[midPoint-git] [Evolveum/midpoint] b94757: modify instead of delete delta for auditing task a...

Katarina Valalikova noreply at github.com
Wed Apr 1 19:48:30 CEST 2020

  Branch: refs/heads/master
  Home:   https://github.com/Evolveum/midpoint
  Commit: b94757b42e311d7dd78886edff7e61dd0bcc4442
  Author: Katarina Valalikova <k.valalikova at evolveum.com>
  Date:   2020-04-01 (Wed, 01 Apr 2020)

  Changed paths:
    M model/model-impl/src/main/java/com/evolveum/midpoint/model/impl/controller/ModelController.java

  Log Message:
  modify instead of delete delta for auditing task actions such as (suspend, runNow, resume) - MID-3743

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