[midPoint] Re. Group Membership in an AD Resource.

Ivan Noris ivan.noris at evolveum.com
Wed Jan 8 10:48:17 CET 2014

Hi Deepak,

On 01/07/2014 05:39 PM, Deepak Natarajan wrote:
> Thank you very much Ivan, I will try this out.
> Could you also please show me the namespace declaration for mr: ?
> <matchingRule>mr:stringIgnoreCase</matchingRule>

of course, sorry. Please refer to
https://wiki.evolveum.com/display/midPoint/XML+Namespace+List if there
some other namespaces. The "mr" prefix is defined iny my resource as:

> I'm also curious about one other thing - how is reconcilation with AD
> performing for you? I am trying to reconcile approx 5600 users between
> Midpoint and AD, and this is typically taking our Midpoint
> installation about 5 hours to complete (!). Of course, I have various
> scripting hooks and a before-create vbs script for AD (that creates OU
> containers if they don't exist for the users - but I can see that this
> takes utmost a second or two from the connector server logs)

My customer AD recon performance is roughly the same (using 2.2.x
branch). During initial reconciliation (no users linked with AD
accounts; creating users in midPoint for unmatched accounts) the
performance is ca. 500 accounts / 10 minutes.

I'm just discussing with my coleagues how to setup the logging/profiling
on your side to investigate the performance further.


  Ing. Ivan Noris
  Evolveum, s.r.o
  "Semper cautus - semper paratus - semper idem Vix."

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