[midPoint] Multiple filters for notification

Pavol Mederly mederly at evolveum.com
Tue Apr 28 18:48:37 CEST 2015

Hello Jason,

I'm not sure I understand you correctly.

If you want to add another condition (e.g. eduPersonAffiliation = 
student), you can simply add it to the <code> section of your existing 
filter (via "&&" written in XML as &&).
Or you can use another <expressionFilter>, just before or after the one 
you have there.

Hope this helps,

On 28. 4. 2015 17:12, Jason Everling wrote:
> So into my final setup and 3.1.1 looks like it will be the one we move 
> to production and when I was setting up notifications I totally forgot 
> about faculty/staff and how they would be notified. I have my general 
> new account notifiers filtered out already but I was looking at the 
> new type that Pavol had created for itemPath specific,
> So here is my notification and I need to only make sure this goes out 
> for a person with a specific attribute like eduPersonAffiliation = 
> student . How would I add another filter on top of what is already there?
> Thanks Again!
>     <handler>
>  <expressionFilter>
>             <script>
> <code>
> event.isRelatedToItem(new 
> com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.path.ItemPath("activation", 
> "administrativeStatus"))
>                 </code>
>             </script>
>         </expressionFilter>
>         <simpleUserNotifier>
>             <name>Account Modified</name>
>             <status>success</status>
>             <recipientExpression>
>                 <script>
>                     <code>
> basic.getExtensionPropertyValue(requestee, 
> 'http://www.bshp.edu/xml/ns/public/bshp', 'otherMailbox')
> </code>
>                 </script>
>             </recipientExpression>
>             <subjectExpression>
>                 <script>
>                     <code>"Account Management - Access to bshp.edu 
> <http://bshp.edu> resources have been modified"</code>
>                 </script>
>             </subjectExpression>
> <bodyExpression>
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