[midPoint] Problems with user password

Viliam Repan vilo.repan at evolveum.com
Tue Mar 4 16:47:02 CET 2014


I'm sorry, I forgot to answer your second question. We can't simply 
force user fields (also extension) to be mandatory. These fields could 
be filled in by user template after html form is submitted (during model 
recomputation). If they were mandatory in GUI, html form could not be 
submitted without filling them.

In the future we plan to support this case and couple others with better 
forms (something remotely similar to sun forms).

Best regards,


On 03/04/2014 04:06 PM, Lucie Rút Bittnerová wrote:
> Hi,
> I have Midpoint 2.3 from the 14th February and it has this strange 
> behaviour:
> 1) I create user and give him the role "End user" and I test, that I 
> can login as this user.
> 2) I change the user's name
> 3) I try to log in with the new name and old password (which I have 
> not changed), but I get this error
>  *
>     Invalid username and/or password.
> 4) I change the user name to the original one. With this original name 
> I can login again.
> I have also question, why Midpoint doesn't control if there are filled 
> in mandatory fields from the extension xml.
> Thanks
> Lucie
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Ing. Viliam Repán(
Evolveum, s.r.o.

tel: +421 910 797978
mail: vilo.repan at evolveum.com

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