[midPoint] LDAP Group Creation

Ivan Noris ivan.noris at evolveum.com
Thu Dec 4 15:07:25 CET 2014

OK, so now I know...

Seems you are using OpenLDAP... and its GroupOfNames objectClass
requires having at least one member of any group.

So there are basically 3 options:
1) having one static (dummy) member in each group - which probably you
have even now before you tried to test midPoint
2) modification of schema in OpenLDAP
3) another directory server

>From these options, 1) seems to be the fastest and with no collateral

So the mapping you have for ri:member can be either in the role or in
the resource schemaHandling for this kind/intent combination.

>From your schema I see that the following can be used:
- CustomposixGroupObjectClass (corresponding to LDAP's posixGroup) with
memberUid attribute
- GroupObjectClass (corresponding perhaps to GroupOfUniqueNames?
connector hides this as __GROUP__) with
- CustomGroupOfNamesObjectClass (corresponding to LDAP's groupOfNames)
with member attribute - this is what you use now

If you need to create groups of more than one type, you need to extend
your resource configuration (almost copy/paste from what you have now
for CustomGroupOfNamesObjectClass, but with different objectClass, and
intent. The kind will be entitlement for all of them.


On 12/04/2014 02:20 PM, dharmendra parakh wrote:
> Hi Ivan
> I figured it out, i modified my role definition and added member
> attribute to it, for example:
> <inducement id="1">
>       <construction>
>          <resourceRef oid="d0811790-1d80-11e4-86b2-3c970e467874"
> type="ResourceType"/>
>          <kind>entitlement</kind>
>          <intent>ldapGroup</intent>
>          <attribute>
>             <ref>ri:member</ref>
>             <outbound>
>                <expression>
>                   <value>uid=jodoe,dc=example,dc=com</value>
>                </expression>
>             </outbound>
>          </attribute>
>       </construction>
>    </inducement>
> Now when i assign this role to any other role or organization it
> creates a ldap group with that role/organization name.
> Now i have few questions:
> Q. Is it the right way to add member attribute ?
> Q. To make the role of kind "entitlement" do we always have to update
> the xml to add kind, intent and member information?
> Q.  When i make any changes like i changed the role name then the
> member information was gone from my role. Is it an issue or we cannot
> change this?
> Q. What all types of group are supported with this ldap connector like
> groupOfUniqueNames and PosixGroup?
> Thanks
> Dharmendra
> On Thu, Dec 4, 2014 at 6:10 PM, dharmendra parakh
> <dharm.parakh at gmail.com <mailto:dharm.parakh at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     Hi
>     Thanks for all the information.
>     I added the resource inducement to the role but kind and indent
>     information was not added to the role definition so i modified the
>     xml and added 
>     <kind>entitlement</kind>
>     <intent>ldapGroup</intent>
>     in inducement construction as per my resource configuration.
>     Now i assigned my role to organization, it goes and tries to
>     create object of groupOfNames but operation fails because there
>     was no member added to group and member is a required attribute in
>     groupOfNames objectclass.
>     So where we have to add the member dn and how can we do that ?
>     Regards
>     Dharmendra
>     On Thu, Dec 4, 2014 at 4:29 PM, Ivan Noris
>     <ivan.noris at evolveum.com <mailto:ivan.noris at evolveum.com>> wrote:
>         Hi Dharmendra,
>         this is my sample role for organization (or a fragment of it),
>         which I assign to the organizations in midPoint. This role
>         will cause provisioning to LDAP:
>         <role oid="00000000-dc00-dc00-0004-000000000010"
>         xmlns="http://midpoint.evolveum.com/xml/ns/public/common/common-3"
>         <http://midpoint.evolveum.com/xml/ns/public/common/common-3>
>         xmlns:c="http://midpoint.evolveum.com/xml/ns/public/common/common-3"
>         <http://midpoint.evolveum.com/xml/ns/public/common/common-3>
>         xmlns:t="http://prism.evolveum.com/xml/ns/public/types-3"
>         <http://prism.evolveum.com/xml/ns/public/types-3>
>         xmlns:piracy="http://midpoint.evolveum.com/xml/ns/samples/piracy"
>         <http://midpoint.evolveum.com/xml/ns/samples/piracy>>
>             <name>Role for org. structure replication to directory</name>
>         . . .
>             <inducement>
>                 <construction>
>                         <resourceRef
>         oid="00000000-dc00-dc00-0001-100000000002" type="c:ResourceType"/>
>                        *<kind>entitlement</kind>**
>         **             <intent>billing-group</intent>*
>                 </construction>
>             </inducement>
>         . . .
>         This means, that I have to have resource (my oid is
>         "00000000-dc00-dc00-0001-100000000002"), where I have defined:
>         <schemaHandling>
>         . . .
>                 <objectType>
>                     *<kind>entitlement</kind>**
>         **            <intent>billing-group</intent>*
>                     <displayName>Group for billing</displayName>
>                     <default>false</default>
>                     *<objectClass>ri:GroupObjectClass</objectClass>*
>                     <attribute>
>                         <ref>icfs:name</ref> <!-- required attribute
>         on AD -->
>                         <matchingRule>mr:stringIgnoreCase</matchingRule>
>                         <outbound>
>         . . .
>         rest of outbounds needed for group attributes here
>         . . .
>         So, if *role gets assigned to my organization in midPoint
>         (Edit organization, and add the role to Assignments, not
>         inducements)*, it will construct object of type entitlement,
>         kind of billing-group. The schemaHandling associates
>         entitlement/kind with objectClass=GroupObjectClass. So
>         provisioning will create group, not account. The attributes
>         for the group are based on your schema handling expressions
>         for the entitlement/billing-group.
>         If the role does not specify kind/intent, defaults are used
>         (kind=account, intent=default). So this may cause creating
>         accounts instead of groups ...
>         If everything works, you may have the role automatically
>         assigned to all organizations in midPoint as they are created.
>         But I will do this only if everything works, because it's
>         easier to debug.
>         Hope this helps,
>         regards,
>         Ivan
>         On 12/04/2014 11:46 AM, dharmendra parakh wrote:
>>         Hi Ivan 
>>         Thanks for the information. I have this already configured in
>>         my LDAP resource.
>>         I gone through all these documents and then i tried to
>>         implement the same synchronization techinique.
>>         So I created a role MetaRole and added LDAP resource as an
>>         inducement (I did not filled any information in resource form)
>>         Then i created another role and when i try to add that
>>         MetaRole as assignment to this role i am getting an error
>>         saying :
>>         Couldn't add object. Schema violation: Schema violation
>>         during processing shadow: shadow: null (OID:null): Schema
>>         violation:
>>         javax.naming.directory.SchemaViolationException([LDAP: error
>>         code 65 - object class 'inetOrgPerson' requires attribute 'sn']
>>         I am confused why it is trying to create inetOrgPerson object
>>         instead of groupOfNames.
>>         Is it a configuration issue or i am doing something wrong,
>>         Can you help me figuring this out. My resource configuration
>>         is attached just for your reference, 
>>         Regards
>>         Dharmendra
>>         On Thu, Dec 4, 2014 at 3:07 PM, Ivan Noris
>>         <ivan.noris at evolveum.com <mailto:ivan.noris at evolveum.com>> wrote:
>>             Hi,
>>             you don't need new connector to create LDAP groups. Just
>>             configuration in midPoint: new schemaHandling
>>             <objectType> and corresponding
>>             <synchronization><objectType> parts for kind=entitlement
>>             and intent=group.
>>             For example you may check the sample:
>>             samples/reosurces/opendj/opendj-resource-genericsync.xml
>>             to see how it can be configured.
>>             After you have this configured, you can create a role
>>             which will construct the kind=entitlement,intent=group
>>             object on the LDAP resource.
>>             Then you assign such role to either organization or role
>>             in midpoint and it will provision corresponding group to
>>             LDAP.
>>             Please refer also to:
>>             https://wiki.evolveum.com/display/midPoint/Generic+Synchronization
>>             https://wiki.evolveum.com/display/midPoint/Focus+and+Projections
>>             https://wiki.evolveum.com/display/midPoint/Roles%2C+Metaroles+and+Generic+Synchronization
>>             Regards,
>>             Ivan
>>             On 12/04/2014 10:28 AM, dharmendra parakh wrote:
>>>             HI
>>>             Is there any out of the box configuration to achieve it
>>>             or i have to write a connector?
>>>             Waiting for response..
>>>             Regards
>>>             Dharmendra
>>>             On Wed, Dec 3, 2014 at 7:00 PM, dharmendra parakh
>>>             <dharm.parakh at gmail.com <mailto:dharm.parakh at gmail.com>>
>>>             wrote:
>>>                 Hi
>>>                 I was playing around the ldap connector bundled
>>>                 witth midpoint, It works well for creating user
>>>                 accounts and user group assignment. 
>>>                 I want to create ldap group, Is it possible using
>>>                 the same connector to provision ldap group on target
>>>                 ldap resource. basically a groupOfUniqueNames or a
>>>                 posixGroup.
>>>                 If possible please point me to the documentation
>>>                 which i can refer and configure it.
>>>                 Thanks
>>>                 Dharmendra Parakh
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>>             -- 
>>               Ing. Ivan Noris
>>               Senior Identity Management Engineer
>>               evolveum.com <http://evolveum.com>     evolveum.com/blog/ <http://evolveum.com/blog/>
>>               _____________________________________________
>>               "Semper Id(e)M Vix."
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>>             midPoint mailing list
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>         -- 
>           Ing. Ivan Noris
>           Senior Identity Management Engineer
>           evolveum.com <http://evolveum.com>     evolveum.com/blog/ <http://evolveum.com/blog/>
>           _____________________________________________
>           "Semper Id(e)M Vix."

  Ing. Ivan Noris
  Senior Identity Management Engineer
  evolveum.com     evolveum.com/blog/
  "Semper Id(e)M Vix."

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