[midPoint] Username generation Question

Ivan Noris ivan.noris at evolveum.com
Thu Nov 20 21:11:15 CET 2014

I believe I've set something similar in our CSV sample:


See the comments for expression description. This was from our real
customer setup. I see now that I'd probably use
basic.norm(basic.stringify(...)) to get rid of diacritics.

<!-- Generate user name:
- FamilyName + GivenName initial (1 character)
- no diacritics, all lower case (normalized)
- max. length 12 including iterator, so the family name part may be
John Smith: smithj
Jay Smith: smithj1
Max Verylonglastname: verylonglasm (notice the family name being shortened)
Marty Verylonglastname: verylonglam1 (notice the family name being

tmpFamilyName = tmpFamilyName ? tmpFamilyName.getNorm() : ''
tmpGivenName = tmpGivenName ? tmpGivenName.getNorm() : ''-->

tmpGivenNameInitial = basic.stringify(tmpGivenName)?.size() > 0 ?
(basic.stringify(tmpGivenName)).substring(0,1) : ''

if (iteration == 0) {
  if (basic.stringify(tmpFamilyName).size() < 11) {
  basic.norm(basic.stringify(tmpFamilyName + tmpGivenNameInitial))
  else {
    basic.norm(basic.stringify(tmpFamilyName)?.substring(0, 11) +
else {
  if (basic.stringify(tmpFamilyName).size() < 10) {
  basic.norm(basic.stringify(tmpFamilyName + tmpGivenNameInitial)) +
 else {
   basic.norm(basic.stringify(tmpFamilyName?.substring(0, 10) +
tmpGivenNameInitial)) + iterationToken


On 11/20/2014 06:20 PM, Jason Everling wrote:
> I decided to make this seperate,
> So the username gets generated with the following
>         <expression>
>             <script>
>                 <code>
>                     tmpGivenNameInitial =
> basic.stringify(tmpGivenName)?.size() > 0 ?
>                     (basic.stringify(tmpGivenName)).substring(0,2) : ''
>                     if (iteration == 0) {
>                     basic.norm(basic.stringify(tmpGivenNameInitial +
> tmpFamilyName))
>                     }
>                     else {
>                     basic.norm(basic.stringify(tmpGivenNameInitial +
> tmpFamilyName)) + iterationToken
>                     }
>                 </code>
>             </script>
>         </expression>
> Would there be a way, instead of using the iterationToken to use
> another script if the username is already taken.
> Try filastname and if not try firlastname ?
> I was thinking maybe this which is probably not correct but easier to
> visualize.
>         <expression>
>             <script>
>                 <code>
>                     tmpGivenNameInitial =
> basic.stringify(tmpGivenName)?.size() > 0 ?
>                     (basic.stringify(tmpGivenName)).substring(0,2) : ''
>                     if (iteration == 0) {
>                     basic.norm(basic.stringify(tmpGivenNameInitial +
> tmpFamilyName))
>                     }
>                     else {
>                     tmpGivenNameInitial =
> basic.stringify(tmpGivenName)?.size() > 0 ?
>                     (basic.stringify(tmpGivenName)).substring(0,3) : ''
>                     basic.norm(basic.stringify(tmpGivenNameInitial +
> tmpFamilyName))                
>                     }
>                 </code>
>             </script>
>         </expression>
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  Ing. Ivan Noris
  Senior Identity Management Engineer
           "Idem per idem - semper idem Vix."

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