[midPoint] Assistance with Resource/Account provisioning operations using Webservice client

dharmendra parakh dharm.parakh at gmail.com
Mon Dec 29 12:30:43 CET 2014


Hope you all had a nice Christmas, I wish you all a very Happy new year
2015 ahead.

I have a requirement where i have to provision account/resource to a
role/user in midpoint using model web service. I was able to create and
search account using web service client (model-client-sample)

- I need some pointers on how to update the account. I tried few things
some didn't work and some worked partially. can you help me providing the
right way or a code snippet to do it.

I have attached a code snippet which replaces the role assignment and it
works if i remove the attribute itself from construction but when i try to
remove some values of a multi-valued attribute instead of removing those
values it tries to add other value which are already present

- One more thing there is a method in web service to get the owner of
shadow account but that can be a user only, how we can get the owner of a
shadow if that owner is a role.

following is the method:

*findShadowOwner(shadowOid, user, result);*

Thanks & regards
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		ObjectDeltaType shadowDelta = new ObjectDeltaType();
		List<AssignmentType> assignmentList = role.getAssignment();
		AssignmentType tempAssignment = null;
		for(AssignmentType assignment : assignmentList){
			tempAssignment = assignment;
			List<ResourceAttributeDefinitionType> attrs = new ArrayList<ResourceAttributeDefinitionType>(assignment.getConstruction().getAttribute()); 
			List<ResourceAttributeDefinitionType> exAttrs = assignment.getConstruction().getAttribute();
			for(ResourceAttributeDefinitionType attr: attrs){
				String attrName = attr.getRef().getLocalPart();
//					exAttrs.remove(attr);
					ResourceAttributeDefinitionType attr1 = exAttrs.get(exAttrs.indexOf(attr));

		ItemDeltaType itemDelta = new ItemDeltaType();


		ObjectDeltaListType deltaList = new ObjectDeltaListType();
		modelPort.executeChanges(deltaList, null);

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