[midPoint-git] [Evolveum/midpoint] b47e62: Fix null values handling in DummyObject (approx.)

mederly noreply at github.com
Tue May 4 09:01:39 CEST 2021

  Branch: refs/heads/master
  Home:   https://github.com/Evolveum/midpoint
  Commit: b47e62935714670c0a02d8e577d5bcb29bd4806a
  Author: Pavol Mederly <mederly at evolveum.com>
  Date:   2021-05-04 (Tue, 04 May 2021)

  Changed paths:
    M icf-connectors/dummy-resource/src/main/java/com/evolveum/icf/dummy/resource/DummyObject.java

  Log Message:
  Fix null values handling in DummyObject (approx.)

As the thread safety was ensured using ConcurrentHashMap
(and corresponding Set implementation), the null values can no
longer be stored in attributes. This is not a problem, as they
do not belong there anyway.

This commit filters out such values. Unfortunately, it does not do
that 100% consistently, so there are places (like sync delta creation)
where such values leak.

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