[midPoint] ModelClient Question

Viliam Repan vilo.repan at evolveum.com
Mon Apr 7 15:10:16 CEST 2014

Hi Alexander,

1/ you've sent empty result.txt
2/ no problem with logs, just sent log file with approx. time of that 
search request and I'll try to see what happened in midpoint database

Best regards


On 04/07/2014 02:57 PM, Alexander Grzesik wrote:
> Hi Viliam,
> thank you for your help. The OrgType query now works.
> For the 1^st point, getting some useful logs is quite difficult, as on 
> TRACE level the logs are spammed by automatic jobs, that the request 
> is lost in it L
> But to reproduce is simple: I have a midpoint with the monkey island 
> OU structure advanced sample data in it. When I use for example the 
> ou-query  for users you gave me with and query for OU Oid of 
> 00000000-8888-6666-0000-100000000006 (Scumm Bar) I get 3 UserType 
> objects as Result. When I print the results for each user for 
> getParentOrgs, getParentOrgRef methods, I get the result in the 
> attachement. While the getParentOrgRef objects are filled correctly 
> with getParentOrgs I get the Orgs in the list but all properties are null.
> Best Regards
> Alexander
> *Von:*midpoint-bounces at lists.evolveum.com 
> [mailto:midpoint-bounces at lists.evolveum.com] *Im Auftrag von *Viliam Repan
> *Gesendet:* Montag, 7. April 2014 12:46
> *An:* midPoint General Discussion
> *Betreff:* Re: [midPoint] ModelClient Question
> Hi Alexander,
> 1. IMHO I think midpoint repository would return exception or maybe 
> objects that doesn't match your query criteria (in case of bug) but it 
> would not return empty objects. Can you please send some logs from 
> midpoint (e.g. com.evolveum.midpoint.repo.sql to TRACE if possible 
> during this test) as well as query that you sent to midpoint WS, maybe 
> we can replicate this in tests.
> 2. When using ModelPortType.searchObjects(), for searching users in 
> given OrgType I would set arguments to:
>     objectType:
> http://midpoint.evolveum.com/xml/ns/public/common/common-2a#UserType
>     query:
>     <q:query xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" 
> <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance>
> xmlns:c="http://midpoint.evolveum.com/xml/ns/public/common/common-2a" 
> <http://midpoint.evolveum.com/xml/ns/public/common/common-2a>
>     xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" 
> <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema> 
> xmlns:q="http://prism.evolveum.com/xml/ns/public/query-2" 
> <http://prism.evolveum.com/xml/ns/public/query-2>>
>     <q:org>
>         <q:orgRef oid="00000000-8888-6666-0000-200000000002" /> <!-- 
> your OrgType oid -->
>         <q:maxDepth>1</q:maxDepth>
>     </q:org>
>     </q:query>
>     This XML sample uses OrgFilter in ObjectQuery.
>     options: null or empty
>     and holders for results.
> Best regards,
> Vilo
> On 04/04/2014 04:43 PM, Alexander Grzesik wrote:
>     I have some more questions on the use of the ModelClient:
>     1.   When I have some object that are linked to organization Units and I use getParentOrg, I get a list of OrgType but all properties of these OrgTypes are empty. Are there some options that can be set on loading the objects to fill this data ?
>     2.   I was not yet able to figure out how I can search for Objects based on a parent Org. So getting all users for a given parentOrg or getting all child Orgs for a parent, given having the oid.
>     Thank You
>     Alexander
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> Ing. Viliam Repán(
> Evolveum, s.r.o.
> tel: +421 910 797978
> mail:vilo.repan at evolveum.com  <mailto:vilo.repan at evolveum.com>
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Ing. Viliam Repán(
Evolveum, s.r.o.

tel: +421 910 797978
mail: vilo.repan at evolveum.com

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