[midPoint-git] [Evolveum/midpoint] 986a1e: Stop enabling cache use for read:cachingOnly cap

mederly noreply at github.com
Wed Jul 31 22:50:55 CEST 2024

  Branch: refs/heads/tmp/shadow-caching-new
  Home:   https://github.com/Evolveum/midpoint
  Commit: 986a1e203d2ead40f06337faa2f6d7e7f3df9052
  Author: Pavol Mederly <mederly at evolveum.com>
  Date:   2024-07-31 (Wed, 31 Jul 2024)

  Changed paths:
    M infra/schema/src/main/java/com/evolveum/midpoint/schema/processor/AbstractResourceObjectDefinitionImpl.java
    M model/model-intest/src/test/java/com/evolveum/midpoint/model/intest/TestModelServiceContract.java
    M model/model-intest/src/test/java/com/evolveum/midpoint/model/intest/TestModelServiceContractCaching.java

  Log Message:
  Stop enabling cache use for read:cachingOnly cap

The "read caching only" capability now turns on the caching (as before),
except for its automated use. It breaks some tests. Until researched,
this behavior is turned off.

Also adapted TestModelServiceContractCaching for now-automatically
enabled use of caching in projector.

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