[midPoint-git] [Evolveum/midpoint] 3454aa: repo-sqale: fixed storing of extension refs and th...

virgo47 noreply at github.com
Fri Jun 11 18:01:10 CEST 2021

  Branch: refs/heads/master
  Home:   https://github.com/Evolveum/midpoint
  Commit: 3454aa4b4fa4e75a53f6bd47aaca86886f25bc80
  Author: Richard Richter <richard.richter at evolveum.com>
  Date:   2021-06-11 (Fri, 11 Jun 2021)

  Changed paths:
    M repo/repo-sqale/src/main/java/com/evolveum/midpoint/repo/sqale/qmodel/SqaleTableMapping.java
    M repo/repo-sqale/src/test/java/com/evolveum/midpoint/repo/sqale/func/SqaleRepoAddDeleteObjectTest.java
    M repo/repo-sqale/src/test/java/com/evolveum/midpoint/repo/sqale/func/SqaleRepoSearchObjectTest.java
    M repo/repo-sqale/src/test/resources/schema/extension.xsd

  Log Message:
  repo-sqale: fixed storing of extension refs and their target type

Target type is now always stored, it's never "nullable" in the reference
JSON object. If default target type is provided in schema, it is used
if the Referencable does not provide it.
Storing the type is important for queries using it in WHERE, with no
information there is no correct answer to the query.
If target type is not provided and no default is in schema, exception
is thrown during extension creation (during add) which is good because
such objects would not be gettable anyway (schema error would occur).

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