[midPoint] Ignore Active Directory OUs

Ivan Noris ivan.noris at evolveum.com
Mon Oct 27 17:31:12 CET 2014

Hi Jason,

On 10/27/2014 05:25 PM, Jason Everling wrote:
> I really didn't fully understand the code for the resource above until
> I tried it out, I added multiple <protected> OUs in the resource XML
> and the accounts are not even imported or listed under users, This is
> what I was looking for, I thought they would be ignored but still
> listed under users but I should try it before I react,

They should be ignored by midPoint as if they didn't exist, only Shadow
objects should be created for them, you could see them in Resource /
Accounts account listing as well. Clicking on such account in Resource /
Accounts page should display information that that account is protected.

Maybe it's worth of reminding that you can use multiple protected
account configuration, i.e. to ignore some of explicitly named accounts,
and some using filters. Just as you can use protected accounts to
protect 100 explicitly named accounts.

> Thanks Again for this awesome piece of code!

You are definitely welcome!


  Ing. Ivan Noris
  Senior Identity Management Engineer
           "Idem per idem - semper idem Vix."

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