[midPoint] Get the generated email address back to database

Ivan Noris ivan.noris at evolveum.com
Thu Nov 13 17:51:03 CET 2014


MS's Timestamp column is not what you want. It seems to be a "increase
me when this line changes".

AFAIK you need a date, so that connector can select all changes from the
last processed date/time.

The same is for CSV, but file's modification timestamp is used there.


On 11/13/2014 03:40 PM, Jason Everling wrote:
> Here is the error when using a timestamp type column, in the sample in
> github for mysql you are using the timestamp type but it does not work
> for sql server
> https://github.com/Evolveum/midpoint/blob/master/samples/resources/databasetable/create-simple-idm-table-sync.mysql
> 2014-11-12 13:52:53,089 [PROVISIONING] [midPointScheduler_Worker-6]
> (com.evolveum.midpoint.provisioning.impl.ProvisioningServiceImpl):
> Synchronization error: generic connector framework error: DB error:
> com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerException(Implicit conversion
> from data type nvarchar to timestamp is not allowed. Use the CONVERT
> function to run this query.)
> com.evolveum.midpoint.provisioning.ucf.api.GenericFrameworkException:
> DB error: com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerException(Implicit
> conversion from data type nvarchar to timestamp is not allowed. Use
> the CONVERT function to run this query.)
> On Thu, Nov 13, 2014 at 8:37 AM, Jason Everling <jeverling at bshp.edu
> <mailto:jeverling at bshp.edu>> wrote:
>     Yes, this is the one that worked for me yesterday,
>     <icfi:jdbcUrlTemplate>*jdbc:sqlserver://%h:%p;database=%d*</icfi:jdbcUrlTemplate>
>     I wish I could do it directly, there wouldn't be a way to access
>     the real system database directly, there is literally a table for
>     each attribute with the student id or employee number as the
>     unique key. For example, there are 3 address tables, 3 name
>     tables, 3 status tables, etc.. Joins are needed to get the correct
>     information and to match up the data.
>     Is what I did,
>     Instead of using a CSV file, I am actually sync'ing to a secondary
>     sql database on the sql server. It is basically syncing what I had
>     in the CSV directly to a database and I am using a sql server
>     integration services package to keep it sync'd with one another.
>     In midpoint, I removed the CSV connector and now only have the
>     database table connector that connects to the secondary database
>     on the sql server. Midpoint then generates the username, email
>     address, password and such which then gets pushed back to the
>     secondary database. The SSIS package on SQL Server runs every
>     hour, picks up the changes, and updates the changes to the correct
>     tables in the primary database. Also works the opposite, student
>     updates address in the student system, gets sync'd to the
>     secondary database, midpoints picks this up and changes it in
>     midpoint which then gets sync'd to AD.
>     The only thing I had an issue with was the change_timestamp
>     column, if I create a column with the timestamp type in sql server
>     midpoint errors out, I had to change it to nvarchar(50) for it to
>     work in midpoint but it seems to not be getting used.
>     JASON
>     On Thu, Nov 13, 2014 at 2:17 AM, Ivan Noris
>     <Ivan.Noris at evolveum.com <mailto:Ivan.Noris at evolveum.com>> wrote:
>         Hi Jason,
>         unfortunately I have no example for SQL Server and the
>         synchronization configuration nor detailed knowledge of SQL
>         Server.
>         But, as a last resort, I believe that DB configuration with
>         some kind of "datetime" column updated automatically when
>         content of the row changes should be possible (as in other
>         databases).
>         Regards,
>         Ivan
>         ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>             *From: *"Jason Everling" <jeverling at bshp.edu
>             <mailto:jeverling at bshp.edu>>
>             *To: *"midPoint General Discussion"
>             <midpoint at lists.evolveum.com
>             <mailto:midpoint at lists.evolveum.com>>
>             *Sent: *Wednesday, November 12, 2014 8:59:33 PM
>             *Subject: *Re: [midPoint] Get the generated email address
>             back to database
>             Awesome! I got it working, well i at least have the email
>             address and password going back into the database with a
>             little dirty work,
>             So, the only issue I have so far is the change_timestamp
>             column for sql server, how should this column be created
>             for SQL Server?
>             JASON
>             On Wed, Nov 12, 2014 at 11:29 AM, Jason Everling
>             <jeverling at bshp.edu <mailto:jeverling at bshp.edu>> wrote:
>                 What is the jdbcURLTemplate for SQL Server when using
>                 the database table sync
>                 <icscdbtable:jdbcUrlTemplate>jdbc:sqlserver://%h:%p;databaseName=%d;</icscdbtable:jdbcUrlTemplate>
>                 Where to put username/password because sql server has
>                 to be something like or is the below correct?
>                 jdbc:sqlserver://%h:%p;databaseName=%d;user=%user;password=%password
>                 JASON
>                 On Wed, Nov 12, 2014 at 10:41 AM, Jason Everling
>                 <jeverling at bshp.edu <mailto:jeverling at bshp.edu>> wrote:
>                     I am going about this the hard way, I was just
>                     thinking about this, I could create another
>                     database on the sql server and actually write a
>                     sql server integration services script to sync the
>                     information that I am putting in the CSV file and
>                     instead of syncing from the csv file I could sync
>                     from that database that would only have 1 table!
>                     This should be do-able!
>                     JASON 
>                     On Wed, Nov 12, 2014 at 10:28 AM, Jason Everling
>                     <jeverling at bshp.edu <mailto:jeverling at bshp.edu>>
>                     wrote:
>                         Oh Ok, I don't really want to provision or
>                         update anything else in the database, that
>                         would require a lot of joins, we have a table
>                         basically for each attribute, name table,
>                         address table, email table, email2 table,
>                         address2 table, status table for more or less
>                         employeeType, department table and so on. Each
>                         table's unique key is soc_sec which is the
>                         student id and is the employeeNumber in midpoint.
>                         Would a correlation still be needed if the
>                         groovy sql statement is already matching
>                         employeeNumber using the update statement when
>                         using the simple method?
>                         JASON
>                         On Wed, Nov 12, 2014 at 9:45 AM, Ivan Noris
>                         <Ivan.Noris at evolveum.com
>                         <mailto:Ivan.Noris at evolveum.com>> wrote:
>                             Hi Jason,
>                             depending on direction(s) you wish to use,
>                             you may need the -sync version of the
>                             resource AND the sync Groovy script - if
>                             you wish to use the connector as
>                             bi-directional.
>                             If you want to do it only for provisioning
>                             (and keeping CSV for
>                             import/recon/livesync), you don't need the
>                             sync Groovy script.
>                             Be adwised that the -simple resource
>                             sample does NOT contain any correlation
>                             expression configuration. Which is
>                             mandatory if you wish to use it as
>                             proposed by me yesterday (the "dirty" part).
>                             Regards,
>                             Ivan
>                             ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                                 *From: *"Jason Everling"
>                                 <jeverling at bshp.edu
>                                 <mailto:jeverling at bshp.edu>>
>                                 *To: *"midPoint General Discussion"
>                                 <midpoint at lists.evolveum.com
>                                 <mailto:midpoint at lists.evolveum.com>>
>                                 *Sent: *Wednesday, November 12, 2014
>                                 3:46:04 PM
>                                 *Subject: *Re: [midPoint] Get the
>                                 generated email address back to database
>                                 Yes, I cannot use the DBTable
>                                 Connector because of how are database
>                                 is, there are so many tables that
>                                 require joins which is why I went with
>                                 the CSV file, easier to dump then scp
>                                 over to the midpoint host.
>                                 I am leaning more toward the
>                                 ScriptedSQL after reviewing it, the
>                                 update sample script should be fine, I
>                                 just need to remove everything and
>                                 just leave the staement with email and
>                                 edit the SQL statement.
>                                 Would I use the Sync sample script or
>                                 just the localhost simple? Not really
>                                 syncing the info, just pushing the
>                                 info back.
>                                 JASON
>                                 On Tue, Nov 11, 2014 at 1:13 PM, Ivan
>                                 Noris <ivan.noris at evolveum.com
>                                 <mailto:ivan.noris at evolveum.com>> wrote:
>                                     Hi Jason,
>                                     > Yes, the real database the CSV
>                                     file is being dumped from, SQL Server
>                                     > 2008 R2, I have already loaded
>                                     the jdbc driver for SQL Server in the
>                                     > rebuilt war so that is already
>                                     taken care of,
>                                     Well, there are several possibilities:
>                                     1.
>                                     - use the CSV export from SQL DB
>                                     - create user with email address
>                                     in midPoint
>                                     - provision to either specific SQL
>                                     DB table OR LDAP/Active Directory
>                                     attribute, from which your SQL DB
>                                     application will fetch the attribute.
>                                     This way you will have no direct
>                                     connection to SQL DB and you'll keep
>                                     most of your current settings. But
>                                     the SQL DB must fetch the data from
>                                     some intermediate table or LDAP/AD
>                                     attribute.
>                                     2.
>                                     - use the CSV export from SQL DB
>                                     - create user with email address
>                                     in midPoint
>                                     - provision directly to your SQL DB.
>                                     This is somehow "dirty" as you
>                                     will provision to the same resource as
>                                     you indirectly use as your
>                                     authoritative resource. For
>                                     midPoint, attempt
>                                     to provision email attribute to
>                                     the SQL DB will look like "add"
>                                     operation, but connector will
>                                     discover existing user record in
>                                     SQL DB
>                                     and modify it instead of adding.
>                                     This requires 100% correct correlation
>                                     expression to automagically
>                                     convert the add to modify.
>                                     3.
>                                     - use the SQL DB as both
>                                     authoritative source for your
>                                     users as well as
>                                     target resource for email address
>                                     provisioning
>                                     This is the most clean solution,
>                                     with no intermediate steps and no
>                                     magic. You just set the proper
>                                     resource mappings (outbounds,
>                                     inbounds).
>                                     The option "3" is recomended over
>                                     the "2".
>                                     As for your SQL DB: connecting (as
>                                     either source or target resource)
>                                     would require a connector. In
>                                     midPoint, you have three
>                                     possibilities:
>                                     a) DB Table connector: this is
>                                     suitable for ONE table (no joins).
>                                     Which,
>                                     I suppose is not your case...
>                                     b) ScriptedSQL connector:
>                                     universal scriptable (Groovy)
>                                     connector. This
>                                     can do anything, but you have to
>                                     write your operations (add, modify,
>                                     delete, search etc.). The
>                                     connector is just a glue that puts the
>                                     operation scripts to a form usable
>                                     from midPoint.
>                                     c) custom SQL connector (must be
>                                     written in Java)
>                                     Btw. you don't need to have JDBC
>                                     drivers bundled in (custom build of)
>                                     midpoint. It's completely OK just
>                                     drop the driver JAR files to
>                                     appropriate directory of your
>                                     application server, in my case for
>                                     example, customer's
>                                     "/opt/tomcat/lib" contains MySQL
>                                     and MS SQL drivers
>                                     needed for the deployment.
>                                     Regards,
>                                     Ivan
>                                     --
>                                       Ing. Ivan Noris
>                                       Senior Identity Management Engineer
>                                       evolveum.com <http://evolveum.com>
>                                     ___________________________________________
>                                                "Idem per idem - semper
>                                     idem Vix."
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>                             -- 
>                               Ing. Ivan Noris
>                               Senior Identity Management Engineer
>                               evolveum.com <http://evolveum.com>
>                               ___________________________________________
>                                        "Idem per idem - semper idem Vix."
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>         -- 
>           Ing. Ivan Noris
>           Senior Identity Management Engineer
>           evolveum.com <http://evolveum.com>
>           ___________________________________________
>                    "Idem per idem - semper idem Vix."
>         _______________________________________________
>         midPoint mailing list
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  Ing. Ivan Noris
  Senior Identity Management Engineer
           "Idem per idem - semper idem Vix."

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