[midPoint] error when creating account from midpoint gui

Ivan Noris ivan.noris at evolveum.com
Fri Sep 26 00:05:22 CEST 2014

Hi Andres,

I've just tried your sample(s) in my midPoint 3.0.1 master on postgresql
9.3 with the following results/remarks:

1. I had to comment the <capabilities> section, because your database
table does not specify column called "disabled" to contain
enable/disable information.
2. When adding the account to the user, I had to manually enter "id"
attribute value as it has no automatic value computed and it is NOT NULL
in the database table configuration
3. *I see no error regarding the password*, and the select reports:

select * from personas;
 id |          nombre           | apellido |     password     |
nombre_completo |       fecha_creacion      
  1 | test1 |          | thisismypassword |                 | 2014-09-25
(1 row)

So, I'd suggest to:

1. add another column to the database table e.g. "disabled" to
correspond with the capabilities section; or if you don't want to use
it, comment the section just like me;

2. add a schema mapping to inform midPoint that the "id" column value is
not mandatory (the DB sends information that it's NOT NULL and thus
required, but the value will be computed by the DB itself, not midPoint):

After these two changes, please try it again just to see if 3.0 is not
somehow showing incorrect error message or something like that.

After that:

3. if possible, please try the latest midPoint master snapshot from
http://athena.evolveum.com/builds/master/latest/ and see if you can
still see the problem.


On 09/25/2014 10:49 PM, Andres Blanco wrote:
> Hey, i was trying out midpoint with a postgresql resource and when i
> try to create an account from the GUI i get the following error: 
> Update user failed
>  *
>     Save user (Gui)
>   * _Cause:_ 
>     No compile-time class in
>     PC({http://midpoint.evolveum.com/xml/ns/public/common/common-3}password):[PCV(null):[PP({.../common/common-3}value):[PPV(ProtectedStringType:ProtectedStringType(
>     <http://midpoint.evolveum.com/xml/ns/public/common/common-3%7Dpassword%29:[PCV%28null%29:[PP%28%7B.../common/common-3%7Dvalue%29:[PPV%28ProtectedStringType:ProtectedStringType%28>"123456"),
>     origin: USER_ACTION:null)]]] (credentials/password in
>     object:null(null))
> If I remove the password from the connector configuration like this:
> from <icscdbtable:passwordColumn>password</icscdbtable:passwordColumn>
> to <icscdbtable:passwordColumn></icscdbtable:passwordColumn>
> it works, but kind of defeats the purpouse.
> My Midpoint version is 3.0. I attach the stack trace, resource xml and
> the db creation script
> any help would be appreciatted
> bye!
> -- 
> Lic. Andres Blanco
> SIU - Toba
> Sistema de Información Universitaria (SIU)
> República Argentina
> Tel +54+11 5217-3101
> http://www.siu.edu.ar
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  Ing. Ivan Noris
  Senior Identity Management Engineer
           "Idem per idem - semper idem Vix."

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