evolveum.com
Mon Feb 23 20:55:10 CET 2015

Hi Jason,

On 02/23/2015 08:51 PM, Jason Everling wrote:
> Ok thanks for the notes, I am going to setup another test DC VM on my
> workstation and add it to the test domain so I can test it out but it
> will have to wait until another date as I am trying to get this going
> before the next semester comes around, I realllyyyyy do not want to
> have to create another 300 students one at a time in excel then use
> powershell to import them...

Using provisioning system is pretty addictive. :-) No one likes the
manual (semi-manual-excel-magic) steps after that...
I hope it all goes well. If not, we try to help here.

Best regards,

  Ing. Ivan Noris
  Senior Identity Management Engineer & IDM Architect
  evolveum.com                     evolveum.com/blog/
  "Semper Id(e)M Vix."

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