[midPoint] assignmentTargetSearch "null polystring orig" error

Devin Rosenbauer devin at identityworksllc.com
Tue Dec 1 19:51:35 CET 2015

Version is 3.3.

I've got the following in my user template, based on a somewhat modified
version of what's in the documentation online:


I expect that this would create an Org called "Devin" and assign the user
to it.

Here's what I get as an error message when I attempt to save and reconcile
the user:

   - Failed to convert query. Reason: Null polystring orig in XNode(map:1
   entries)(givenName=PPV(PolyString:Devin); ) in expression in mapping in
   objectTemplate:c0c010c0-d34d-b33f-f00d-777222222334(User Template 2)
   - operation.com.evolveum.midpoint.web.page.admin.PageAdminFocus.save
      - *Cause:*

      Failed to convert query. Reason: Null polystring orig in XNode(map:1
      entries)(givenName=PPV(PolyString:Devin); ) in expression in mapping in
      objectTemplate:c0c010c0-d34d-b33f-f00d-777222222334(User Template 2)

The documentation on the Expressions page and the samples appear to be
somewhat incorrect here. I've had to make some corrections from <query> to
<filter>, adding a <source>, and so forth. I also am temporarily using an
OOTB field instead of a custom field to ensure that it's a PolyString and
not an xsd:string, just to make sure that wasn't the issue.

At this point, it seems pretty clear that it is grabbing the value in the
XNodeMap, since it's printed in the error message.

So, how should this mapping be structured to do what I need to do?

Devin Rosenbauer
Principal Consultant
Identity Works LLC
+1 585 210 3201
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