[midPoint-svn] midPoint annotated tag midpoint-2.2rc2 created. midpoint-2.2rc2

Radovan Semancik git at evolveum.com
Tue Aug 13 14:58:55 CEST 2013

Project "midPoint" annotated tag midpoint-2.2rc2 has been created
        at  c44aa86f2649fe2693896a0c0282b4f78b02d36d (tag)
   tagging  6918e28b825d24bee67e4992a13ca6b2d7cf1a54 (commit)
 tagged by  Radovan Semancik
        on  Tue Aug 13 14:56:08 2013 +0200

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
Tagging 2.2rc2

Erik Suta (3):
      userTemplateRef -> objectTemplate ref fix in addUser synchronization reaction fix
      switching wicket-mode to deployment
      MID-1536 fix

Gabriela Polcova (34):
      fix inport incorrect parentOrgRef     Orgstruct import (ordering) MID-1199
      delete ext methods, change select query
      two new reports     Audit Log Report and Reconciliation report
      change db schema
      create report reportUserList.jrxml     new subreports reportUserRoles.jrxml, reportUserOrgs.jrxml
      reports redesign, repair
      repair samples
      change report field
      repair report without null data
      report without null values
      new parameter, repair query
      MID 1368     change width fields
      inactive where condition intent = parameter ('default')
      delete coalesce function from query     change show property when field is null
      change query for data     redesign, change fields width
      change sorting
      MID 1316     check if exist record in ROrgClosure     fixed
      disable orgstruct tests
      repair existOrgCLosure method
      activate test orgstructure
      change reportReconciliation.jrxml     redesign reportReconciliation.jrxml, reportUserList.jrxml
      change design, new information : resource name
      change report - show attribute
      samples for object template
      new samples - object template
      new sample - object template
      set update = true
      set update uid
      new parameter for audit report
      fix MID-1510
      change column length - message - audit event
      change message constant

Igor Farinic (191):
      added target/generated-sources to eclipse classpath
      fixed issues reported by FindBugs
      fixed issues reported by FindBugs
      fixed issues reported by FindBugs
      fixed issues reported by FindBugs
      fixed issues reported by FindBugs
      fixed issues reported by FindBugs
      fixed issues reported by FindBugs
      fixed issues reported by FindBugs
      MID-59:     - improved error reporting
      removed evnironemnt specific information from AD resource samples
      started work on BaseX Repository implementation
      BaseX Repository implementation - work in progress
      added xml repo spring initialization
      first draft of addObject implementation
      small refactor in tests utils     improved xml repo impl
      implemented methods to list and modify objects     added junit tests for new functionality
      unit tests refactor     fixed paging functionality in list objects
      small refactor in tests
      added more unit tests for xml repo
      fixed failing tests
      Implemented first version of xml repo search functionality     search unit tests have to be updated, to get rid of dbunit
      finished basic basex repo object search implementation     ported search tests from previous repo impl
      finished unit tests migration from obsolete repo
      added implementation and test for method listAccountShadowOwner
      finished basic basex repo implementation     -required cleanup     -runtime integration is not yet done     -drop of obsolete db repo and test utils not done yet
      fixing failed build
      code drop for basic initial setup functionality
      Setup init moved to correct package.     It has nothing to do with web.     It is now part of web application, because it is convienient for now till we find more suitable place for it.
      updated repo tests - added special XQuery characters into xmls     fixed impl: added escaping of special XQuery characters
      fixed bug in wrong impl of API contract
      fixed api contract and added unit test for add method
      more repo unit tests for API contract
      finished junit tests for repo API contracts     good for now
      moved new repository interface to repo-api project
      switched basex repo impl to new repo api
      fixed compilation problems
      tests compile against new repo interface
      basex repo migrated to new repo api     all unit tests are passing again
      switch to new repo
      obsolete repo removed from build
      migrated repo to new jaxb utils
      added more jaxb utils methods
      dom util does not generate xml header during serialization     cleanup in xml repo
      improved repo impl
      removed implemented FIXME
      fixed db init
      MID-272 addded support to search by name through all the object types     added junit test for the functionality
      rewritten repo core functionality, to allow concurrent access to db     switch to spring wiring in provisioning
      fixed start of basex server     from now, bamboo build should finish properly
      work in progress:     repository configuration
      removed possibility to explicitly set directory for db data, because it is a known basex issue
      added support to drop database, before starting the tests
      implemented operation result support in repo
      drop of obsolete repo impl
      work in progress: adding NDC context to be able to configure logging for particular components
      added logging aspect to help developers with log analysis - only main methods are logged with inputs     improved aspect definition - entry points to components are defined more precisely through interfaces
      small improvements in existing aspects     added back profiling aspect - it is not working yet
      added some documentation that explains wiring     removed spring dependency from aspects
      copy&paste code refactor
      removed duplicate info about component from LoggingAspect     improved ndc aspect - resourceObjectChange listener is new "subsystem"
      introduced 2 new loggers
      turned off verbose mode for aspectj maven plugin
      profiling aspect is finally working
      first implementation of loggers configuration through GUI     logging configuration could be filtered based on subsystems
      added new methods
      implemented logging subsystem runtime configuration update
      fixed inconsitencies in logging configuration     updated initial system configuration for logging
      updated default logging configuration
      improved logging - switched to logging utils
      fixed xquery char escaping in modifyObject
      fixed NPE bug
      lot of small fixes in logging runtime configuration:     - initial systemConfiguration was changed. don't forget to drop old object from db to apply new one!!!     - NdcAspect depends on spring @Order annotation to ensure NDC context will be always set correctly     - other small integration fixes
      more bugfixing from testing
      moved testing basex server to different port than default production basex server
      finally also model and provisioning aspects are working. Problem was missing f...ing one line in spring configuration
      reverted back hocus-pocus changes
      fixed logger definition
      reverted back version for apsetj, to avoid build system warnings
      removed obsolete code and some logging improvement
      fixed basex port bind
      fixed Spring wiring for tasks,     fixed some typos,     enabling sanity and tasks tests - sanity are passing, but task-impl tests are failing when executed during whole trunk build
      fixed TaskScanner repository autowiring
      fixed repo dependency injection
      changed LoggingManager Spring definitions from annotations to xml definition, added override for LoggingManager in unit tests - it is not initialized and the logging configuration is not overriden with production.     Logging for spring in unit tests was changed from TRACE to INFO
      small updates
      removed resource from wrong directory
      fixed test
      fixed serialization problem
      added new test for connector search
      fix not to generate where clause in queries if it is not required
      added repo logger
      adding eclipse project files
      adding eclipse project files
      adding eclipse project files
      adding eclipse project files
      adding eclipse project files
      adding eclipse project files
      adding eclipse project files
      adding eclipse project files
      adding eclipse project files
      adding eclipse project files
      adding eclipse project files
      adding eclipse project files
      adding eclipse project files
      adding eclipse project files
      adding eclipse project files
      adding eclipse project files
      fixed eclipse files
      added support to define basex data directory     updated basex to version 6.7.2 Beta, where the set DBPATH feature works
      fixed test data
      updated svn:ignore
      Refactored BaseX repo impl - now it has internal pool of client session and is thread safe.     From now only one RepositoryService will exist in the system and is managed by Spring.     Some preparation work done to easy switch of repo implementations and to configure different repo service implementations.     Done refactor of the code to make it more maintainable.
      fixed eclipse's deployment assembly definition
      added build and META-INF to svn ignore
      added build and META-INF to svn:ignore
      added build and META-INF to svn:ignore
      added test-output to svn:ignore
      removed definition of src/test/resources from eclipse's deployment assembly definition
      added eclipse configuration to copy icf-connectors to embedded tomcat
      added META-INF to svn:ignore
      added build and META-INF to svn:ignore
      added build and META-INF to svn:ignore
      added build and META-INF to svn:ignore
      fixed test resources after changes in schema definitions
      getting sanity to work ... now it takes a long time, around 80 secs, but sstill 1 of 10 tests is failing
      changed annotation for test init
      added explanation note
      fixed NPE
      fixed spring wiring
      fixed spring wiring
      disabled one of the import tests, prepared tests to get them working when fix for MID-377 is provided.
      added missing header
      yeaaa... finally implemented hammer factory factory pattern to easy switch various repository implementations through system configuration.     The implementation is still work in progress ... some cleanup is required.     However all tests are passing.
      Updated javadoc. BaseX repository impl now returns correct runtime configuration
      finished repository startup and runtime configuration
      fixed spring bean for RepositoryService and moved it to correct app. context xml
      small fixes in logging and spring dependencies
      Improved graceful shutdown procedure.     Sanity test is failing on Broken pipe problem - Suspicious is basex server is shutdown sooner as it should, because of the jvm shutdown hook.
      added note
      fixed javadoc
      fixed repo spring context init if there are more repo impl on classpath
      updated ndc aspect definition - entry to web component is through controllers
      improved logging
      fixed logging
      re-init of spring context after each sanity class - DirtyContexts
      fixed cleanup of oid in object if add fails
      yet another try to fix problem with setting oid if object add failed and fixed status for delete object if object does not exists
      fixed warnings in testng.xml
      MID-336 and MID-400
      MID-377 - enabled tests and get them working
      updated impl. to support new type of query
      fix for MID-382 and work started on MID-148
      small updates in tests and implementation
      fixed negative test cases
      fixed small paging issue
      MID-382 - yet another tryout for paging fix
      fixed problem where query was closed after connection was returned to the pool, it has to be the other way
      disabled runtime logging configuration till it fixed
      MID-421 - updated unit test to have regression for the problem and also implemented fix for the issue
      fixed MID-397
      springifying repository cache
      fixed problem with repo cache wiring in sanity - problem was DirtyContexts - spring reinitialization is ignoring @Qualifier annotations and is reinjecting beans by name
      fix for MID-405 and small improvements done in the ui controllers found during bug analysis
      MID-405: fix improvement - switch to existing IcfUtil functionality
      MID-527:     one login page;     do the spring security do its login job, avaoid use of JSF during login process;     after ogin user is forwarded to requested UI: admin or user;
      small fixes
      fixed a bug in initialization
      added spring context to common
      init method call from Spring for Schema registry
      exposed model WS, so far without security (in progress)
      Model WS is protected with security.     Model WS listens for connections through CFX Servlet.     Custom security implementation was moved from web to model (api and impl). It is temporary solution till our security implementation evolve a little bit to be moved to dedicated component.
      fixed NPE on logout:     https://jira.springsource.org/browse/SEC-1803     wq
      fix for MID-551
      In Model WS we are setting spring authentication object before WS method call. The trick is that we are injecting the authentication object after we process the WS-Security header with standard WS Security interceptor.     Authentication object is required to be able to set Task owner in WS model implementation.     Authentication object is cleaned up after the WS call finishes.     Spring Authentication object contains UserType stored in principal property. Password is not stored in Authentication object, because it is not required.
      browser can remember user credentials for login
      fixed resource load from classpath on win machine when there are spaces in the path
      fixed accordions for IE8
      Disabled Ace Editor for IE less than IE9
      Fixed typos
      Updated ace editor deactivation if ie lower than 9
      Added color change if edit mode changes in IE8

Ivan Noris (143):
      Added new blue theme, changed default template (only a reference to a new CSS     file).
      Added selenium test cases. Use for baking cakes.
      Added white midPoint logo to main template.
      Added draft version of simple localhost databasetable connector configuration.     Using trivial mysql database script. Feel free to customize.
      Added draft version of simple localhost csvfile connector configuration.     Needs org.identityconnectors.csvfile- in     idm/WEB-INF/lib/icf-connectors!!!     Using trivial csv setup. Feel free to customize. Not working yet.
      Added sample ODSEE resource.     Some schema handling; allows you to create users without filling any     attributes.     No synchronization setup.
      Added example base ldif file to setup basic LDAP tree.     Unindexed search privilege removed, this syntax didn't work for me in DSEE.
      Draft version of sudoers file for Solaris resource.
      Updated piracy example to current resource definition.
      Updated __NAME__, __UID__ attributes.
      Removed __NAME__ attribute from connector properties (CSV uses only __UID__).     Added new "advanced" resource with simple outbound expressions.
      Fixed oid in advanced resource sample.
      Added <clearValue> for password, passphrases and similar top secret     attributes.
      Replaced invalid namespaces in resource's <configuration>:     connector-schema-1.xsd instead of configuration-1.xsd!
      Removed create access for uid to avoid filling it. Connector will fill the     field with the value of "name" automatically.     Also, added firstname and lastname outbound expressions.     This helps to see MID-417 fix in action.
      Removed i: namespace prefix for fullName attribute.     Needs more fixes in this file.
      Replaced aci for idm admin from "*" to "*||ds-pwp-account-disabled".
      Added password support.     Added enable/disable support.
      Modified sample to contain new attribute "disabled".     Added default value for "disabled" to "false".     Added enable/disable support to sample resource.     "disabled" field should be only read via GUI, or set to true/false using     Enable/Disable.
      Added enable/disable support to resource object.
      Added synchronization support, added inbound expressions (copied from OpenDJ     example).     Tested with create and modify attribute.
      Added create and drop script for MySQL DatabaseTable.     Updated resource sample.
      Fixed namespace.
      Added missing field to sample records in sample CSV file.
      Fixed namespace.
      Fixed namespace.
      Advanced example sample.     Supports provisioning and password. Activation still does not work due to     strange "null" problem.
      Added credentials support.     Password still appears in the schema, which is probably bug.
      New resource sample for ODSEE - added synchronization task.
      Added nsAccountLock operational attribute for activation support.
      Added ds-privilege-name: password-reset to allow idmadmin resetting passwords.
      Changed "disabled" field type to BOOL (in MySQL this is TINYINT(1)!)     Updated capabilities enable/disable values to work with MySQL.
      Added sample resources for AD + connector host configuration.     Create/modify works. After modification script works.     Needs more testing!
      Added new attribute mappings (outbound). Untested.
      Modified AD resource sample.     Added AD resource sample with synchronization. Tested.
      Removed unnecessary namespace definitions in correlation expression. Commited     after sanity test run successfully.
      Sample resource with synchronization.
      Refactored sample after schema changes.
      Refactored sample after schema changes.
      Refactored sample after schema changes.
      Removed newline in <namespace> tag - caused import errors.
      Forgotten schema changes - now applied. Fixes one sanity test.
      Fixed samples after connector bundle namespace changed.
      Fixed synchronization: correlation rule namespace prefixes.     Added "c" prefix.
      Removed MySQL references, some formatting.
      Added <clearValue> tags for password.
      Added "password" column.
      Added activation and password inbound expressions (copied from OpenDJ sample).
      Fixed typo in resource instance namespace in correlation.
      Updated correlation expression: either the namespaces problem or I've     regenerated resource oid (thus resource instance id was bad). Anyway now it's     the same as in OpenDJ advanced sync sample.
      Added sample user with diacritic.
      Fixed linked situation response.
      Added some outbound paths instead of XPath expressions.
      Replaced outbound expressions with paths.
      Updated samples: db table test connection works, CSV file does not work.
      Fixed path expressions.
      Fixed path expressions.
      Replaced outbound expressions with paths.
      Fixed path expressions.
      Added more CSV sample resources. Cloned from nosync sample.     Need separate .csv files.
      Added separate .csv files for samples.
      Added examples for dbtable synchronization.     Requires new/updated MySQL table!
      Fixed password policy name to not colide with already existing Global Password     Policy. Now "Password Policy".
      Added sample password policies: Permissive, Alphanumeric only and Complex.
      Simplified Permissive password policy, removed characters set (all works as     before).
      Removed unused special characters from policy definition.
      Added expressions for activation and credentials.     Added iterator for DN.
      Updated simple resource sample according to the setup tested on athena.
      Modified and renamed -nosync sample. Works on athena.
      Added synchronization support.     Added notes (XML comments).     Works on athena.
      Added MySQLUser samples.
      Added scriptedSQL samples. DO NOT USE, they bite!
      Adding <clearValue> tags back in as now they are supported for AD connector.
      Added __PASSWORD_EXPIRED__ schema handling. It will be set to "true", because     our forms are currently sending "false" value instead of "null". Please retest     when MID-897 and MID-667 are implemented and fixed.
      Fixed missing outbound expression to fix bamboo build.
      Fixed typos in resource configuration.
      Added native capabilities for ScriptedSQL resource.
      Fixed nativeCapabilities versus schemaHandling order.
      Fixed typo in Fogerock CreateScript sample.     Re-enabled scripts in advanced sample.     Testing in progress.
      Removed activation and password capabilities as we are not using them in the     sample databases and to get rid of the password and activation fields in the     form.     Fixed CreateScript to work for null attributes.     Updated UpdateScript from the OpenIDM mailing list (explicit commits added as     in the CreateScript).
      Updated all attributes to be single valued.     Fixed UpdateScript and DeleteScript, added explicit commits and null     protection.
      Added inbound expression for emailAddress.
      Fixed trivial typos, still does not validate.
      Commented icfs:password in static schema as it is not used in the resource.
      Fixed correlation filter in the same way as in OpenDJ resource sample.
      Replaced instance with instance-2 namespaces.
      Once againn fixed instance-2 namespace.
      Fixed role description.
      Updated invalid role reference (Pirate), added Alphanumeric policy reference     to generate Employee Numbers with alpha-numeric characters only.
      Added comment.
      Fixed namespace/prefix typo.
      New OpenDJ sample without extension-whatever.xsd schema requirement.     Part of MID-1003.
      Renamed sample resource.
      Changed resource oid to old value (equal to the other advanced sync sample) to     be usable with existing sample roles.
      Fixed task oid.
      Fixed task name.
      Fixed LDAP connector namespace.
      Fixed embedded password policy to allow correct synchronization.     The policy is now weaker than global password policy.
      Updated sample to contain account attribute reference (description2 is     generated from description attribute).
      Sample for numeric policy (e.g. for generating PIN).
      Added new example for db table with generated PIN and ignored "id" field.
      Added "password" policy for generating pin to the sample.
      Fix for embedded password policy (temporary).
      Added CSV resource sample with multivalue configuration.
      Changed table name in the second example to be able to actually use both     samples.
      Added DROP statement for the second sample table.
      Forgotten ignore.
      Fixed policy to generate PIN with the first digit other than 0.
      Fixed oid as the policy referenced here is also in samples/policy
      Added more interesting samples for PIN policy.
      Added missing user template (reference was here, but the user template not).     Copied from OpenDJ sample.
      Modified sample to generate username with special iterator, based on first and     last name.
      Uncommented native capabilities.
      Fixed sample (2.2-style access limitations and minOccurs)
      Fixed sample (2.2-style access limitations and minOccurs)
      Fixed sample (2.2-style access limitations and minOccurs)
      Fixed sample (2.2-style access limitations and minOccurs)
      Fixed sample (2.2-style access limitations and minOccurs)
      Reconciliation with 'dry-run' option configured for CSV.
      Removed linkAccount from unmatched situation (kept addUser).
      Added minOccurs=0 limitations for DN, SN and CN.
      Fixed namespace for dryRun element.
      Fixed activation to use administrativeStatus.
      Fixed activation to use administrativeStatus.
      Fixed activation to use administrativeStatus.
      Fixed size() calls - added stringify.
      More fixes to check givenName for null value.
      Still fixing the null problem - possible rename bug.
      Added some stretch parameters for text fields to wrap correctly.
      Increased font size; added total number of records (accounts).
      Added number of records (users) and report creation time.
      Wider accounts column.
      Added magic net.sf.jasperreports.export.pdf.force.linebreak.policy=true     property for all reports.
      Added magic net.sf.jasperreports.export.pdf.force.linebreak.policy=true     property.
      Added new OpenDJ sample which constructs DN as: uid=flastname,ou=...
      Sample authorization roles: Resource Administrator, Report Administrator, User     Administrator, Resource View Administrator.
      Fixed init script for MySQL.
      Fixed sample, now it supports rename OOTB.
      Added limitations=0 to make icfs:name outbound work without user interaction.
      Changed icfs:name update=false to true to allow renames.
      Added update=true for icfs:name (again?)
      Added preliminary version of Windows BAT script.

Katarina Valalikova (540):
      MID-101 aligned ICF logging with midPoint logging subsystem..
      MID-118 implemented test for add user action..
      MID-118 implemented test for modify user action..
      MID-118 implemented test for unlink account action, fixed modify user test, fixed modify user action...
      MID-118 implemented test for delete account action..
      MID-118 implemented test for disable account action..
      implemented methods addObject and deleteObject in the class ConncetorInstanceIcfImpl, implemented tests for addObject and deleteObject, changed interface of methods deleteObject and modifyObject..
      implemented updateObject method in the ConnectorInstanceIcfImpl, implemented simple test case for update object method, implemented method to find attribute by qname in the PropertyContainer..
      implemented methods fetchCurrentToken, fetchChanges and deserializeObject in the ConnectorInstanceIcfImpl class..
      added missing resources...
      implemented addShadow method in the provisioning..
      implemented deleteObject method in the provisioning...
      updated private method createModificationChange in the ConnectorInstanceIcfImpl, updated test for fetchChanges..
      implemented modifyObject method in the provisioning, created simple test case for modifyObject method..
      updated provisioning interface..
      fixed some tests for sync actions in model..
      changed connector instance interface - replaced Token with Property...
      replaced old repository interface with the new one in the provisioning test...
      Simple implementation of test resource method in provisioning..
      fixed test cases for ucf..
      fixed problem with generating namespaces in search objects..
      simple implementation of searchObjectIterative in the provisioning...WORK IN PROGRESS...
      fixed provisioning tests..
      updated implementation of search object iterative in the provisioning..updated ConncetorInstance interface..
      fixed tests problem..
      updated search objects iterative...implemented search object..
      fixed build problem..
      removed unused sources..added error handling to the add object method..
      fixed tests in the provisioning that failed...
      updated getObject test..
      MID-281 fixed problem with getting connector type
      MID-278 added error handling and logging to the provisioning..
      MID-278 added error handling and logging to the provisioning..
      fixed build problem..
      added negative test for adding account (trying to add null account, provisioning)
      changed interface for synchronization...addded task-api, task-impl dependencies to the provisioning...
      siplme implementation of synchronization...
      updated implementation of synchronization..updated test for synchornization..
      updated checks on null inputs..
      fixed synchronization problem..
      fixed synchronization problem (add user)
      fixed problem in synchronization service with updating search query filter..
      fixed synchornization - add user action...
      fixed synchronization - link account action..
      MID-297 added support for listing connectors, added test case to test list connector method..
      fixed synchronization - unlink account action..
      refaktor synchronization..added error handling and operation results..
      removed bad resource example.
      added operation results..
      fixed synchornization - refresh task..
      MID-301 fixed in the provisioning subsystem...refactor synchronization..
      updated synchronization - bugs fixed..
      updated tests in provisioning...
      fixed sanity test - need more time to detect changes..
      MID-300 improved error and result handling..
      fixed sync action - unlink account action..
      updated test connection operation.. MID-275..
      updated creating account in sync..
      improved error handling in provisioning - add object...
      updated model controller - modify provisioning object with exclusion..
      fixed update account attributes problem..
      revert changes - added logging resources..fixed deploy on server problem..
      fixed problem with deleting account via gui..
      fixed delete account through gui probelm..
      updated deactiovation and reactivation of service threads (task)
      first veeery simple implementation of tasks debug page..
      improved task debug pages..
      fixed (gui) build problem
      fixed test for fetch object..
      fix for (gui) build..
      improved task details page..
      implemented add task in task debug page..
      improved listing of tasks
      improved add task in task debug page..
      updated task debug pages - improved task details page..
      added task detail page..
      updated task debug page..
      MID-78 added support for claiming and releasing tasks...
      MID-78 add results to the task details page..
      MID-78..changed buttons icons.
      fix for deleting user through gui..
      MID-317 added support for script to the provisioning (addObject)
      MID-317 added support for script to the provisioning (modifyObject)
      MID-317 added support for script to the provisioning (deleteObject)..fixed tests..
      fix for MID-117
      added comments in the ProvisioningServiceImpl..
      fix for get object in provisioning..
      fix for get object..
      updated import (in gui, overwrite do not supported now)..
      added solaris radegast resource example..
      MID-371 fix for SynchronizationTest
      MID-371 removed commented lines from SynchronizationTest..
      MID-319 implemented account activation/deactivation (IDM-> Resource)
      MID-443 fixed (to the repo only identifiers are stored)..
      MID-445 fixed some problems in listing resource object page..
      MID-439 merged test (OpenDjUcfTest and AddDeleteObjectUcfTest)..
      MID-450 added tests for activation/enable,disable...added tests for script(operation=add, run on resource)
      added dummy connector test to testng suite..
      fix for MID-448..
      fixed problem with submit user in gui..
      fix for MID-466..
      MID-445 imrpoved list resource object..
      MID-469, MID-470 added support for <activation> to the provisioning when getting object from resource..improved also gui for activation/enableDisable each ccount sepparatelly..
      updated csvfile resource example..
      improved error handling for editUser page..
      improved error handling for editUser page..
      fixed MID-381...(delete only selected user)
      added support for multiple enable/disable values in the provisioning (get, modify)..OpenDj still does not work..
      fixed enable/disable problem..
      fix for MID-480..
      start to fix MID-458.still doesn't work..
      MID-458 partially fixed - password is propagated to the external resource..
      fix for MID-458..
      improved display error for MID-442..
      fix for updating password for multiple account..
      fix for MID-484..submitting of user's password does not work with opendj..
      fix for MID-482..(displaying operation results on the logging configuration page..)
      MID-474 start creating page for simple logging management..
      MID-474 improved page for simple logging management..
      fix for MID-493..
      fix for MID-495 and improved displaying operation result messages..
      fix for MID-484 (Creating user account with specified password does not work, user password is inherited instead)
      MID-474 improved logging configuration page..
      improved gui look for assigning roles..
      MID-474 fixed some problems in logging config page..
      MID-474 improved logging config page..
      MID-474 improved logging config page..
      MID-474 improved logging config page..
      MID-474 cleaning up LoggingController
      fix for MID-511..added resource name and connector type to the title instead of objectclass
      fix for MID-512..
      fix for MID-515..(problem with unlinking account)
      MID-474 fixed problem with profiling appender..
      impoved logging configuration page..
      fix for MID-516. (sync problem)
      refactoring of ShadowCache..
      refactoring of ShadowCache..
      refactoring of ShadowCache..
      MID-330 extended ResourceObjectShadowType in common schema for the diploma thesis purposes..
      fix for MID-563 (sync changes problem)..
      fix for current shadow type by synchronization changes.
      fix for current shadow type by synchronization changes.
      fix for current shadow attributes by synchronization changes.
      fix for current shadow account type by synchronization changes.
      fixed compilation problem..
      fix for synchronization (added oid to delta)..
      fix for synchronization - added concrete type to object delta (object class type)
      fix for synchronization problem (situation when the account was deleted on the resource)..
      fix for search objects iterative..
      fix synchronization problem (skipping changes when object no longer exist on the resource..)
      MID-574 added support for saving results in the account by import from resource..
      fix for MID-576 (skipping non-existing user when synchronizing changes from resource)
      fixed problem with creating result modification for account by synchronization..
      MID-330 consistency mechanism...
      fixed some of the basex tests..
      fixed repository tests..
      fixed build problem..
      fixed some provisioning tests..
      added new error handler..
      fixed search problem..
      implemented listResourceObject method..
      improved error handler factory..
      fixed som eof the provisioning tests...switched implementation from passwordChangeOperation to attribute change..
      fixed provisioning ucf tests..
      partial fix for synchronization test..
      fixed synchronization test...
      fix for add object that name contains apostroph..
      fixed problem with loading application context in the gui tests..
      improved logging in provisioning (synchronization)..
      fix for liveSyncAddTest in the provisioning dummy tests..
      fixed provisioning test (asserting on multi-value attributes..)..
      fixed problem with account name..
      fixed problem with activation in the provisioning tests..
      fixed problem in schema form generator (gui)..
      fixed problem with modifying activation/enabled value..
      added missing resources..
      fix for disable account test in ProvisioningServiceImplOpenDJ..
      fixed problem with getting user with resolved account and resource..
      fixed debug pages (GUI) and updated openDJ resource example..
      updated schema form parser..
      updated modify account attributes..
      consistency mechanism..
      added security violation handler..
      MID-330 MID-642 MID-621 consistency mechanism and basic repository (shadows) reconciliation..
      added check on item delta definition, added reconciliation task..
      added handling for communication error while getting object from resource..
      fixed activation enable/disable problem..
      fixed NPE in ProvisioningServiceImptDBTest..
      added component consistency-mechanism for testing consistency mechanism..
      improved tests for consistency mechanism, fixed some small bugs in consistency mechanism..
      changes synchronization channel to discovery channel in the error handler
      updated consistency tests..
      updated consistency tests..
      improved consistency tests..
      fixed repo reconciliation problem..improved consistency tests..
      fix for MID-693 and MID-705 (NPE by synchronization DELETE change)
      fixed basex repository tests..
      improved consistencyb tests
      improved consistency tests..added support to get object also when resource is down..
      fixed compilation problem.
      improved consistency tests..
      improved operation results in provisioning (get object)
      improved Consistency tests..
      improved Consistency tests..
      fixed small bugs in consistency tests..
      support for storing org. struct. in repo. Added some test..
      fix for sql repo test..
      MID-634 org struct closure table...
      fix for deploy on tomcat..
      MID-634, MID-791..org struct implementation (add, delete, modify, search)..basic test cases added..
      MID-813, MID-814 fix for search users..
      MID-814 partial fix for case insensitive search..
      MID-814 fix for case insensitive search..
      fixed failed sql repo test..
      fix for MID-805 (unable to add two roles at once)
      fixed compilation problem in consistency tests..
      fix for MID-824 generate activation delta even if there is no change of activation..
      improved fix for detecting activation change..
      provisioning clean up..
      fix for supporting accents with the database table connector..
      schema problem resolved.
      fixed encoding in database table resources..
      support for saving approverRef in role into repo..
      schema extension (added password policy ref to system config type)..support in sql repo..
      implementation for global password policy check..
      password policy checking also by modify operation..
      updated implementation for modifying org refs..updated tests for org struct.
      updated org struc implementation..updated tests..
      updated org struc implementation..updated tests..
      fix for failed test in sql repo..
      fix for setting modification in gui..
      Adding "intent" to RResourceObjectShadow in repository..
      adding password policy check for account (and account modification)..
      fixed failing tests..
      adding synchronization situation and synchronization situation description to RResourceObjectShadow in repository..
      MID-861 adding support for storing synchronization situation and synchronization situation description to the SynchronizationService
      MID-865 updated messages while validating password against password policy..
      replaced lenght -> length in password policy violation messages..
      fixed problem with systemConfiguration and global password policy..
      fixed NPE problem in password policy validation..
      improved password policy violation..
      new query API..
      fixed gui login problem..
      improved transforming logical filter to hibernate criteria..
      added some test for query convertor..
      removed old search and counts methods from APIs..
      MID-895 ...revived connectors logging..
      cleaning up APIs.. (removed listObjects methods, switched to search)
      cleaning up tests..
      fixed modify org ref problem in repo..
      adding support for searching accounts on resources..
      org filter improved..
      updated search for org units..
      fixed compilation problem in consistency tests..switched to new model api (execute changes..)
      fixed some consistency tests...
      support for orgRootRef in repository..
      root org search filter..
      MID-880, MID-875 support for storing situation in shadow when owner is changed, and also by synchronization..
      consistency mechanism improvement ..(fixing build).
      fixing build.
      fixing build.
      MID-909 orgRef changed to parentOrgRef
      updated storing situation in shadows..
      fixed import problem (overwrite option when object doesn't have oid)..
      adding support for last resource state..improved consistency mechanism..
      MID-330 improving consistency mechanism..
      improving consistency mechanism (apply modifications when resource is up).
      MID-330 MID-330 improving consistency mechanism, fix for get object with compensation..
      MID-854, MID-330 improving consistency mechanism..changes EXPECTED_ERROR to HANDLED_ERROR..
      changed expectedError to handledError..(build fix)
      fix for consistency mechanism..
      MID-882 adding support for replacing clear values with encrypted values in debug pages..
      MID-882 small correction of previous commit..
      query convertor improved (changed path, value-attribute to path, value)..finished xml query serializer..updated samples..
      some updates in consistency tests..
      updated resource samples..
      updated resource samples..
      query convertor improvement (check for NPE)..
      MID-917 small improvement of messages by deleting account..
      fixed some problem in consistency tests..
      MID-920 fix for serializing error stack into the details of operationResultType..
      sync fix- search according to correlation filter
      MID-901 integrating <generate> with password policy..
      added paging to the object query..switched interfaces (removed PagingType)..
      MID-871 provisioning paging (partial fix)..
      support for changed resource schema..
      fix for repo test..
      fixed provisioning tests failures..
      pretty print for ObjectQuery and ObjectPaging, small change in the resource-accounts search..
      fixing reposiotry implementation (after change from String to PolyString)..
      fied some compilation problems..
      fixing repository tests..
      fixing task quartz test..
      fixing provisioning tests..
      fixing model tests..
      fixing compilation problems in consistency tests..
      partial fix (sanity)
      fixing sanity, query convertor..
      updated initial import data..
      fix for initial data import..
      fix for conversion of objectQuery to queryType
      fix for MID-938
      fixed repo after change of schema for capabilities..
      fix for NPE..
      object query pretty print improvement..
      fix for MID-930 (changed to warning)..
      changes operation result for situation - object already exists..
      security exception if the rights are insufficient
      fixed problem with creating accounts after preview changes..
      fix for model test.
      fix for MID-942
      fix for re-creating account (with same identifier without iteration number).
      adding missing resource..
      fix for MID-880 (changing owner when account is already linked)..
      fix for search according to name..
      fixed operation result panel for enable/disable account (fetch result for seach account)..
      fixed operation result panel for enable/disable account (fetch result for each account)..
      fix for MID-884
      communication probelm message fix.
      fxi for generating password..
      fox for NPE while generating password..
      fixed consistency test..
      fix for repo..
      fix for MID-847..
      fix for MID-958
      fix for 960 (tested only with csv)
      fix for disabling user with accounts..
      fix for simulated activation attribute value..
      fix for MID-933
      fix for MID-933 (generate with user template)
      fix for MID-886 (Logging page - strange things happen)
      fixed problem with "strange things happen"..
      fix for MID-892
      fix for MID-962
      reporting prototype MID-543
      fix for provisioning tests..
      MID-999 changes default password policy to be simpler.
      MID-998 added messages of unsatisfied policies into the top message..
      build fix..
      test for deleting objectChange from shadow..
      fixing MID-990 (error while getting object on the resource with bad schema)..fixing consistency mechanism - reconciliation test..
      partial fix for MID-1013..
      adding operation options to the provisioning delete operation..
      fix for: MID-1018 (error when the provided password is empty and the policy is set..)
      fix for MID-1019 (the top message now contains all violated policies..)
      fixing test failures..
      fixed problem with empty passoword..
      fixed problem with empty passoword.. (user with account)
      fixed probelm with null in message when resource is down..
      fixed provisioning tests failures
      fixed MID-1028 (problem with sn attribute while re-creating account after communication error)
      fixed provisioning test failure..
      fixed provisioning tests failures
      fixed error reporting for importing objects through debug pages.
      fixed model tests failures (unassign org struct from user)
      fixed dbtable connector sample..
      fixed report query..
      small fix with recomputing org closure while unassigning user from org..
      completing previous commit..
      partial fix for consistency mechanism..
      fix for MID-1059..updated reporting result..
      fixing some bugs in cocnsistency mechanism..
      added query definition for failed operation (shadow)
      fix for consistency mechanism (MID-1052, MID-1054)
      small improvement in value generator..disabling repo test (simpleModifyExtensionDateTest).updated csv sync resource and adding recon task for csv..
      fixed problem with reports.
      small report improvement..
      provisioning refactoring, expanded schema for resource to support turn of and on different parts of consistency mechanism..
      completing previous commit
      small corrections to previous commits.
      fix for MID-1080 (extended query interpreter in repo to support querying according to qnames)..
      cleaned up password policy validator messages
      repo reconciliation limited to one (actual) resource..
      small fixes in consistency mechanism..
      fix for MID-1076..limited synchronization situation description to one record per channel..
      adding missing resources..
      adding sync timestamp to repo..
      adding support for "great than" and "less than" filter..
      notify failure and notify success
      improved error handling in provisioning (modify operation)
      fixing compilation failure..
      fixed problem with provisioning tests..
      force for deleting accounts..
      force for deleting accounts..
      task initialization in consistency handlers..
      fixed problem with deleting account..MID-1105
      some gui improvements..
      fixed build failure..
      fix for deleting account's attributes via GUI..
      simple GUI for repository self test..
      fix for MID-1116..(searching according to user.organization and user.employeeType)..
      solved problem with reports (fonts and selecting resource).. (MID-1103, MID-1051)
      fix for MID-1113 (execution of script operation for modify operation)..
      fixing query definition in RUser..
      fixed problem with js and css on logging page..
      fix for preview changes..
      fix for search root org query..
      fix for MID-1126 (access and three state checkbox)..
      fix for test failures..
      fix for password validation on user edit page..
      fix for selecting task when clicking ont he row..
      MID-1151 fix for org struct -> edit -> return to org struct instead of list users..
      fix for return to preview (add account)
      changed order of reconciliation..
      build fix..sorry..
      fixing value policy generator..
      fixing mapping evaluation according to policy..
      fix for return to preview changes..
      fix for MID-1151 (return back to org struct page after user is modified)..
      fix for MID-1177 (displaying resource name after returning from preview page to edit page..)
      fix for MID-1189 (generating random value)..
      fix for MID-1175 (optimized reconciliation result)
      fix for MID-1182 (executing script operation for modify)..
      fix for NPE by synchronizing from empty table..
      fix for selecting objects in GUI..
      fix for MID-1201 (postponing operations + weak mapping..)
      MID-969 (reconcile option for execute changes)..
      MID-953 per-resource assignemnt enforcement..
      fix for MID-1108..
      fix for some tests failures..
      fix for MID-799 (rename)
      fixed policy definition for mapping test..
      fix for MID-1187 (value policy caching)..
      fix for tests failures..
      fix for MID-1225 (change shadow name after rename)..
      object matching..
      fix for MID-979, MID-1056 improved consistency model for object already exists situation..
      adding missing resources..(build fix)
      fixing consistency tests..
      fix for task suspension when saving synchronization result..
      support for dynamic expressions in scripts (MID-1194)
      fixing repo tests..
      fixing repo tests..
      MID-1214, MID-1212 saving metadata
      fixing consistency test..
      schema extension (matching rule for query)
      fixing query filters..
      fixing query filters..
      bye bye RewindException (MID-1021)
      fixing samples tests..
      fix for MID-1205 ( resolving references by search filters)
      small clean up after deleting RewindException..
      partial fix for MID-1252 (not working for shadows..)
      fix for MID-1250 (deleting accounts on non-existent resource)
      fix for MID-1240, MID-1250, MID-963 (force for delete and unlink)..
      MID-1241 changed to SchemaException..
      fixing MID-1262 (better error reporting)
      small improvement for MID-1251
      fix for midpoint start..
      fix for midpoint start, improved..
      improvement of operation result for execute operations..
      fix for MID-1248..
      fixing failing consistency test..
      fix for MID-1259 (resource specific user template)
      fix for MID-1281 (or filter in correlation rule)
      fix for MID-1282 (NPE by sync)
      fix for MID-1137 (option not to hide the simulated attribute)
      sanity tests fix.
      first steps for MID-1293 and MID-1035
      showing simulated activation attribute in form (if enabled)
      legalizing accounts ( MID-1035 )
      MID-1035 legalizing accounts..
      MID-1293 relative assignment policy enforcement..
      fix for MID-1299  (calling getObject() with proper type..)
      fix for MID-1273 (loading schema definitions from midpoint.home)
      fix for MID-1227 (optional schema validation)
      MID-857  reconciliation 'dry run' option..
      fix for MID-1299 (edit resource)
      updating namespaces in task samples (fixing some tests)..
      fix for MID-1173..
      fix for MID-857
      fix for MID-1259 (specific resource template for add user action)
      fixing model recon tests..
      build fix..
      implemented cleanup task (MID-1292)
      test fix
      fix for NPE in provisioning
      fix for MID-1311 MID-1305 (working with provisioning objects on debug pages)..
      fixing provisioning tests..
      saving construction in assignment (repository)
      rename accountSynchronizationSettings -> projection (in repo)
      rename accountSynchronizationSettings -> projection (sql scripts)
      fix for MID-1332 (reconciliation)
      fix for MID-1336 (disable user reaction)
      fixing consistency tests..
      fixing NPE for sync..
      fix for MID-1332 (disableAccount action)
      fix for MID-1323 (saving triggerType to repo)
      fix for MID-1311
      MID-1345 (relative enforcement policy as default)
      fixing MID-1302 (invalidate reosurce cache)
      fix for MID-1334 (changed constructionType to container)..
      authorization mechanism (GUI)..
      authorization mechanism (GUI)..
      fix for MID-1383 (reload user's accounts)
      authorization mechanism (GUI).. MID-140
      fixing consistency tests (MID-1397)
      fix for action specified object template..
      fixing role in initial import..
      added test for MID-1409 (not enabled)
      MID-1415 (improvement for bottom menu items : authorization)
      fix for MID-1390 (login user with valid activation dates)
      fix for MID-1389 (redirecting to the page you have permission to access)
      adding missing resources..fixing build.
      fix for MID-1394 (synchronization timestamp)
      fixing visible behaviour for bottom menu items.
      fix for MID-1382
      fixing model-intest tests..
      fixing build
      saving synchronization timestamp..
      fix for MID-1422
      fix for MID-1425 (authorization and denyAll)
      fix for MID-1425 (authorization and denyAll)
      fix for MID-1458 (single user reconciliation)
      implementing migration of userTemplateRef to objectTemplateRef (in resoure)
      fix for MID-1424 (allowedIdmAdminGuiAccess -> superuser role)
      fix for MID-1417
      implemented time testing page (MID-1478)
      fix for MID-1476
      fix for MID-1161 (operation result)
      fix for "no name attribute provided..." (access limitation problem)
      fix for deleting object on non-existing resource (force option)
      small improvement of operation result for consistency mechanism (already exists situation)
      fix for MID-1488 (imporved error messages for password policy validation)
      fix for MID-1503 (rename on resource side)
      fix for MID-1504 (myPasswords authorization)
      fixing failing tests.
      fix for MID-1500 (some mapping evaluation problem)
      fix for MID-1514 (two modification on dead resource)
      fixing test failure
      fix for MID-1500
      fix for MID-1494
      fix for MID-1517
      fixing tests..
      fix for MID-1494
      fixing tests...
      fixing tests
      fix for MID-1527 (activation change to undefined)
      fix for MID-1528 (importing previous backup)
      fix for MID-1529

Michal Serbak (462):
      Improvement the existing OperationResult widget for more interactivity and displaying more details about errors when clicked on appropriate icon.
      Change class OperationResult, add method getDetails().
      Tree structure error message show.
      Add image to showing messages
      Fixed bug where losing focus when user input text to textBox.
      Import new options when user import object.
      Add new words.
      resource form wizard bean, work in progress.
      Replace message "No message is available" to "Operation successful". MID-413
      Improve GUI (MID-420)
      Improove GUI (MID-420). Import images.
      Fix bug with GUI.
      Change table row color when user move over the row.
      Fixed bug with centering the top menu.
      Change table row color when user move over the row.
      Fixed bug with display panels.
      Fixed bug with the jQuery.noConflict() method (MID-433).
      Change font style;
      Fixed bug with edit checkbox (MID-455).
      Fixed bug with showing strange things after import (MID-411).
      Fixed bug with shows strange things after import.
      Disable change password for Credentials.
      Fixed bug: "extra test" in Resource Test Connection (MID-415).
      Disable show extra test after test resource.
      Updated CSS for calendar picker (MID-476).
      Added option to update existing object and not change oid during import (MID-465).
      Enable show edit password for Credentials.
      Upgrate GUI.
      Add option for user and admin.
      Delete text for logging user.
      Optimize javascript.
      Upgrade GUI.
      Fixed bug with LoginController (MID-491)
      Fixed LoginControllerTest
      Removed blue stars from user details accounts.
      Delete import ProfilingLevelType.
      Disable show wait screen.
      Made wait-screen icon more friendly.
      Change preloaderNormal image.
      Change preloaderNormal image.
      Add End-user folder.
      Change javascript functions.
      Add end-user GUI with change profile and password/
      Change method nullUsername().
      Delete text in login page.
      Change login page.
      Delete unused files.
      Added end-user profile more friendly.
      Add login.xhtml for end-user GUI.
      Fixed bug in userProfile.xhtml.
      Separating the login page for user and administrator.
      Change output error text when user want login to admin GUI.
      Change process indicator in GUI.
      Add image for progressIndicator.
      Change css property for progress indicator icon in GUI.
      Added help page for user-gui.
      Fixing bug with EDIT button on debug page.
      Change text on login page for emphasis, what role will be logged.
      Change progress indicator for better look.
      Set a default position of progress indicator.
      Added support for "Bulk delete" in debug pages allowing to delete all objects of a type (MID-518).
      Added paging control in Debug pages. Added delete all button for all objects matching the current page of paging controller.
      Setting position on login screen for login form.
      Change style for login form.
      Change "bulk delete" button position for all objects matching the current page of paging controller.
      Display resource capabilities.
      Modified function for displaying resource capabilities .
      Update resourceDetails.xml for displaying resource capabilities.
      Added try catch method for capability.
      Change table position for resource capabilities.
      Changed getCapabilities function.
      Added "scroll to top" function for gui that has big content.
      Removed UserProfileController.
      Added implementation for end-user, which displays the user accounts on resources.
      Delete package endUser. Reason: the capital letter in the package name.
      Added package enduser.
      Adding a user display roles on end-user GUI.
      fixed bug when sending the login form by pressing enter
      change path for some images
      fixed bug MID-551 - Show nice error message when user password is invalid/user is locked/unable to login to the admin interface
      setting expansion panelCollabsible the accounts page for the end-user (MID-550)
      fixed bug with formatting details of the error (MID-557)
      add a new column to the table "server tasks" for the selection of tasks
      add current user to Task's setOwner method
      remove print line function from code
      add a controller to deactivate and reactivate individual tasks to the server task page
      change from "extend Selectable" to "implements Selectable"
      add function for sorting columns in server tasks table
      update display Faces messages
      add support for basic auditing configuration
      edit auditing configuration at existing logging GUI page
      replace "Edit Role" page with XML editor
      delete user-gui
      create admin folder
      update controllers for support two access URLs - for Admin and End user GUI
      create user folder
      update spring security
      delete previous admin-gui directories
      create user folder
      fixed URL address in every menu.xhtml file.
      change redirect URL adress for HELP page
      create support for Web access control administrator
      disable display console output text for same state
      add custom error page
      remove status for illegal login
      added support editing role through the XML editor
      fixing problem with edit task
      combination of two (TaskDEtailsController, TaskItemCOntroller) into one (TaskDetailsController) controller
      fixed bug when adding a new loggers
      edit save method for save changes on debug page
      add modifyObject methods to complete the Save function
      fixing bug: list resources shows only an error and no resources when there is problem with resource/connector (MID-572)
      Fixing bug when displaying error messages when one of the resource object is incorrect
      Fixing bug when object not found, but role is unassigned (MID-560)
      Display all loggers (MID-589)
      Add controller for reset button on Logging Management page
      Fixed issue with "Last" button, it always displays an error, but it is necessary to implement a method to obtain the total number of records.
      fixed bug on Debug pages paging controller with "Next" button when there are less than one page results; a similar problem has been resolved on User pages
      fixed bug: Import objects does not fully honor "keep oid" while importing (MID-597)
      Add checkbox for enable/disable details for Audit logs
      fixed bug with audit configuration
      fix storage audit settings
      fixed bug (MID-604) with setting Auditing options
      added contained information about the number of accounts and roles for user (MID-605)
      add the owner's tasks in creating (MID-603)
      fixed bug when clicking Accounts and then "Edit" button and shows account attributes read only
      added pagination for resource object type
      fixed small bug with paging controller; fixed bug with "Next" button on Role page
      fixed bug remembering username and password
      set autoComplete option for password fields to "off"
      add autocomplete="off" tag when generate AutoForm
      added taskOwner when is creating Task object
      fixed bug with removing user's role
      add focus on Username textField
      add a "transient" to each object that is not serialized; fixed bug with Next button
      added confirmation popup to confirm the operation: Release claimed task
      added midPoint favicon
      fix bug when removing user's roles
      eclipse hidden files added to svn ignore
      fixed admin gui v2 dependencies...
      fixed admin gui v2 dependencies; fixed admin gui v2 Application
      add all files from wicket-prototype to MidPointV2 and edit pages for correct display
      create loginPage; adding pretty method to encode / decode nice URL
      Create error check messages for login page
      update PageLogin; added Less JS plugin
      Change updateLoggingConfiguration () function to store the changes to the repository (via the model). Removing class LoggingManager and the component package.
      Fix bug with accordion component; modify PageLogging.html file for fix small bug
      Small change design for login page
      delete JavaScript section on PageLogging page
      fixed bug with arrows in accordion header
      Create pretty URL for defined pages
      small CSS fix for loginPage
      Fix problem with kill jQuery methods when click on Reset button in form.
      update calling JS method when user click on reset button
      Fix problem with showing flags on login page
      Creating option panel for searching objects and many other functions; create Message package
      Added line-height css setting
      Create PageResourceDetails
      Small edit PageResourceDetails
      Fix bug with setting MultipleAccordionSelect value
      Added Connectors list table to PageResources
      Create PageDebugList
      Create PageDebugView
      change position for user for and accordions on the same page
      Edit PageTask, added option buttons
      Change view objectForm panel
      fixed bug with AceEditor
      Disable function for hide/show body in form; disable function for hide/show empty fields in form
      Create StatusBar for forms
      Update PrismObjectPanel
      update CSS style for PrismObjectPanel
      Create savePerformed method to import from file
      Update PageImportFile
      Create uploadFolder for import from file
      Change method importObjectFromFile to ImportObjectFromStream for importing from file; Fix display bug for PrismObjectPanel
      Added function to save import from XML; Remove sysout line from PageImportFile file
      Set readonly parameter for default display of debugView
      Fix bug with NPO
      create method to save XML in debugView
      Change the position parameter in the constructor
      Setting oldValue when creating DIFF to the default value ​​on the first page view
      Create save method for PageLogging
      create method CreateConfiguration on PageLogging
      Modify method for save Logging
      Change @Autowired to @SpringBean
      Creating a fully functional method to save logging; Small change position on PageLogging for root logger and audit.
      Implement method to remove loggers and appenders
      delete images, js and css folder from webapp folder
      Preparation methods add logger and add appender
      Moving images in the competent package
      Implement methods to identify the status, synchronization, etc. to the table resources.
      Moving images, js, css folders from webapp to resource folder
      Create a temporary directory to store unused files from the previous GUI.
      Create info panel for messages
      Modify OperationResultPanel
      Fix bug with showing OperationResultPanel
      Modify arrow position for operation result
      Make better tree structure for Messages
      Separation elements for MassagePanel in the competent directory; Added JS function to correct animate messages
      Fixing behaviour on messagesPanel
      Modify recursion for calling subresult on Messages Panel
      Change position for message images; modify subresult arrow icon for correct animate
      Delete accordion's images package
      Delete Messages's images package
      Prepare popup modal window to select account or resource on the userDetails page
      Create ResourcePopupWindow
      Create a TestPage to determine the proper arrangement of components
      Creating the best arrangement of components to manage accounts and resources.
      Create prototype of account's panel
      Update css style for OperatingFormButtons
      Modify component PrismObjectPanel for support operation buttons
      Preparing the OptionPanel component for quick add sets of option buttons
      Create components for operational and optional buttons for forms.
      Added buttons to userDetails page; crate accounts and resources popup window
      Fixed bug with messages, added header arrow;
      Small fix for messages
      Fixed bug for messages panel; added part for show top exception on message panel
      Fixed showing Top Exception
      Update CSS style for Message panel
      Update CSS style for bottomMenu
      Delete test page; Update css style for PrismObjectPanel
      create popup window to add roles; create confirm popup window
      Fixed problem with popup window; add button to "Add role(s)"
      Create Resources popup window
      Set defaultValues for SummarizeErrors and SummarizeSuccesses
      Modify JS function; modify css style
      Update JS to check all rows in table; add JS function for detect if is all rows checked
      Small fix for showing messages
      creating ResourceDetailsPage
      commented out part of the code
      Fixed css style for showing two input fields for Password
      Add function to hide Resource details menu item when this page is inactive
      Create Resource and Conncetor details table; remove TODO text from OperationResultPanel
      Fixed bug with TablePanel Javascript; Create method to show resource Capabilities
      Add default sort method for ListDataProvider; Add capabilities table; Add ObjectTypes table
      Added operation buttons; added testConnection function
      Modify TestConnection function for resources; added TestConnectors function for resourceDetails page
      Create SyncController function; Modify items position for bottomMenu on ConfigPage
      Create PageResourceImport
      Small fix for PageResourceImport
      create function to delete resource(s); modify confirm popup window
      Add title for buttons optionalButtons in PrismObjectForm
      Fixed bug with showing error messages on LoginPage.
      Fix bug when resource is null; Create function to load resoruce object types
      fixed bug with showing object types
      Modify AceEditor for fix bug MID-694
      Fix bug with redirecting page MID-699
      Fixed bug with deleting resources
      Fixed bug MID-687 - reset unsaved changes in Logger table when editing
      Fixed bug MID-687 - reset unsaved changes in Logger table when editing
      remove code from generic class and add part of code to appropriate methods
      removed "show list" button from Repository objects page, added function that occurs when click on the object; set default paging for object types
      Small css fix for input elements; modify XML editor and add new function
      Small css fix for panel showing the numbers of rows for XML editor
      Added setHide function for Optional Panel; set default status hide for Optional panel on PageTasks
      Fixed bug with removing old messagePanel.
      Fixed bug for inputPanel's width
      Fixed bug MID-704
      Create Scheduling panel for add new task; small css fix
      Set visibility for Scheduling table
      Create TaskDetailsDto; fix bug with visibility dateTimeFilds
      pageTask - add advanced option, add help text, add objects to object reference
      Create TaskEdit page
      Added fully functional page TaskEdit
      Added operation result table for TaskDetails page; Some small bugs fixed
      create save function to save task; update css style for fix display Message bug
      Added fully functional saveTask methods for add new task and edit task page
      Modify Save function for fix bug
      Fixed bug MID-718
      Added ProgressBar when importing file MID-721
      Fixed bug with paste content to xml editor when is readOnly.
      Added delete confirmation for Repository objects; modify Page logging
      Modify display count parameter on OperationResult panel
      Update MessagePanel for add Context parameter and modify display count parameter
      Small edit for messagePanel's javascript to disable select headers
      Fixed bug with JS
      Separate logger table to Class/Package and Filter table.
      Added method to addStyle for TablePanel; Modify sorting for LoggingDto
      Check for duplication of loggers and filters
      Add ComponentLogger to loggers table
      Added validators for loggingPage
      Fixed bug with PageLogging
      Update model security
      Modify model; modify pages when remove Credentials from model
      Fixef bug with SetFailedLogin parameter in Authentification provider; added count of object for assignments and accounts on pageUser
      Update HomePage
      Update HomePage: fixed bug and always load user's actual information
      Change systemConfig form admin-gui to default value
      Update CSS styles
      Fixed bug with showing OpResult messages
      Fixed bug MID-673
      Change CSS style for buttons; remove disable select function for message panel; added info message when editing task
      Fixed bug with OperationResult message panel
      Update XML editor
      Remove system output from code for XML editor
      Add function for set previous selected category
      Change capitalize style for account's attributes; fix bug with modal windows and accordions
      Small update for PageUser
      Added new features for message panel (MID-684, MID-716)
      Remove external import for JS
      Fixed small bug with FeedbackMessagePanel and his JS function
      Small fix bug for back and save button for PageDebugView
      Added new feature (Options box should stay minized when it is minimized - MID-682)
      Small fix for "sortable table"; added operation result panel when deleting role(s) or resource(s)
      Create submitPage component
      Move submitPage package to users package
      Created html for submit page. Prepare ObjectDeltaPanel component
      Modify PageSubmit, added new accordion for assignments, create objectDeltaPanel for sending deltas form PageUser to PageSubmit
      Added functions for show accounts and assignemnts to submitPage
      Modifying SubmitPage; delete sending information via session but via constructor
      Modify sending delta from user page to submit page; added new class for better showing information about accounts
      Remove unused import that does not exist
      Added checkbox for resource table on submitPage for check, what resource should be modify
      Disable show Submit page after press Save button and enable save user without Submit page
      Added Change table for assignments on submitPage
      Disable show popup for dataTables; fixed bug with selecting selected rows
      Completion of the table to view user changes
      Fixed bug with clone object; Completion UserInfo table; Added function to show information when adding new user.
      Added functionality for change's table Accounts
      Added function for addNewUser on submit page
      Add function SaveUser for submitPage
      Small fixies; Fixed bug MID-826
      Fixed bug with empty password field for new user
      Small fix for pageSubmit
      Small fix bug for message panel and showing error stack
      Modify submitPage and fixed bug with add new user; Modify message panel
      Fixed bug with messagePanel; Added buildnumber-maven-plugin to admin-gui pom
      Set changes to default for pom file
      Disable show panel's height to popup window (MID-835)
      Set exclusions for jaxb-xjc
      Preparing tables for SubmitPage to show primary and secondary values​​; Change names of classes from provider to dto
      Small update for IconColumn and TablePanel javascript; Added highlighting row for secondaryValues on submitPage
      Added primary and secondary data do tables on submitPage.
      Added Save button for saveUser without submit; Added preview button for show changes
      Add function for show multiString values (MID-829); Fixed bug MID-828; Small fix for SubmitPage and ObjectWrapper
      Added SavePerforme function to submitPage
      Refactoring codes on pageSubmit; Fixed bug for displaying values
      Small fix for long line on messagePanel; Fixed bug with empty Password when create new user; Modify Save function on submitPage
      Fixed small bugs on pageSubmit; Added confirmation to delete an user
      Modify functions for submit changes on PageUser and executing changes on SubmitPage
      Update loadAccountChanges function on SubmitPage; added sending changes thru session for getting all attributes for accounts
      Fixed bug with displaying polyString values
      remove icons
      Adding the highlight value of deleting submitPage; added new icons
      Added method to show deleted account(s) on submitPage
      Added function to delete user and shows his accounts and roles on pageSubmit
      Delete extends for UserChangesDto
      Fixed bug with displaying values
      Fixed bug with showing count of accounts and roles
      Added highlighting deleted assignments on pageUser; fixed bug with hiding deleted account
      Changing the position of items in the main menu
      Fixing bug with displaying account changes
      Modify ContainerWrapper class; added function for display extended account on submitPage
      Small fix for getting account changes
      Added helpPage with about page and system page; Refactor pageSubmit and PageUser
      Fixed bug modify parameters
      Small fix for method listTostring()
      Deleted unused method and fix the bug
      Fixed bug with parameters
      Finalize aboutPage; Fixed bug with buildNumber
      Set expanded accordion as default for assignments
      Fixed bug with throwing exception in log
      Joining importFromFile and importFromXml into one importObject page
      Crate component for Organization structure
      Added tree structure consisting of orgUnit and users
      Import new search filters
      OrgUnit - add buttons to makes some operations on node
      Added new icons
      Update MessagePanel for handle expected status
      Added option menu for orgStruct nodes
      Small fix for css
      Modify css for orgStruct
      Small CSS modification and edit user icons
      Added function for filling orgStruct's nodes
      Fixed bug NPE with getting title
      Small fix
      Fixed bug with nothing orgStruct
      Modification orgUnit tree for getting children after clicking on parent
      Small modification for OrgStructDto
      Fixed bug on PageOrgStruct
      Fixed bug with OrgStruct
      Added menu panels for organization units
      Modify pageUser and add orgStruct popup window for adding organization unit.
      Added function for searching with "enter"
      Added link to help page for AceEditor
      Change helpButton for Ace editor
      Fixed bug with getting assignment type
      Added ExportLink to export messageStack
      Modifz orgStruct method for getting parents and nodes
      Added function for export message report to XML
      Added new improvement: Remember last resource state (MID-735)
      Small fix for TestConnection status
      Added checkbox to enable/disable encrypt option on DabugView page
      Added ThreeStateCheckBox component
      Change ThreeStateComponent from Panel to FormComponent
      change classic checkBox to threeStateCheckBox on prismPanel
      Fixed bug with ThreeStateCheckPanel
      Small fix bug for validating inputBox; revert checkBox to the form
      Fixed bug with ThreeStateCheckBox
      Fixed bug with paging in popup windows; small bug fixing
      Remove OrgStruct accordion on PageUser
      Fixed bug MID-822: Activation and Password fields should be displayed for account only if they are supported by capabilities; Small fix for message panel
      Fixed bug with three-state checkBox
      Fixed bug with displaying credentials on PageUser (Palo modification required)
      Added style for assignments
      Fixed bug with LastAvailabilityStatus
      Change header name for last status
      Finalisation CSS style for assignments and small modification for assignment component
      Create ExportDataPage for export data to XML from IDM repo
      Added new feature MID-765 - Export data to XML
      Update DebugView for exportData as XML or ZIP; Delete ExportDataPage
      Update exporting functions on DebugListPage
      Update DownloadFile functions and added OperationResult status
      Small fix for remove file when exception occurs
      Fixed problem with threeState checkbox (MID-947)
      Create PageReports for reporting JasperReports
      Small fix for NPE
      Added function for setting style on ThreeStateCheckboxPanel; Added filters for PageReports
      Change menu position for Reports and set Configuration as a last menu item.
      Added jasperReports function for reporting and create downloadLink for download it
      Fixed bug with NPE on pageSubmit
      Fixed bug MID-948
      Fixed bug with refreshing pageUser after some action
      Fixed bug with deleting account, when user has more than one account
      Update confirmation dialog for display name of object when deleting one object
      Small update for AssignmentEditorPanel
      Added new Improvement Display origin type in "preview changes" page - MID-946
      Update function for exporting data to XML or ZIP
      Added improvement: Indicate disabled accounts during editing (MID-848)
      Fixed bug "Unlink account makes no changes in previewChanges" (MID-868)
      Fixed bug with expanding orgStruct by icon
      Added new feature MID-870 - Indicate account deletion on preview page in a better way; Added SynchronizationPolicyDecision status to the resource accordion.
      Fixed bug for org struct when user enter/set crazy values
      Fixed bug for adding OrgStruct to user
      Added fix for disable displaying status when PrismObject is disable/enable for objects that doesn't has this attribute
      Added fix for getEnableStatus on PrismObjects panel; added translate for operation save WorkItem
      Update view for PageWorkItem and added new icons
      Update appearance for some WorkItems pages; Added function getFormatedDate to WebMiscUtil for return string in the format like "Piatok, 9. nov 2012 11:41:32"
      Fixed bug with saving changes when was added some WorkItem
      Update PageTaskEdit for better look
      Added jQuery tooltip component and edit pageTaskDetail
      Small edit view for some pages
      Added preloader for display progress status in GUI
      Fixed bug MID-1011
      Added functions to generate reports
      Update template layout for jasperReports
      Adding a jQuery function that prevents pressing a form buttons if have already been pressed
      Added i18n translation for some operations that occurs in GUI (MID-1011, MID-1007)
      Small fix for displaying opResult while getting resource object
      Set encoding for jasper reports; Fixed bug with throwing warning when saving user; Added translation for some operations
      Update consistency with google chrome browser and small update in message panel
      Fixed bug MID-1017
      Small fix for disabling OperationForm buttons; small fix in CSS for MessagePanel
      Fixed bug with adding empty "Name" parameter on userDetails
      Undo all unwanted validators for prismPanel. It is necessary for the correct validation; Small fix for javascript
      Fixed bug with validation user form
      Set wicket to deployment mode
      Fixed bug MID-1039
      Fix for NPE on PrismObjectPanel
      Update PrismValuePanel and modify formComponent when creating input component
      Added compatibility with IE
      Fixed bug with paging; Fixed bug with searching users while changing owner

Pavol Mederly (286):
      - schema/pom.xml: replacing old XmlSchema 1.4.7 with new xmlschema-core 2.0.1 (necessary for apache camel/cxf integration)     - TaskItem bean: fixed crash on null objectRef     - TaskManagerImpl: persisting task before releasing it
      trivial ChangeHook functionality (currently for adding objects only)
      basic support for task handlers stacks - there are some open questions that have to be answered before full implementation
      A fix: task's handlers uri stack is now optional + basic data support for asynchronous operations in model (experimental)
      fixed handling of JAR files with spaces in filename (OpenDJController.extractTemplate)
      fixed JAXBUtil to correctly unmarshal non-utf8-encoded XML files
      [MID-561]     - using fixed basex library ( that has their jvm shutdown hooks disabled     - task manager releases all claimed tasks at its startup
      MID-570 (task instance deactivation) temporarily solved, see description in jira
      <allowedIdmGuiAccess> -> <allowedIdmAdminGuiAccess> in all testing XML resources (fixing e.g. failing tests in repo)
      Fixed-time task scheduling, using a cron-like specification (e.g. "* * * * *").     Tightly and loosely bound recurring tasks (both interval-based and fixed-time-based).     Fixed task-impl tests.     Added new features to the GUI (however, the task GUI is not working correctly now).
      Task suspension (MID-345), currently working well only for recurring tasks (not for single-run ones).     Specifying tolerance for missed starts for cron-like tasks (MID-568).     Enhanced task list in GUI, showing more information.     Provided example for experimentation with task scheduling, suspend and resume.
      Minor fixes/improvements wrt task scheduling and suspension (MID-568, MID-345).
      Tries to shut down the task executor thread before deleting task via GUI. Also minor fixes in taskmanager.
      Invalid tasks (e.g. without owner) are now correctly shut down as well as deleted.
      Added owner to "import from resource" task.
      An attempt to fix createPropertyDelta.
      Fixed createPropertyDelta.
      Attempting to fix conversion OperationResult->OperationResultType.
      Task module partly refactored (may be broken, will be fixed soon).
      Task extension test.
      (Partly) refactored Task interface.     Revived tests for tasks.     Fixed createReplaceEmptyDelta.
      More task tests (some of them failing).     BaseX repo test (name with apostrophe, failing).
      Interesting failing task test #002
      Fixed a typo in prism/schema tests ('extesion').
      Applying xsi hack to searchObjects as well.
      Cleaned-up Task and TaskManager interfaces.     Cleaned-up Task tests.
      Added test whether property definition is multivalued to PrismProperty.getValue().     Hacked task tests to work.
      Insignificant changes in task module (committed separately due to problems with SVN)
      Task implementation based on quartz scheduler. Currently preliminary, experimental version.
      Task implementation based on quartz scheduler. Currently preliminary, experimental version. (Remaining items.)
      Quartz implementation of tasks, using quartz-supplied job store (RAM-based one, for the time being).
      audit-api as a separate project.
      audit-impl as a separate project.
      Small interim commit (svn problems...)
      Changes related to pulling audit module out of task module.     Switch from task-impl to task-quartz-impl, cleaned-up task-api.     Allowing null filter in search query.
      Fixing previous commit (namely, putting back original config.xml).
      Fixed tomcat freezing on shutdown.     Enabled importing tasks from repo to quartz RAMJobStore on startup.
      Test showing two import bugs (ownerRef, xsi:type).
      Making tasks working under tomcat (working around xsi:type import bug). Changed progress and schedule interval from BigInteger to Long/Integer. First steps to adapting tasks GUI (unfinished).
      Fixed some task-related issues in sanity (in test100 & test200).
      Synchronizes tasks with Quartz on task import - fixes sanity test300.
      Catching exceptions on task manager initialization (temporary fix).
      Some failing tests in task-quartz-impl.
      First attempt at quartz-over-jdbc.
      Fixed pom.xml in task-quartz-impl (it broke sanity tests).
      Tasks should work 'as before' (moving to quartz).
      Clustered tasks, first prototype.
      Increasing task testing timeouts.
      Increasing task testing timeouts further.
      Retrying task modifications on locking-related problems. Added test to find leftover tasks.
      Increasing task test timeout further, hopefully the last time :-|
      Basic configuration of Task Manager possible via midPoint config file. More sophisticated synchronization between repo and quartz job store.
      Safer (and configurable) way of using Thread.interrupt to stop tasks.     Task state RUNNING changed to RUNNABLE.     Setting logging level for TaskManager now works.
      Small changes in prototype task GUI (task category, clusterwide list of running tasks).
      SQL repo concurrency test.
      LOCK_MODE=1 ("serializable" transaction isolation) in sql repo. And retrying failed modifyObjects (prototype).
      AddTask GUI action reworked.     JMX connection timeout.     Task scheduler starts later (in postInit).
      Scheduler was not started in test mode. Hacked.
      New TaskType and NodeType attributes.
      Two more NodeType attributes, used to detect cluster misconfiguration.
      Heavy refactoring of Task Manager. (Not added new 'production' features yet.)
      searchTasks, searchNodes in TaskManager + new Node class (needed for new gui).
      Task "category" attribute. Suspend/resume tasks in new functional (not tested).
      First attempt at GUI commands for start/stop local scheduler (not working correctly for now) and delete task/node. Other small fixes.
      Stop/start/pause node seem to work now.
      Task/node/local operations in new GUI almost functional; periodic node registration; cluster consistency checks; detailed reporting on TaskManager operations in OperationResults; additional task attributes (category, result status, node).
      JMX config samples.
      small fix
      Non-resilient - i.e. "suspend/close-on-node-down" - tasks. More advanced scheduling: task earliest/latest start time, misfire action; updated task samples. (Hopefully the last) bigger cleanup of TaskManager. Fixed excessive logging in LoggingConfigurationManager. Fixed reporting of ObjectNotFound state in OperationResult in SQL repo.
      Sanity works again.
      Parts of workflows implementation (quite ugly for now). Declared ItemDelta, ObjectDelta, SyncContext to be serializable.
      failing test for prism.getValue().getValue()
      MID-659 Periodically checking system configuration and applying it if changed.
      MID-707 Removed circular dependency of task-quartz-impl on model-api. Changed SystemConfigurationHandler into ChangeHook. Added midpoint.jmxHostName property.
      Task status and category selection works.
      Task add/edit now seem to work.
      Small task scheduling-related fixes.
      Disallowed suspending tasks in CLOSED state. Cleaned-up user messages for suspension/resuming tasks a little.
      fix of the last change
      added missing support for mysql, postgresql, sql server and oracle (however, untested, for now)
      Import from resource can be started in Tasks section.
      concurrency test works again (unfortunately)
      fix for the test - now it should really work
      If task handler returns null OperationResult, the result in task is not changed.
      Subtasks. Task tests made faster. A couple of other smaller changes.
      Increased timeout for test016.
      Works with java 1.7u5 (needed new version for xsom and aspectj, and some fixes in code)
      Rollback of changes related to java7. Should work on java6.
      This configuration should work with Java6 and Java7 as well. (All tests pass.)
      Disabled test016, which often fails on our old bamboo.
      Fixed adding role(s) to an existing user + unknown status when modifying user.
      First steps to new workflows...
      Improved model hooks. Autodeploy of BPMN processes.
      MID-898 fixed.
      "Indexed" attribute is not read into property definitions. Failing test for that.
      Some older code related to workflows.
      Workflows: midpoint users work as activiti users; role approverRef is taken into account (only the first one at this time); some small fixes in task's error handling.
      H2 switched to 1.3.168 due to CLOB problems.
      Near-functional workflow preview.
      More meaningful reporting of WF processes in tasks. A couple of other fixes/improvements.
      Showing work items in a better way.     Reasonable defaults for activiti/quartz JDBC URL in case of embedded H2 db.     Better error handling in WF GUI.     Removed my hack in PrismContainer, fixed ObjectWrapper not to crash on empty PCV sets.
      Trivial samples for testing approvals.
      Increased SQL H2 attempts from 10 to 20 and added a note to locking exception to be sure this mechanism was applied. Fixed bug in TaskMgr leaving over Quartz jobs on task deletion.
      Demonstration of PGSQL CLOB problem. Fixing owner_oid/owner_id columns order. Fixed Quartz tables creation for PGSQL.
      (Hopefully) fixed the PostgreSQL/CLOB-related problem.
      Fixed fault occurring at import (with wf enabled).
      Fixed stupid bug in last commit.
      Fixed problems w/ logging configuration (probably!)
      Sending notification mails in workflows (prototype, for now). Showing work items at home page (not working yet). Removed dependency on geronimo-javamail_1.4_spec and geronimo-activation_1.1_spec (caused problems when sending mails). A couple of fixes related to PolyStrings.
      An attempt to catch locking problems.
      Task start/finish is now logged as DEBUG (was: INFO). Work items @ home page displayed correctly.
      Approve/Reject buttons in work item & work item list screens.
      Unreadable process instances can be at least listed+deleted.
      ApprovalSchema & ApprovalProcess in RoleType.
      Fix to obey naming rules.
      Workflows, next generation. (However, it will not work until patched Activiti will be uploaded into our repo.)
      Small housekeeping w.r.t. workflows.
      Fixed task.setChannel()
      Fixed task.refresh(), refactored task instance initialization a bit. Setting task result to in-progress if it's unknown in the moment of switching to background.
      Test related to task result.
      Quartz tables creation works w/ H2, Postgresql, MySQL.
      Improved retrying on serialization problems; implemented algorithm similar to exponential backoff. Updated samples related to role approvals.
      Retry on serialization problems: up to 40 attempts (was: 20).
      Solved PostgreSQL "connection drop on serialization issue" problem.
      Fixed a task test to correctly work with MySQL (milliseconds truncation).
      fixed logger name
      Added serialVersionUID to classes stored in workflow process instances.
      Fixed MID-1008 by adding ServiceUnavailableException to a list of known causes.
      Fixed a couple of typos. Fixed bug causing that task identifier was not generated when task was created manually.
      Import from Camel (experimental but basically working). Fixed a bug preventing importing task without oid.
      Partial fix for MID-1006 (revealing another problem, however)
      Minor fixes related to tasks. Added samples related to test scenarios.
      Fixed memleak (hopefully) in tightly bound recurring tasks.
      A couple of operation names added; some comments in samples.
      Clearing DTO provider's cache after deleting records.
      Diagnostics for problem related to displaying process instances.
      Fixed GUI bug in workflows.
      Test for MID-1090 (not sure if correct) + some typos fixed.
      Test for MID-1090 hopefully working (i.e. failing ;)
      XPathHolder working with [idvalue] segments.
      model-intest works (a soft of) with maven3
      Shortening model-intest execution a bit.
      Approver selection using expressions. Removed last old-style ChangeHook method. Corrected a couple of typos.
      Conditional approvals.
      Making auxiliary objects in workflows read-only.
      Notifications, first attempt.
      task requestee, plus failing test004cReferenceInExtension (disabled)
      Notifications based on change listener in provisioning.
      Removed 'Technical information' section in notifications
      Fixed bug concerning wrong OperationResult in notifySuccess.
      Temporarily disabled failing test.
      Failing testReferenceInExtension (disabled)
      (Hopefully) fixing latest fail in clockwork test.
      New concurrency/consistency tests. Configurable approaches to consistency (transaction isolation, locking, using readonly transactions). Configurable repo performance monitoring + dumping records to csv file.
      small fix
      Cleaned-up exception processing in sql repo a bit.
      Small pom.xml changes: replaced dependency on cxf-rt-transports-http-jetty with servlet api (where applicable), removed dep on old hibernate in admin-gui. A couple of unrelated small fixes.
      Eliminating some of messy log messages during shutdown: explicitly deregistering JDBC drivers (because some of them fail to deregister themselves) + waiting 500ms for c3p0 connection pool to shutdown, in order to stop getting "connection closed" error messages.
      Small fix related to parsing prism definitions.
      Small changes in notifications.
      Waiting another 2000 ms during repo shutdown, in case of embedded H2 in non-server (file) mode - in order to give various H2 service threads a chance to finish.
      Serialization retries are no longer recorded in OperationResult.
      Removed obsolete items from Task (model operation state, exclusivity status, next run time, missed schedule tolerance).
      Updated serialization autoconfiguration to new postgresql dialect.
      Allowing authentication + starttls or plain ssl when sending notifications. Using operation result to show result of sending mail.
      Upgraded javamail to correctly deal with "plain" mail ssl connections. Added diagnostics option for mail transport. Fixed eating of exceptions in change/operation listeners (w.r.t. op.result).
      Fixed meaningless "serialization-related problem was not caught correctly" message.
      Fixed quartz jdbc store support for Oracle.
      My work items removed from welcome page if workflows are disabled. "Import from file" changed to "Use embedded editor". Fixed MSSQL support for HA tasks.
      Quartz table creation for MSSQL fixed. More robust start of jdbc quartz store (checks for existence of tables after running creator script).
      (Temporarily?) removed JDBC drivers deregistration at webapp shutdown.
      Fix for MID-1192.
      MID-1176 ("Run now" button)
      XML serialization of model context. Various changes in workflows.
      Redesigning worflows, part 1 of N
      Redesigning worflows: creating tasks and subtasks
      Failing test010 (disabled for now)
      quick and ugly fix of startup problems
      Cleaned-up (preliminarily) dependencies and beans withing workflow module.
      Fixed leaving incomplete OperationResults in notifications module.
      Workflows, committing only a part (svn problems)
      Workflows, committing only a part (svn problems)
      Workflows, changes in 'workflow' module.
      Workflows, new 'workflow-api'' module.
      Workflows, changes in 'workflow'' module.
      renamed workflow to workflow-impl
      removed old files that somehow reappeared
      Removed old 'workflow' directory
      dependent & waitingReason attributes
      reworked dependencies between tasks (parent-child + arbitrary 'depends on') + failing searchObjects test
      Moving some workflow classes/packages around.
      Basic set of test for workflow-impl ready and passing, including 'immediate execution' mode.
      Fixed test 020 in task manager.
      Sample functionality for password change approval. Refactored ProcessWrapper code a bit.
      Delayed setting of modelContext into PrepareChildOperationTaskHandler.
      Switch to latest Activiti (5.12), changed default approval process to be "smart", a couple of fixes.
      Work Item approval/rejection with full info, as well as My Work Items on start page seem to work.
      Workflow GUI: displaying information about process instances.
      Refactored WorkflowServiceImpl and some other things in workflow module. Removed workflow forms from common schema. Various changes in wf gui.
      Eliminated PrismObjects from activiti process instance variables. Displaying role and org names instead of OIDs in work item form.
      MID-1277 (showing task closure date/time)
      Major enhancement of workflows gui. More details on task information page (showing model context and workflow data).
      Showing user-related workflow tasks on PageUser (along with setting objectRef for those tasks). Made Back button in task and workflow pages working. Better names for root workflow tasks. Using TextArea for requester and approver comments in WorkItem.
      MID-1268 primitive statistics for background sync/recon/import operations
      Added consistency check to TestPrismParsing (failing for now!). Changed LensContextType from plain JAXB to PrismContainer. Partly fixed serialization/parsing of embedded prism objects. Fixed generation of code for embedded prism objects. Making approver expressions work again.
      Workflow tests passing -- fixed model context serialization problem (RACD vs. PCD) + weakened PrismReferenceValue emptiness consistency check for composite references.
      model-impl tests passing, some problems in workflow-impl remaining
      workflow-impl passing, however, maybe with intermittent fails (couldn't reproduce so far)
      Resolved oid=null problem in model context deserialization (deltas). Fixed workflow child tasks execution ordering (task0 starts last). Slightly enhanced wf tests.
      Swapped name and description for prism objects in WorkItem gui. Made technical information optional and disabled by default. Removed another PrismObject from process variables (some remain - MID-1315).
      Notifications, not much tested yet.
      Fixed NPE (MID-1320) & typo in iterative handler.
      forgotten things
      Password creation and change notifications (user and account related). MidpointFunctions accessible through model-api. [STEP 1 of ... - problems with SVN]
      Password creation and change notifications (user and account related). MidpointFunctions accessible through model-api. [STEP 3 of ... - problems with SVN]
      Step 4
      Hopefully complete commit.
      Primitive replacement of searchObjectsIterative for H2.
      More advanced (now really paging) replacement of searchObjectsIterative for H2.
      Changed computing composite operation result. Sample SMS notifications module. A couple of smaller enhancements in notification module.
      Turned off notifications in model-intest.
      fixed order of objects in initial import
      Fixed wrong way of Boolean comparison.
      Turned on schema validation on debug pages by default. Allowing more than one filter embedded in a notifier.
      SNAPSHOT transaction isolation for MS SQL Server.
      Fix for concurrency bamboo fail.
      Workflow-related notifications (untested), fixed model-related notifications.
      Fix for failing workflow-impl tests.
      Cleaned up dependencies between notifications, model-impl, workflow-impl.     Added notification tests for workflows and livesync/recon.
      Fixed sanity test400/410 + a couple of unimportant typos.
      Hopefully fixed test041 in TestModelServiceContract.
      MID-1315 #resolve #close
      serialVersionUID for SerializationSafeContainer
      Preliminary work item auditing.
      Changed OperationResult to work only with Serializable params, context, return values.     Auditing workflow actions. MID-1354 #close     Lightweight IDs in notifications. MID-1414 #close     Fixed samples-test.
      Better diagnostics for failing TestReconTask.test410/test510.
      Filtering out unimportant attributes from notifications MID-1358 #resolve     Putting error description into notifications MID-1350 #close     Fixed checking validity timestamps in model-intest.
      Hopefully fixing broken tests in model-intest.
      Added F_SYNCHRONIZATION_TIMESTAMP to list of synchronization-related (ignored) attributes.
      Removed OperationResult from audit records, replaced by String.
      Fixed failing workflow-impl tests.
      Filling-in approvers in metadata. Updated to Activiti 5.13. Fixed a couple of wf-related bugs.
      Attempt to fix invalid notification messages (MID-1437). Not completely OK.
      MID-1398 (task description e.g. for system tasks)     MID-1410 ('run now' reschedules the task)     MID-1419 (user-friendly formatting of notification messages)
      Disabled checking counts of notification messages in livesync/recon - seems to be quite nondeterministic.
      small logging enhancement in notifications
      a couple of notification fixes (for Ivo), untested yet
      cleaning-up tasks in task mgr instead of in repo due to erasing whole task trees MID-1439 #close
      Fixed operation results for some GUI actions in workflows.
      Fixed duplicate "add" values when merging ADD with MODIFY delta.
      Trying to solve MID-1445 (refreshing wf-related information on pages to which we return using Back button). Experimental.
      Refreshing wf-related information on pages to which we return using Back button - MID-1445 #close
      forgotten files
      Attempt to fix MID-1437: invalid account owners in notifications, not yet complete.
      Correct implementation of types of user operations - MID-1451 #close
      Fix for the "deleting already deleted shadow" problem during sync.
      MID-1461 (stop process instance leaves wf tasks opened) #resolve     Fixed a couple of operation result-related bugs in workflow.
      MID-1462 (removing subtasks along with their parent)
      MID-1159 (extraneous warning when deleting tasks) fixed.
      Workflows: removed unneeded process variables, added documentation.
      Simplified wf configuration.
      Fixed NPE when starting with wf disabled.
      Fixed error handling in workflows (problem was when some process instances were unreadable due to missing classes).
      Authorization is required for submitting other users' work items. For the time being, implemented by hacking AuthorizationEvaluator.
      MID-1470 (sms notifications use phone number). Added iteration/iterationToken to the list of ignored attributes.
      MID-1480 #close (check wf configuration)     MID-1464 #close (cleanup and document Task and TaskManager interfaces)
      Cleaned up task handlers URIs.
      Signal error in task result for tasks that couldn't even be started.
      MID-1136 accept empty passwords
      Removing redundant 'changed administrativeStatus' notifications (MID-1442)
      failed test451GuybrushInboundFromAbsolute test fix
      Hopefully fixed extraneous activation-related notifications (MID-1442).     A couple of minor fixes in notifications.     Fix for NPE in provisioning.
      Tests for MID-1506 (disabled)
      Fixed # of resources found in TestModelServiceContract.
      Fixed MID-1506 (administrativeStatus on resource being overwritten). A couple of typos fixed as well.
      MID-1507 #close (in-progress account modify notifications). Component loggers for workflows and notifications.
      Fixed notifications sample to pass samples-test.
      Fixed editing attributes in user assignments.
      Fixed MID-1516 (Attributes in assignments cannot be changed while resource is down)
      Fixed NPE in notifications (when creating account on 'open user' gui operation.
      Fixed a security bug in approvals. Added a couple of comments.
      testing git commit
      added support for our own MySQL dialect in TaskManager
      Merge branch 'master' of git.evolveum.com:/srv/git/projects/midpoint
      Fixed quartz table creation script for mysql/innodb.
      Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'

Peter Prochazka (502):
      basic structure
      add missing directory
      Adding README nad INSTALL
      Initial commit
      Initial import
      Initial import
      Initial import
      Initial import
      Initial import
      Initial import
      Add svn ignore
      add svn ignore
      switch to example com
      Fix bug
      Fix missing repository
      Fixxing wrong dependency - MID-98
      Add target to svn:ignore
      Add target to svn:ignore
      Add target to svn:ignore
      Add target to svn:ignore
      Add target to svn:ignore
      fix missing sources
      fixing wrong compiler prolugin usage some times
      Fixing problem with repository mock testing and paths.     Switche to use JAR sources and not relative path
      Fixing Junit test failure. MID-106 & MID-107
      BUg fix  after rewrite. MID-106 and MID-107
      Fixed test
      Fixed bug in test expect 1 but was 2
      Fixed tests
      Clean up
      Add more debug to test
      Fixed junit test failures. MID-109
      Fixed Junit test
      Fix J unit test
      Adding clover
      Fixing release and install guides
      Release preparation
      new version number
      Fixing clover
      I adding clover
      clover integration
      bug fix typo
      Refactor and relocation
      Refactor and relocation
      Refactor and rename
      Refactor and rename
      Refactor and rename
      Refactor and rename
      Adding version to application and correct build number
      adding new inforamtion to wars and jars
      Cleanup and remove depracated methods
      Add clover to svn ignore
      Add missing copyright
      New password policy operation exception during working with PP
      Adding new classes for password policy handling
      Password policy validator code drop
      Changes to related to password policy
      Adding minimal setting testing from XML Password Policy
      adding new testing in validator and unit test + example policies
      In the middle of the work - refactor passwordpolicy
      Work in progress
      Refactored password policy
      Remove old operation result
      Password policy updated generator
      Refactor 3
      PW Gen MK.3
      Need to finalize pwdgenerator  only first character is generated properly.
      Fixed generation of to fix minimal requirements
      Fixing generator out standing issue is uniqness
      Fixed test and added uniqness check
      Password generator is done.
      remove obsolete methods
      Do some optimalization in generator to have unique place for methods.     Finalize password validator and testing form password validator
      Add testing against multiple policies
      Selenium testing testing phase learning how to do.
      Selenium testing testing phase learning how to do.
      First two tests.     success full login     fail login
      Enhanced testing possible values
      Adding new not ready yet test based on MID-2
      Enhancin test with next step
      Add testing based on MID-2
      reoredr testing to alpha order     fixiig test bugs
      Enhancing test
      More tests
      Fix issue with output
      Adding missing id in gui
      switch sysout to logger
      adding analysis of coponets
      fixing logging     add missing id to identify buttons     adding delete test
      Fixed test and added clean up
      Add debug wait
      Try to fix
      Try to fix
      Test curently fixed
      adding ID's
      Creating import user test
      Fixing missing Ids and locations
      Refactoring to use extension of selenium framework
      Fix wrong click
      Adding import user test
      FIX return value
      Id refactoring
      Fixinging import test
      Adding test description to javadoc
      Piratize test + adding edit user test
      adding comments and todos
      Fixing typo
      Refactor clicking in table
      fixing target link
      Fixed test
      new test case
      Finalize test delete user as MID-167.
      Add description of test
      Add description of test
      adding resoucrce test skeleton
      reorganize deletion to end     add skelteon for resource
      Update resource test
      Update tests
      Changed resource object.     adding basic provisioning MID-170
      Do simple provissioning
      Added new component for sanity testing
      Fixed build
      Fixing configuration in pom to generate logs properly
      add ing loggin to file ./target/test.log
      Fixing to add more debugining
      Fixing log4j
      Fixed issue with non failing testt if context is fails. MID-279
      Revert back
      Fixed styles
      Fixing MID-287.     To use aspectj disable profile type     mvn install -P default
      Fixing logging issue and unify: MID-288
      Fixed some test
      Fixing test after changing GUI
      Add missing file
      Add logging for idenitifing problems:
      Add more logging
      Remove broken selenium code
      Remove unsupported action
      Adding more logging
      fixing test
      Fixing test
      Fixing test
      Fixing test
      Fix typo
      Fixing test
      Fixing JIRA MID-298
      Fixing missing result code
      Fixing result calculation
      Fixing missing compute result
      Fixing missing compute result
      Rewrite result check
      Refactor some results
      fix result and exception handling
      Fixing TYPO
      Updated  resource XML
      Add new build profile for runing sanity
      Small rename
      Adding missing dependency for clover
      Upgrading versions
      Fixing versions
      Fixing removed selenium
      Refactor to remove dependency on test jar
      Remove not reiquired test-jar
      Remove not reiquired test-jar
      Remove dependecies on test jar (MID-292)
      Add svn ignore target
      Update svn:ignore
      separete test to smaller ones
      Activate sanity by default
      Fixing test
      Imporeve test
      Fixing change of label
      implementing test MID-169
      Add svn ignore
      Add new test based on user password
      Adding test based on JIRA MID-188
      change user
      Fix test
      Fixing test wrong location
      Adding new page check
      add new method to log in selenium
      Enahnace logging
      add missing ID
      Fix click link
      refactor to force logout and add new overided method to selenium
      Refactor logout to sub test
      Refactor test change password
      add more test for password change MID-190 MID-188 MID-193
      Removing repository configuration from gui and switch context to repo test context
      witch hammer on all bad contexts and workaround to basex system.exit(1);
      Force alphabetical order during tests
      Switch context
      UGLY FIX for slow machines
      Fixing SVN URL
      Switch SNAP to release
      Fix reneame
      Fixing typo
      [maven-release-plugin] prepare release project-1.8
      [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
      Add findbugg to build system
      Converting to CXF
      Fixing style
      Fixing class path
      Remove warnings
      Refactor name
      disable findbugs
      Add system testing directory
      Initialization process skeleton directory. setup
      adding new component repository factory
      Removing from svn ignore
      Adding suport for eclipse 3.7
      Adding suport for eclipse 3.7
      Adding suport for eclipse 3.7
      Adding suport for eclipse 3.7
      Adding suport for eclipse 3.7
      Adding suport for eclipse 3.7
      INitial commit of classes
      refactor package name
      refactor package name
      Adding tests based on testng
      removing excludes from path
      Added support for testng
      Conversion to testNG     test order and startup is defined in src/test/conf/testng.xml
      Conversion to testNG     test order and startup is defined in src/test/conf/testng.xml
      Conversion to testNG     test order and startup is defined in src/test/conf/testng.xml
      Conversion to testNG     test order and startup is defined in src/test/conf/testng.xml
      Conversion to testNG     test order and startup is defined in src/test/conf/testng.xml
      Test fixed
      Refactoring build system management of pom dependencies
      Refactoring build system management of pom dependencies
      Junk cleanup
      Junk cleanup
      Refactoring build system management of pom dependencies
      Conversion to testNG     test order and startup is defined in src/test/conf/testng.xml
      Refactoring build system management of pom dependencies
      Fixing for testNG  and create dummy-context for usage OpenDJUnitTestAdapter as extension.
      Conversion to testNG     test order and startup is defined in src/test/conf/testng.xml
      Refactoring build system management of pom dependencies
      Junk cleanup
      Conversion to testNG     test order and startup is defined in src/test/conf/testng.xml
      Remove junk
      Refactor to be compatible with eclipse
      COnverted sanity
      remove .settings
      remove .project
      remove .classpath
      add svn ignore
      remove test MID-371
      Fixing assert for testNG
      Conversion to testNG     test order and startup is defined in testng.xml
      refactor name of the component
      Junk cleanup
      remove unused
      Fixing move of test
      Basic config
      Add missing testng xml
      Adding configuration  API
      remove test output
      Missong pom
      Missong pom
      Add missing copyright
      Rename from systemconfiguratipon to midpoint configuratie (system configuration is for java)
      COnfiguration base
      Refactor to use configuration in repository start up
      Refactor to use configuration to use test configuration context
      fixing test for changed context
      fixing test for changed context
      fixing test for changed context
      fixing test for changed context
      fixing test for changed context
      Fixing copyright
      Fixing copyright
      MIssing depenedency
      Turn off truncate
      inactive code drop
      Update svn ignore
      Fixing missing test and wrong XML
      Refactored extraction of ldap templates
      fixed typo
      Clean up
      Changed configuration
      changing default system configuration
      Refactored to us configuration and not stupid scaning in claspath.     Part of initialization process.
      update svn ignore
      Fixing tests
      Fixing failing test
      adding marking start and end of test
      Fixed basex in evolveum repository.     Workarround only MID-389
      Style fix
      Conversion to testNG
      Fixed application context change
      fixed listing during tomcat
      Implemented requested feature to get lissting of classes based on package
      REname of certificate
      Adding svn:ignore
      Fix which may help in windows
      Fixed test
      Split tests in definition
      Split tests in definition
      Split tests in definition
      Split tests in definition
      Split tests in definition
      Split tests in definition
      Add handling of null pointer if sometings happend
      Refactor to use configuration in protector
      Missing file
      Partial fix of MID-392
      Partial fix of MID-392
      Fixed missing keystore in WAR
      Fixing version aspectj
      Add static method for extracting file from class path to filesystem
      Adding basic loging to info on midpoint
      Remove application home bean
      Add configuration to keystore management, adding generation of home and partial refactor of configuration.
      refactor name of property
      refactor name of property
      add default key alias property
      add default key alias property
      Revert back :-)
      Rename component to good name
      Rename component to good name
      Refactor trace -> logger
      Refactor trace -> logger     improve logging
      switch to shutdown
      Switch basex private patch 2
      Remove obsolete code
      logger -> LOGGER
      logger -> LOGGER
      logger -> LOGGER
      logger -> LOGGER
      logger -> LOGGER
      logger -> LOGGER
      logger -> LOGGER
      logger -> LOGGER
      logger -> LOGGER
      logger -> LOGGER
      logger -> LOGGER
      logger -> LOGGER
      logger -> LOGGER
      Add default vaule if initialpath is missing from configuration
      Move warning to proper place
      fix test
      fix test
      Fix copy paste
      Adding support for supress dump of operation result stack trace
      Supress stacktrace from dump.
      Adding information on product start.     changing default basex-path to midpoint home
      MID-408 memory leak fix
      Switch NDC to MDC we really not use NDC stack MDC is better
      append to string builder
      Fixedexception during eclipse run and missing build timestamp
      Fixing bug with systemConfiguration import
      Fixing failing test
      NDC->MDC rename
      Switch log4j -> logback
      Set profiling level to INFO
      Join aspects into single ONE with single logic.
      booty loogin context
      Switch to new logging architeture via logback
      Remove obsolete MID-368
      Adding evolvoum part
      Do profiling in test! Ay ay Sir
      Do profiling in test! Ay ay Sir
      Do profiling in test! Ay ay Sir
      Do profiling in test! Ay ay Sir
      Do profiling in test! Ay ay Sir
      Do profiling in test! Ay ay Sir
      Do profiling in test! Ay ay Sir
      Do profiling in test! Ay ay Sir
      Do profiling in test! Ay ay Sir
      Do profiling in test! Ay ay Sir
      Do profiling in test! Ay ay Sir
      Add dummy connector to build
      Adding svn ignore
      Adding svn ignore
      partialy fixed reseting and not appliad configuration
      Partiali fixed logger configuration
      fixing typo
      Adding comments and fixing action on default
      Fixing bug with sub systems     Enhnacing bug reporting in result -> appendDetail     Comments + formating
      Adding test if bundle is configured properli duering load if there is any error with bundle load     then bundle is skipped. MID-387
      Supress some logging
      Changing icf from sun to openicf from forgerock. MID-454     and fix to revision 6162. Fixing relatred test and samples.     Switch flatfile to csvfile MID-396
      Fixing jira MID-463 plus style
      Style and cleanup
      Fixing MID-467     chaning default file pattern adding %i for file index after size rotation
      fixing MID-467     change appender file pattern add %i
      Style and warnings + MID-444
      Fixing error messages.
      Fixing MID-444
      Updated logging format
      Fixed NPE but bug still there :-) need to fix test now
      Fixed NPE and othr cases :-)
      Preparation to fix MID-152
      Fixing escaping issue MID-152
      More granular informations in profiling
      add new subsystem all as part of MID-474
      add handling for ALL subsystem MID-474
      Added internals stack to diagnose problem
      Fixing missing logs from spring
      Added more information to profiling at trace level
      add SVN igonore
      Adding loging bridges to log libraries (spring) with old format of logging (JCL,LOG4j)
      Adding loging bridges to log libraries (spring) with old format of logging (JCL,LOG4j)
      Adding loging bridges to log libraries (spring) with old format of logging (JCL,LOG4j)
      Adding loging bridges to log libraries (spring) with old format of logging (JCL,LOG4j)
      Adding loging bridges to log libraries (spring) with old format of logging (JCL,LOG4j)
      Adding loging bridges to log libraries (spring) with old format of logging (JCL,LOG4j)
      Adding loging bridges to log libraries (spring) with old format of logging (JCL,LOG4j)
      Upgrading CXF version and fixing MID-492
      Remove obsolete depedency
      Remove obsolete depedency
      Remove obsolete depedency
      Remove obsolete depedency fix system object
      Remove obsolete depedency
      Fix for windows when some test may hang
      Upgrade LDAP connector to MID-503
      Fixed jira MID-483, changed around for web
      Fixing moving INFO to debug  MID-444
      Fixing MID-513 and MID-514 but possible performance hit with subsystem loging enabled
      Not tested feature.
      fixing formaitng and adding comments
      Logging cleanup - remove garbage
      Fixed proper creation sample to not cause any error
      [maven-release-plugin] prepare release midpoint-1.9
      [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
      remove old code
      Not working sample :)
      adding support tools for testing
      Add new logging for testNG output
      switch logging in testng
      switch logging in testng
      switch logging in testng
      switch logging in testng
      switch logging in testng
      upgrade surefire
      Upgrade spring to 3.0.6 and slf4j to 1.6.4
      Fix issue with not enought permgen in sanity
      fixed webservice NPE
      add resources to system tests and externals link to schema files
      system test core
      New test
      adding not working yet
      Added get check to system configuration object
      add resource object
      Enable all test
      Change version to 1.10
      Change version to 1.10
      Change version to 1.10
      Change version to 1.10
      Change version to 1.10
      Change version to 1.10
      Change version to 1.10
      Change version to 1.10
      Change version to 1.10
      Change version to 1.10
      Change version to 1.10
      Change version to 1.10
      Change version to 1.10
      Change version to 1.10
      Change version to 1.10
      Change version to 1.10
      Change version to 1.10
      Change version to 1.10
      Change version to 1.10
      Change version to 1.10
      Change version to 1.10
      Change version to 1.10
      Change version to 1.10
      Change version to 1.10
      Change version to 1.10
      Change version to 1.10
      Change version to 1.10
      Change version to 1.10
      Change version to 1.10
      Change version to 1.10
      Change version to 1.10
      Change version to 1.10
      Change version to 1.10
      Change version to 1.10
      cleanup junk, relocate to better place
      [maven-release-plugin] prepare release midpoint-1.10
      [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
      Fixing some issue during build and add svn ignore
      [maven-release-plugin] prepare release midpoint-2.1
      New devel version 2.1.1
      Prepare new devel version 2.2
      Fix wrong parent version
      Fixing javadoc generator

Radovan Semancik (1663):
      Configuration and database for embedded OpenDJ (2.4.2)
      Fixing OpenDJ maven artifacts     Removing OpenDJ SNMP Handler (due to the OpenDJ maven problems)
      Fixing tests with embedded OpenDJ
      Logging improvement
      OpenDJ samples
      Outbound password sync setting
      Stat of collecting known issues
      Thread name fix
      Correlation expression fix
      For testing with two LDAPs
      Alternative LDAP resource definition
      NPE fix
      Describe the JAXB problem
      Advanced example
      JAXB reference
      Acme test data
      Fixed formatting. Some comments.
      Initial schema for system configuration object. Also an example.     Addining missing datatypes DTD.     Some fix of schemalocation in the other example.
      SystemConfiguration ref to default user template
      Templates and various IDE configuration and tunning files
      UCF API - work in progress
      First steps in UCF implementation and a first test
      One more step to UCF
      Conflict in version attribute
      Unit test with embedded OpenDJ. test connection passing.
      Next step towards schema generation
      name vs typeName bugfix
      Fetch and search somehow work ...
      Forgot to commit this little ugly beast ...
      Cleaning up the code, moving pieces where they belong. More javadocs.
      Yet another iteration over OperationResult problem
      Few more convenience methods in OperationResult, switched test() to OperationReslt.
      More work on OperationResult in UCF
      Cleanup of of model WSDL and refactoring of WSDL fault. Huge consequences. But all the tests seems to work OK.
      Instantiate methods
      Fix compilation problem
      Provisioning API POM
      First steps in provisioning API
      Some refactoring in Util/Schema/Common     Basic structure of ShadowCache (mostly commented out)     Improvements in ConnectorInstanceImpl
      Test for schema processor
      Few functions added
      One more step towards ShadowCache
      Bad news: lot of bad code     Good news: it is not used (yet)
      Test initialization. Work in progress.
      More work on provisioning tests.     !!! Some tests fail now !!!
      Broken build fix.     Also more work in provisioning and better error handling in schema processor.
      Missing ICF schema definition
      Wrong place. Sorry.
      Fixed xml format
      Fixed tests, marking some files as deprecated
      Error handling in provisioning ... experimenting
      More work on new provisioning     More work on error handling
      New provisioning interface
      Some "demo" code for next week. Also minor improvements.
      More javadocs, new repository interface (temporarilly in the provisioning)
      First attempt at ConnectorHostType schema
      Property container annotation
      First whack at Task Manager Interface. Minimum comments. Work in progress.
      Work on "import from resource"
      fix broken build
      Empty task impl. Small improvements.
      Simple implementation of task manager. Work in progress.
      Resurrecting tests that Igor killed
      Stub of import tests
      Test skeleton. Fails to build now.
      Attempt to testConnection
      Attempt to make basic tests work. Fails.
      Insanity with sanity tests
      Partial fix for testResource. Also some tweaks in exceptions in provisioning API.
      Cleanup in testResource. Still not perfect.
      Fix test compilation error
      testResource (somehow) fixed
      testResource in almost final shape
      add user sanity test
      Test fix
      Moving out old samples
      This may even work ...
      Sanity: add account case (not finished, failing)
      Bette checking in "add" sanity test: fails now
      Removing deprecated tests in provisioning-impl. Moving things that may be still usefull to "attic".
      Sanity tests cover basic provisioning now
      Testing schemaHandling and expressions in sanity.
      Replacing with new version of schema
      Basic task scanner. Work in progress.
      Further work on task manager. Claiming a task should work now.
      Further work on task manager. Not yet done.
      Synchronization task (barebones)     fixed tests (missing task manager spring context)
      Extension support in Task
      LiveSyncCycle connected to the provisionig     Failing - as expected
      Task mamager test
      Implementing modify task extension     Some refactoring of XsdTypeConverter and schema processor
      Storing xsi:type and remembering type definition when working with extension
      Task extension handling
      Task recurrence and binding
      Support for "single" tasks
      Working on Import from Resource     Changed model WSDL
      Ripping out old sync thread and cycle management interface.
      Task init for import almost done.     Some minor refactoring.
      Removing hack that is no longer needed ... which also fixes the tests.
      More realistic test case
      Error handling improvements
      Thread names
      Passing objectclass to import task     Fixing problems with QName serialization     Fixing lots of small problems in task manager
      OperationResult handling improvements
      Ripping change manager out of provisioning impl.     Also changed the name to "change dispatcher" as that better matches its purpose now.
      Creating shadow during search. Also some preparation for discovery.
      Just few details ...
      Making "paging" optional parameter
      Fixing naming attribute for shadows     Improving sanity test
      Result handling in import
      Fixing sanity test
      Better diagnostics, error handling, etc. Some fixes.
      Attempt to handle some ICF error (black magic)
      Upgrading OpenDJ to 2.4.3 (newest version).     Enabled OpenDJ replication.     Also chenaged the OpenDJ content to better suit the tests.
      Adding real live sync test to sanity. Fails now.     Adding check for results to sanity. Most fail now. Temporarily turned off.     Fixing error handling in ICF.     Task manager shutdown.     Making paging optional.
      Improving logging aspect. Better expection handling in UCF. TaskManager shutdown check.
      Routing add/modify/delete of task through the task manager
      Optimizing sanity test wait times - using the optimized task scanner.
      Optimizing test wait times
      Temporary suspend of task menager threads
      Ripping off dead provisioning meat. BRAAAAINS! :-)
      Bye bye old WSDLs ...
      Forgotten dead meat
      Disabling tests until they get fixed
      Disabling test ... until fixed
      Basic OpenDJ resource example. NOT TESTED.
      Refactoring sanity tests: smarter wait, moving reusable code to the proper place.
      Few bugfixes
      test bugfix. disable result checking.
      Adjusting wait times
      Enabling all tests
      Too big. Screws the stats.
      Slight refactoring of method/class names in import. Preparations for import from file.
      One more step towards unified import. Preparing operation result for summarization.
      Test fix
      Better import tests and result handling
      Attempt for smart import references. Test fails.
      Fixed something, broke something else :-)
      Better error handling, but it still fails.
      And it works now. Thanks Igor ...
      Automatic schema generation (if not present). Some testing glitches remain.
      Fixing samples: adding task to advanced sample, removing schema from basic sample.
      Native object class in the schema (MID-338). Making schema optional element in XSD.
      Removing dead meat, moving ICF logger to a better place.
      Refactor ConnectorManager -> ConnectorFactory
      Discovery of local connectors, creating ConnectorType in repo.
      Temporarily disabled one of the Import tests due to race condition
      Refactor initialize -> postInit
      Class to manage ConnectorType objects
      Ignoring META-INF files generated by Eclipse
      Substantial change in the method how connectors are handled. Connector objects are now regular repository objects.     Refactored connector initialization. Configuration is now a method separate from connector instantiation.
      Removing bundle version from the connector config namespace. It is lesser evil.
      Cleaning up archaic and deprecated ICF schemas. Most components refactored OK, but I've been lost in model test labyrinth. Model tests fail now.
      Fixing schema tests
      Fixing test fix
      Connector host support. Untested. Also fixed test for import flag.
      Basic remote connector systest (work in progress). Fixing some bugs.
      Fist whack at a connector schema. Schema processor is a bit more generic now.     Introduced concept of "Dumpable" interface.     XsdTypeConverter supports richer set of types.
      One more step towards remote connectors. Work in progress.
      Test for BaseX "qname prefix" bug. Repository tests fail.     Test for xsi:type parsing in DOMUtil.     Refactored XSD constants from SchemaConstants to DOMUtil.
      Experimental "generics" getObject method in repository - and enhanced JAXBUtil with generics     Fixed few issues with connector schema (and tests)
      Adding NOT_APPLICABLE type to OperationResult to indicate not supported optional operations.     Fixed connector test to use it.
      Connector schema almost complete.
      Finer test for xsi:type
      Rollback to BaseX 6.7.1
      Removing more dead meat.     Implementing listResourceObjects in provisioning.
      Documenting ModelService. Aligning with other interfaces. Removing unnecesary operations.
      Switching listObjects and searchObjects in all interfaces to generics. (MID-315)
      XPathType -> XPathHolder (wanted to do this looong time ago)
      First step in cleaning up util, schema and common ... moving boxes to the correct place
      Schema java classes and packages cleaned up
      Util cleaned up
      Removing empty packages
      Removing empty packages
      Commons (somehow) cleaned up
      Converting modifyObject to generics version in all interfaces.     Adding type parameters to getObject, searchObject and modifyObject in model-1.wsdl.     Some model tests fail.
      Standard schemas moved to main and added to catalog
      Refactor deleteObject to use generics in all interfaces.
      Fix for __UID__ being more equal than other ICF attributes
      Minimal bad import test. Work in progress.
      Slight refactoring in ShadowCache to make sure that the naming attribute is correctly assigned in all cases.     Sanity test still fail, as the naming attribute is not yet in the schema. Working on that.
      Naming attribute fix (MID-132)
      Refactoring validator to use OperationResult directly     Improved bad import test
      Removing dead OpenDJ meat. Refactoring AbstractIntegrationTest to be more generic (needed for DB integration tests).
      Fixing OpenDJ tests. Tests are faster now.
      Failing ProvisioningServiceImplOpenDJTest test. Some OpenDJController improvements (logging)
      Fixed tests
      Fixed obviously wrong test
      Better error handling
      Mamut's solution. Untested.
      ActivationChange in UCF
      Support for embedded Derby in tests
      Dealing with "ProtectedString" problem: Extending XsdTypeConverter to support JAXB types. Does not work entirelly well yet.
      More reliable JAXB -> QName mapping (using annotations)
      Dead meat
      Almost fixing systest
      Discovery error handling (MID-379)
      Massive refactoring of JAXB and XsdTypeConvertor that spreads to the entire system.     Also some schema changes regarding expressions to stop the jaxb:dom cancer due to JAXB spec problems.     Also some minor changes.
      Fixing samples to adapt to the schema change
      Fixing attribute conversion
      Renaming ExpressionHolder to a more appropriate name
      Fixing the Derby-based test of DB Table connector and password fields
      Fixed wrong test class name
      Working around test context problems in provisioning (see MID-392)
      Fixing class initialization in integration test, whic also fixes the DB test in provisioning.
      Switching import implementation to StAX
      Fixing object validator and also extending the test. Which also fixes sanity.
      Static schema checking during import. Preparation for dynamic schema checking and custom schema registry.
      Switching valiudation for xsd:schema back to strict and adding appropriate import.     Copying xml.xsd locally.
      Test to automatically validate all the samples in trunk/samples
      Fixed import error reporting.     Temporarily DISABLED SCHEMA CHECKING during import - until BaseX is fixed.     Some typo fixes, etc.
      Encrypting values during import
      Decrypting values in provisioning. Untested. But it at least it doesn not break anything.
      Classloader fix?
      Updating Assignment and Role schema. Introducing namespace for generic annotations.
      Long refactoring of Schema Processor done.
      Slight refactor of import to use ImportOptionsType. Untested code for "overwrite" during import.
      Fixing "overwrite" in import. ExtentionProcessor fix that fixes a sanity error (but there is another one).
      Fixing bad valueExpression in sanity
      Encrypting values in dynamic schemas during import. Also reworked dynamic schema checking.
      Almost fixed sanity, but Vilo's commit broke it again. Also fixed samples non compliant to schema and other consequences of enabled schema and result checking.     Few basic generic examples.
      Fixing cleartext/encrypted problem in tests.
      Fixed <credentials>
      Sample DB Table connector object
      Fixing result and task handling in model web (and also at other places). Slight cleanup of model WSDL.
      Fixing NPE in task manager which also fixes sanity.
      Removing a big chunk of a dead meat. Also better error reporting on exceptions in async tasks.
      "Stop on error" during import and validation. Changes validation handler result types to implement this.
      Forgot this. Sorry.
      Test for defaul account. Also removing some dead meat.
      One more test and one fixed existing test while exploring for the "default account mystery". Fixed sanity test. Now it fails as it should fail.
      Improved logging
      Logging levels
      Rolling back the missing <objectclass>
      Removing deprecated <type> clause from the search. This breaks few things.
      Lazy local connector list initialization (MID-387). Untested, as the tests fail due to search problem.
      Adding <description> elements to many places in the schema, allowing structured in-line documentation in midPoint objects.     (MID-121)
      Fixed import test, but shutdown fails now
      Schema caching, part 1. The schema is passed to upper layers in a ResourceType subclass.
      Resource schema caching, part 2. The cached schema is being reused in the provisioning shadow cache now.
      Applying connector pool configuration and timeouts. Fixing the test resource files. Some experiments with capabilities.
      Connector instance caching. Sanity speedup approx. 10 sec.
      Caching bugfix. Adjusted log levels.
      Next step to capabilities. Capability schema, some preliminary support in the connector instance. Work in progress.
      Connector can list capabilities + test
      Connector capabilities are presented as <nativeCapabilities> in the resource.
      Password change as a special operation in UCF.
      The scurvy password is being set from credentials/password. Arr!
      Password from ChangePasswordOperation in the UCF addObject operation ready to set sail.
      The credentials/password should work in provisioning addObject now.
      Swashing me cutlass through the JAXB scurvy in the UCF underdeck.
      Trimming the rigging a bit. Also burrying a forgotten treasure.
      Creating a stinking hack to allow ill-formed modifications to swab the deck.
      A trial for a rotten case of bad OID during crew recruitment. Fails like hell.
      Sanity test for password change. Fixing few bugs.
      Improved change password test
      Workaround for screwed ICF exceptions. Partial solution to MID-431.
      Capabilities for scripts (not really tested)
      Test for a password in LDAP after add account (MID-72)
      Renaming the connector to "dummy"
      Dummyzation complete
      First implementation steps
      One more test ;-)
      More work on dummy connector. Also fixing some bugs in provisioning.     Corrected return value from UCF modifyObject.
      Fixing bad OID in tests
      Dummy connector and dummy resource split.
      Removing dead meat
      TestNG config
      Dummy resource+connector can do attributes, password and enable.     Fixed boolean conversion bug.     Fixed conversion from GuardedString.
      Result handling fix and javadoc.
      Support for <access> annotation in the schema and in the UCF.
      Checking schema sanity in the test. Moving some checks from OpenDJ to Dummy.
      Test for capabilities. Minor bug fix in schema processor.
      Last touch to the "genericsation" of the interfaces (MID-315)
      Remove icfs:password field from schema. Starting from now only <credentials> will work in provisioning.
      Task scanner reactivate works now (MID-441)
      Moving to a better place
      Renaming to a better name. Javadoc.
      Applying ResultList to all interfaces. This should be the last touch to the interfaces in this release (and hopufuly also beyond it).
      Sanity test for account disable with OpenDJ. Some bugfixes.
      Forgot to commit. Sorry.
      Sanite test for enable.
      Adding Derby account to the sanity test.     Fixed warning if there is no schema handling (changed to NOT_APPLICABLE). MID-464.     Fixed handling of activation in model if resource is not capable of activation.
      Extending schema for simulated activation capability (MID-469)
      Ignore flag for attributes and object classes.     Setting ignore flag for attributes used in the simulated activation capability.
      Ignoring fields in the generated GUI forms. Untested.
      Added check for activation strucuture in the shadow (fails now)
      Logging message improvement: ShadowCache
      Cleaneup up the UCF interface in an attempt to support additional attributes. But that seems not to be possible in ICF.
      Small refactor of simulated activation code.     Some logging improvements.
      Switch to a patched LDAP connnector
      Adding activation and credenatials to resource object
      Option for keeping OID during import (MID-465)
      Message and tad made optional in the OperationResultType
      Adding ds-pwp-account-disabled
      Documentation updates
      Check for ds-pwp-account-disabled in schema
      Better error reporting regarding encryption
      Heartbeat and partial recording of progress and result in long tasks
      Forgot this ... again
      Repository cache, initial version, not yet integrated
      Destroying the cache: Fixing some model tests
      Cache improvements, but still not perfect
      More work on the cache
      Fixed sanity, possible fix for other tests as well.     Improved display of values in the XML OperationResultType.
      Fixing my stupid bug in cache. Also few other minor bugs.
      Operation result XML optimization
      Longer timeout for import - due to very slow progress on neptunus
      SQL error detection improvement. Fix in test connection. Update of comments in the DB Table sample resource.
      Longer timeout. Neptunus is slow.
      Removing out-of-date examples, moving useful files to a proper place
      A handful of generic examples
      Fixed bug in the example
      Basic role, not tested yet
      Activation in assignment made optional
      Fixing cache init/destruction
      New test for a role assignment in sanity: fails.     new test for account delete: fails.     Some cleanup in the model.
      Check for sneaky userPassword attribute: will fail until the LDAP connector is updated.
      Correcting the sanity tests for delete/unlink
      Upgrade of csvfile connector to "e2" version.     Improving ICF error handling.     Fixing deleteObject in provisioning service.
      Fixing sevral bugs in operation result.     Fixing error reporting in import (MID-430)
      Displaying error text
      test connection operation names
      Error reporting improvements
      Attempt to fix import ... obviously failed
      Log level cleanup
      Fixing NPE in "Server Tasks" page.     Logging levels.
      Sepukku of tasks. Also added missing marking of task manager subsystem in task manager internal threads.
      Fixing NPE which resulted from race condition in heartbeat
      Fixing correlation expression
      Logging improvements
      Fixing basic RBAC for Cronus
      Fixed exclusions in synchronization a bit. But now sanity fails. The problems seems to be in provisioning.
      Fixing some of the exclusion-related issues in model. Improving logging and error handling in many places while hunting down other problems.     Discovered problem with search in provisioning. Writing a test for it.
      Fixed shadow in search (MID-528)
      Fixing bad account owner lookup in synchronization.     Fixing dirtiescontext in provisioning tests.     Some test improvements.
      Fixing the exclusions.     Also improvements in displaying operation result and other debug data.
      Fixing exception during unlink (MID-516)
      Log etime analysis script and sanity log setup.
      Better debugging output.
      Improving the tool
      Small improvement
      Fixing capability schema.     Improving debug information display.     Improving the profiling tool.     Adding ICF as a new "subsytem" for logging.
      Fixed missing schema caching in provisioning listObjects
      Fixing bad search filter
      First round of model test cleanup
      First step to refactor expression evaluation code
      Expression evaluator almost complete
      First steps into new valueConstruction
      valueConstruction: literal and asIs seems to work
      Expression support in value construction
      Fixing variable handling + tests
      Huge change in the IDM model implementation for a "pure relative" approach.     Will break a lot of things. Under construction. Work in progress. Beware the Dragons!
      Split assignment processing and outbound processing. Not yet fisnished.     Also some leftovers from previous commit.
      Option not to enforce assignments (used in sanity).     Fixed some bugs in change processing.
      Password synchronization (outbound) update to a correct valueConstruction form. This fixed test013 in sanity.
      Fixed the way how outbound change is detemined. However it does not fix the tests ... for some mysterious reason.     Also some util and sanity test cleanup.
      Fixes sanity test 020
      Fixes sanity test022 (change password)
      Implementing activation processing in model. This fixes enable/disable sanity tests.
      Fixing delete user sanity test
      Fixed sanity tests that deal with roles
      Documenting model code, part 1
      Typo fix (squence vs sequence). More checks for nulls. Some more javadoc.
      Fixed few NPEs. Fixed side effect of object delta merging.
      Somehow fixing the resource vs resourceRef problem in accounts. There is still some other problem. Accounts are not being created.
      Fixing NPE in sanity delete user test
      Moving deltas to a common package.
      Sanity test for unsassinging a role. Failing now.     Some play with model hooks.
      Splitting change execution out of ModelController
      First attempt at ChangeHook
      Fixing unassign sanity test.     Possible fix for MID-558 by creating an UGLY HACK. But that is most likely necessary until we can rid of JAXB (or parts of it).     Some work on the model hooks (preparing schema, etc).
      Fixed role sanity test
      Test for MID-559 and hopefully also fix.
      Improved sanity tests with attribute values in roles and also by adding another role.
      Better error check
      Few new methods to work with "magic" account shadow defintion. Some cleanup in method signature.     New sanity test. Fails due to some unrelated error.
      Fixed bug in account modification
      Extended RBAC test case
      Test for combination of RBAC and direct attribute values
      A bit of refactoring while preparing to implement support for extension schema.
      Reading schema directories + test
      Extension schema annotation, work in progress
      Refactoring to work around the inability of XML libraries to deal with schema dependencies direcly. Still in progress.
      The test now fails deterministically
      Fixing the schema dependency problem
      Unifying resource/entity resolving in XML schema processing
      Improved test, changed order of entity resolution
      Fixing NPE in sanity
      parsing extension type annotations in schema processor and one more DOMUtil test
      Support for extension schema (still needs initialization code).
      Refactoring getCommonSchema -> getObjectSchema
      Fixing model tests
      Very basic auditing service structure
      Adding task parameter to model addObject as a kindof prototype. Will add task also to other methods later.
      Adding owner and task identifier to a task. Adapting samples and tests.
      Adding task parameter to model.modifyObject
      Added task to model deleteObject
      Adding auditing code to model modifyObject and deleteObject
      Changing notifyChange interface from XML types to native Java. Done because of new (absolute) state that needs to be conveyed through the interface.     This breaks the build. Vilo will fix it shortly.
      Fixed NPE (hopefully)
      yet another NPE fix
      yet another NPE
      Fix for missing OIDs?
      Dummy connector can now synchronize (but in quite a dumb way).     Provisioning test for synchronization using a dummy connector. Fails now. Will fix tomorrow.
      Hopefully fixing OID problem in current shadow in sync
      Fixed missing resourceRef
      Improved test
      Auditing configuration
      Skeleton of reconciliation task
      More work on reconciliation task
      Fixed inner exception display
      Better error reporting
      User reconciliation shows some life signs ;-) Also a sanity test for it. Now fails on password. Working on it.
      Fixed the password issues in reconciliation
      Resource reconciliation somehow merged with import code. Still does not work properly. Sanity test for resource recon. Fails now. Working on it.
      Class naming cleanup.
      Fixed user template (old schema vs new schema). This also fixed synchronization sanity test.
      Reconciliation and Recompute task
      Making the profiling info more compact and more readable. Pushing it down to DEBUG level.
      Better display of data in the logs (and elsewhere).     Extra sanity test for provisioning search (FAILS!)     Small improvement in test tools.
      Fixed failed xmlpatch test (probably triggered by the change of schema)
      Attempt to implement listing of JAXBelement child elements
      Better handling of JAXB type parsing. Minor refactoring.
      Forgot to commit
      Fixed provisioning iterative search test.
      Fixed reconciliation sanity test
      Fixed password change
      Small refactoring of OpenDJ utils.     Test for attribute reconciliation. Fails now.
      Schema update for reconciliation
      More work on attributre reconciliation
      More work on attribute reconciliation.     Support for initial schema loading in system config.
      Corrected "runtime" flag in extension schemas.     Added user extension schema to sanity.
      Fixing test failure
      Replacing legacy XML patch in the repository implmentation - and necessary adjustements in the schema code.     Also a HACK for comparing object references until we have better support of them in midpoint objects.
      Fixed missing extension type information that broke sanity. Sanity still fail, but the cause is different now.
      Fixed the calendar conversion problem with JAXB. Some problems still remain.
      Hacked conversion of integer to BigInteger. Need to make better solution later.
      Fixing the dynamic schema issues that were uncovered by failing sanity. Well, it is more hacking around than fixing. Will get fixed in a proper way once the interfaces will be switched to native deltas and the schema work will be completed after 2.0 release.
      Fixing a minor fluctuation in the test
      (hopefully) fixed default type in XML conversion. default type is now string.
      Improved diagnostics output
      XML diff done our way. Also some rudimentary test.
      equals(), equivalen() and test for it.
      Test extended to XML
      Fixed reconciliation.     Better diagnostic output for LDAP asserts.     Fixing logging messages in recon/import.     Turining NPE in task manager to warning.
      Better reconciliation test.     Fixing the recon bug with non-tolerant attributes.
      Sample role
      A bit of cleanup and also a better test.
      Fixed problem with "add" changes instead of "replace" during activation/enable change (hopefully).
      Marker in the ObjectType that contains an error if that happened (fetchResult).     Setting the marker in listObject in provisioning.     Testing that in sanity test.     inserting broken connector and resource in the sanity tests to make sure we can survive it
      Unified and improved logging of notifyChange data
      Activation in sync now works for native activation capability. It does NOT work yet for simulated capability.
      At least a partial fix for simulated activation problem in searches and synchronization.
      Final (?) fix for activation problem in sync.
      Fix for activation fix.
      Schema for inbound activation and password (MID-456)
      Adjusted default logging level to INFO.     Fixed profiling logging levels (MID-578)
      Test for MID-535. Cannot replicate.
      Adding shared secret encryption (MID-529) and SSL support for remote connector hosts. Untested.
      Support for "default" nodes in expressions (MID-586).     Added <extension> to AssignmentType that have somehow dissappeared.     Added $assignment variable to role expressions.     Tests for role expressions and default nodes in expressions (sanity).
      Fixed exception that leaked from the listObjects jail.     Added some logging in the GUI.     Test for multiple assignment of the same role in sanity.
      Possible fix for broken XML debug page edit. Also additional diff test.
      Extra check for concrete obejct types in diff.
      Fixing property delat (switched add/delete)     Removing ugly debug logging from ShadowCacheUtil     better test for deltas     Removed Miso's "fix" that haven't really worked.     better handling of bad results in provisioning listObjects
      <generate> value constructor + test
      Added test for "keep OID" flag.
      Test for deleting a dynamic extension (token)
      Fixing the problem with dynamic schema diff/patch.     Better tests for dynamic diff/pathc.
      Removing unnecessary ValueAssignmentHolder. Due to schema change ValueAssignmentType works well. No hacks needed.
      Support for generated encrypted values.
      Fixed user edit in GUI: replaced legacy XMLdiff with our diff.     Some tweaks with auditing. Still not perfect.
      Fixed auditing. Switched from single delta to delta collection. It now also records the deltas (in details).
      Some polish to auditing abbreviations
      Adding auditing to the repository debug pages
      First attempt to add audit to synchronization
      Fixing auditing test
      Fixing auditing in synchronization
      Making xsd:string the default type for runtime schema if no other type def is available
      Fixed conversion of task owner to JAXB
      Fixed few problems in import. But other problems remain.     Added missing syncdelta in account context dump.
      Test for hierarchical role (passing).
      Fixed referential integrity during import (MID-602)
      Fixed assertions in the test to match reality
      Adjusting timeout so even slow netpunus has a chance to pass this test.
      Even more time for neptunus
      Fixed detection of added/deleted accounts
      Attempt to fix account edit problem. Still fails.
      Fixing edit account.
      Fixing account password change.
      Adding path to the properties/containers. All tests passing.
      More comments. Better delta dump. Fixed handling of results in import.
      Import from resource does not stop on errors.
      Test for duplicate values during import. Unable to replicate the problem.
      Adjusted UCF aspect pointcut     Removed archaic replication of activation state in GUI
      Test and fix for <ignore> in the schema.     Better check for null in activation processor.     Fixing commented-out outbound in the sample.
      Fixed phantom changes in GUI
      Generate taskIdentifier during import + test
      Prism refactoring in progress
      Prism almost compiles
      util compiles, prism compile, the rest fails. Nothing works.
      Testing schema and annotation schema (not yet updated)
      More progress in prisms. DOM parsing. Not yet working.
      Some tests, some fixes
      Improved test
      Aligining naming to Prism*
      Moving boxes ....
      Cleaning up XML type converter
      Switching to multi-value containers. Still not working.
      The multi-value prism containers compilable. Not yet tested.
      Tests for multivalue containers and seraching
      Test for schema-aware construction
      lazier container initialization
      Merging values, propragating the definition and test for creating values out of the blue and merging it.
      More methods and test for multi-valued containers
      Test adapted also for schema-less construction
      Test for application of schema to the object created without schema
      Renaming methods
      Object reference support in prism schema + test     (construction does not work yet)
      Prism References. Work. Mostly.     Also some cleanup in class names and diagnostics output.
      Schema almost compiles
      Making tests compilable or disabling them (until they will be reviewed)
      Adding annotations
      Adding object to the reference
      Fixing and cleaning up parent relations in prisms (also test for it).     DOM implementation in progress.
      Splitting prism to several packages. Too many classes in the main package.
      Pluggable definition factory
      Renaming Schema to PrismSchema to avoid import conflicts.     Some cleanup in schema tests (in progress).     Adding "id" attribute to AssignmentType.
      Moving some extra-schema tests from "schema" to "prism" where they belong. Cleaning them up.
      Refactoring exception package to the correct name
      Adding support for compile-time classes in schema
      Searching for definition by class.
      Enabling some test in common.     test-util compilable.
      Moving XML diff to test tools. We don't need it in the main.
      Refactoring "refined" schemas to prisms ... and other things.
      Removing dead meat
      Fixing compilability
      One more step ...
      infra compiles
      Switching repo API to PrismObject, partially adapted code.
      More asserts, more utils, fixed one repo test
      Simplifying name
      XML repo compilable
      Renaming PrismTestUtil to avoid conflict with test-util     Fixing annotations in foo schema
      Some naming cleanup in SchemaRegistry.     Fixing MidPointPrismContextFactory, but it breaks things :-)
      Task manager compilable
      repo subsystem compiles
      Some fixing to reflect API changes. Does not work yet.
      Fix different container/value behavior (and test for it)
      Better getParent in container value     Adapting UCF api
      getObjectable -> asObjectable
      Switching ICF configuration processing to a new prismContainer style (much simpler).     Introducing ResourceSchema class.
      Cleaning up ResourceObjectShadow schema. More work on adapting UCF impl to new API.
      ConnectorInstanceIcfImpl compilable
      More work on provisioning
      More provisioning work
      Provisioning almost compiles
      Provisioning compiles, provisioning tests do not (yet).
      ResourceSchema changes.     Some adaptation of provisioning tests.
      Changing modifyObject to list of modification instead of ObejctDelta.     Provisioning compiles.
      Creating abstract ItemDelta, using it in APIs.
      ReferenceDelta and adapting system to all the delta kinds. (Model stil fails)
      More work on model compilability
      Better handling of generics in prism. More work on model compilability.
      Even better generics in prism. Adapting the rest of the code (model stil fails).
      Model almost compiles
      Model compiles
      Magic with diff and compare
      Uncommited refactor. sorry.
      Small fix in asserts
      Adding missing diff in PrismProperty
      Fixed diff, also simple test.
      Fixed container id parsing. Better diff test.
      Fixed patching and a roundtrip diff-patch test.
      Cleaning up schema/TestJaxbSanity
      Fixed detection of xsd:any in schema
      Fix for "no unique maximal instance"?
      Fixing "Java Aaaargh! templating problem". Also finally getting rid of XML diff.
      Fixed namespace prefix mapper.     Better diag dump methods.     Some work on schema tests.     Prism test for schema parsing (fail now)     some fixes in schema serialization.
      Fixed schema refactoring effect
      Resource schema parsing almost works
      Cleaning up the mess of PrismTestUtil, JaxbTestUtil, PrismAsserts, DeltaAsserts, ...     Also some new tests.
      Rough test for common schema parsing, fixing some schema details.
      Improved test, fixed reference parsing from DOM.
      Cleanup of XmlTypeConverter. Test for parsing and converting dateTime values.
      Fixed JAXB value processing during DOM parsing
      Improved diff test
      Improved parsing tests
      eMail -> email     fixed parsing of objects with dynamic types and schema
      Fixed wrong detection of ADD property deltas.
      Fixing some bugs in equals methods, also better tests for it in schema.     Fixing DOM->schema and also some things in schema->DOM
      Fixed resource schema parsing and serializing
      Enabling all schema tests and removing the old ones.
      Fixed SchemaProcessorTest
      Sanity compiles. That means that the whole trunk compiles.
      Removing test
      Fixed something in TestSchemaProcessorWithRegistry, something else still broken     Removed deprecated method, fixed the code.
      Fixed bug in comparing container values.     Test for presence of equals() method in generated code.
      Finxing validator initialization and hence the tests.
      More work on prism DOM facet
      forgot a method
      Unmarshalling an object with JAXB processor also applies the definition to the object.
      Smart list for xsd:any elements. Does not work perfectly yet.
      Fixed applyDefinition
      Testing for JAXB hashcode
      Fixing test for equals and hashcode. Fails now.
      Forgor this test
      Enabling again
      DOM facet almost works
      Conversion of PrismObject to DOM
      Switching from live DOM to a dead DOM, which fixed a lot of common tests
      Fixing hashcode issues
      Fixed bug in JAXB object parsing, which also fixed schema tests.
      More parsing tests
      Added asObjectable to test. It fails now.
      Fixed refined schema tests
      Creating prismContext.adopt
      PrismContext bean in test spring context
      Adding prism context
      serialize to string and roundtrip test
      Support for explicit xsi:type and a test for it.
      Some empty dir cleanup. More efficient prism context init in tests. Adapting schema tests to new schema.
      Fixed missing anyURI type mapping. Also fixed some minor bugs.     Better error reporting.
      Fixed QName parsing
      Fixed some parsing bugs     Also fixed some schema issues in repo tests.
      Fixing spring contexts
      Fixed "runtime" flag in conatiners.     Improved ICFc schema.     Test for ICFc schema sanity.     Better dumping of parsed schema.
      Looking up global definition for xsd:any containers
      Considering all blank nodes the same in DOM comparison
      More fix for blanks in XML comparison
      Fixing NPEs
      Fixed SimpleUcfTest and resource namespaces
      Added ConfigurationException.     Simplified provisioning exceptions.     Improved error reporting.
      ConfiguratioException, act II
      Attempt to lazy prism property conversion. Mostly successful. But breaks few things.
      Fixing some diff/equals issues, which also fixes some repo tests
      Adapting the connector schema.     Fix of SimpleUcfTest.
      Fixing some schema issues.     Fixing provisioning ConnectorInstanceIcfImpl     Fixing provisioning OpenDjUcfTest
      fixed compilation problem
      Separated and improved test for connector dicovery.     Fixed few issues related to connector schema.
      Correcting resource schema to focus on ObjectClassComplexTypeDefinition
      Fixed QueryUtil issue that stopped provisioning tests from running
      Fixed inner element prism container schema parsing.     Improved provisioning tests.
      Fixed some prism and schema issues that caused failure of provisioning tests.     Better prism and provisioning tests.     Schema feature to override type definition in XSD annotations.
      Support for userData in prism items.     Getting rid of the EnhancedResourceType hack.
      Fixed task manager tests.
      Removing junk
      Fixing lots of small bugs here and there.     Adding conversion to UCF-ready shadows.
      Fixed few more bugs in tests
      Completely changed task impl. Now it stores values directly in the prism. Minimal copying.
      Fixing some provisioning test issues.     Cleaning up test names.
      Test name cleanup
      Basic schema construction test
      Removing the old way of XML prefix mapper, switching to the new one.     Testing the XML prefix mapping.
      Solving the mystery of disappearing XML prefixis. Fixing it in a holistic and quite cumbersome way.     This will need some more cleanup later, but it seems to work now.
      Comments. Removing dead-end code.
      Fixed some provisioning tests
      Fixing the "token definition" problem in provisioning
      Fixing some provisioning test issues
      Fixing the provisioning DB test
      Fixing prism test util initialization
      Fixing some prism problems that caused model tests to fail. Also fixing some aspects of the model tests.
      Better error reporting
      applyDefinition methods for deltas
      Reworked JAXB code generator: corrected method and field names, focus on PrismContainerValue instead of PrismContainer
      Fixed model ControllerAddObjectTest     Fixed container value parent in deltas which fixed few problems in model tests
      Cleaning up the generics a bit
      Method to parse list of objects from file (DOM-based)     Fixed model ControllerListResourceObjectShadowsTest
      Fixed few bugs in PrismForJAXBUtil which helped to fix some model tests.     Updated model resource definition to a new schema.
      Fixed processing of composite objects in references. (+ test)     Fixed reference handling in JAXB generated code.     Fixed model test data.
      Fixing handling of properties that contain JAXB values
      Fixing confirmation expression code     Test for provisioning NotFound exception
      Fixing spring contexts in model tests
      Fixing TestDiffEquals
      Improving recording of return values in OperationResult
      Fixing DeltaConvertor, it is based on generic ItemDelta now. Fixing the tests accordingly.     Comments in schema to prepare to split prism and midpoint parts.
      Fixing validator (common)     Adding support for filter and description to prism refernces (no JAXB yet)
      Fixing bug with compile-time classes of runtime schemas
      Visitor pattern for Prisms + test
      Fome work on fixing import. Still in progress.
      Fixed definition propagation in JAXB object construction + 2 new tests
      Whoops :-)
      Moving the test files out of the way
      Fixed application of extra schemas in parsing. Construction (especially JAXB) may still fail.
      Automatically applying definition when composing prisms (e.g. adding items to container value)
      Fixing som import issues, one still remain.
      Moving schemas out of the way
      Correct place
      Minor cleanup
      Import fixed
      Fixing some model tests.     Better reporting of connector problems in provisioning.     Option to "cache" nativeCapabilities (still quite primitive).
      More tests, also fixed something in the model
      Fixing typo in namespace.     Fixing propagation of context in jaxb case.
      Fixing shadow construction in refined schema (+ test).     Fixing consolidation processor and value construction.     Extra checks during delta application (patching).     Fixing some patching problems.     Throwing exception if attempting to compare elements with different parsing states (raw elements).     Better diag output for delta set triples.
      Ugly and brutal hack to work around BaseX problems. Argh!
      Fixed comparing of raw vs parsed items
      Adding mapping for double and float.     Cleaning up the schema tests.     Fix in schema: making filter optional.
      Updating repo test files to a newer (read: not-more-than-a-year-old) schema, which also fixed the tests.
      Hacking around caching nativeCapabilities (need to be really fixed later).     Improving prism diag output.     Fixing some model tests.
      Fixed bug that was introduced few commits ago + some cosmetics
      reference value is created "on demand" when getValue() is called.
      Adding "indexed" flag.
      Support for <a:indexed> in schema parsing and serialization.     Improved extra schema test.
      Tests for object clonning + fixed parent bug in clonning
      Adapting ValueConstruction to work with Item instead of Property (some limitations still apply)     Adapting model code as well (even more limitations apply).     Fixing few bugs in the process.
      Fixing parsing in a model test
      Implementing unimplemented method in DeltaConvertor, adapting the code - which fixed model web service tests.
      Improving task-impl tests, also fixing something.
      Partial fix of samples schema (work in progress).     Fixed sanity tests to start.     Fixed some bugs here and there (uncovered by running sanity test).     Improved error reporting from validator.     Reorganized samples a bit.
      Minor test fix
      Fixed application of definition to the reference values (+ test)
      Improved extra schema tests and fixed a bug in schema registry.
      Simple DeltaConverter test
      Extra checks in resource parsing test
      Fixing samples to a newer schema.     Fixing some things in sanity (sync tests are disabled now).     Deltas are clonable.     Yet another ugly hack to help BaseX remember namespaces.     Reworking load of account references (in model).     Lots and lots of small things.
      Little fix of the ugly hack
      Fixing some sanity test issues
      Resource caching tests
      Cleaned up resource schema caching code.     Fixed caching tests.
      Minor improvenemt
      Hunting an heisenbug through the whole system, fixing it in namespace mapper.     Improved logging and checks in sanity test.
      Disabled tests that take too much time and are not really necessary
      Improving provisioning tests
      Improving provisioning test (searchIterative, LDAP case)
      Test for parsing and application of deltas with long path.     Fixed "long path" problem with also fixed some tests.     Minor cleanup in delta method names.
      Hunt down a strange bug that runied parent relationship in prism (which was not that strange after all).     Some minor cleanup in code and test files.     Cleaup of display code in sanity tests.
      Improved diff/patch tests.     Fixed few smaller problems in prism diff and patch.     Improved prism diag output.
      Fixing few problems in reference parsing code.
      Fixed account unlink
      Fixing "type" in object references
      Fixing a small problem in delta that took hell a lot of time to find.     Fxing swallow in delta.     Fixing serializing of data in XPath variable resolver.
      Fixed expression processing
      Fixing loading of account to context, which caused a handful of NPEs.     Fixing handful of NPEs ... and few other bugs.
      Fixed isEmpty bug in ObjectDelta - fixes sanity test.     Improving diag output.
      Added few prism, repo and provisioning tests.     Fixed handling of dynamic definitions (caused sync tokens to fail).     Fixed few sanity problems.
      Fixing few issues regarding prism and delta construction in provisioing and model.     Adding few new tests.     Support for reset in dummy resource.
      Adding consistence checks to prisms and deltas.     ... and also to sync contexts.     Invoking the checks at strategic places.     Fixing the old hacks in delta paths.     Fixing lots of small problems here and there.
      Adding NodeType to use in task manager
      Fixed import of dynamic data types (+ improved tests)
      Fixed few issues with deltas and NPEs. Which also fixed most of synchronization sanity tests.
      Fixing import schema.     Fixing few NPEs here and there.
      Moved application of logging configuration to the model (where is belongs).     Also a basic test whether the logging and logging configuration works.
      Cleaning up the schemas, preparation for schemas version 2.
      Fixing diff bugs (also bug in the diff tests).     Cleaning up the schemas, test files and samples to use xsd:int instead of xsd:integer
      Ading countObjects to all interfaces     Removing ResultList from all interfaces
      Improved provisionig tests. (one fails now)     Some logging cleanup.     Clonning in repo cache.     Logging exceptions in notification dispatcher.     Some NPE fixes and other details in inbound processor.     Loading account contexts from sync deltas in user synchronizer.
      Marking old methods as deprecated
      Fixed element ordering during prism serialization to XML
      Improving the tests
      Support for modify sync history in dummy resource.     Improving provisioning tests.
      Improving diagnostic output in provisioning.     Fixing context loading bug in model.     Improved checking of sync tokens in sanity test.
      Fixing repo tests     Improving the provisioning and sanity tests: checking for shadow uniqueness
      Failing search test
      Fixed XML repo query namespaces
      Improving the test, fixing the test code
      Refactoring to prepare for iterative value expressions
      A bit more or refactoring.     Removing obsolete tests.
      Rudimentary uniqueness check (does not work well yet).     Improving the tests.
      Better support for secondary identifiers.     Storing secondary identifiers along with primary in the repo shadows.     Adjusting the tests.     Some minor cleanup.
      Improving tests.     Fixing access and identifier processing in refined schema.     Fixing some test issues.
      Splitting query to a separate namespace.
      Basic support for iterative value construction. Only works in outbound now.
      Fixed correlation query construction.     Some test refactoring.     SyncContextListener for tests.
      Forgot this
      UPdated synchronization service test with more asserts
      Fixed samples
      Hacking XPath prefixes.     Adding query-2 schema to prism factory.
      Better hacking around Xpath prefixes
      Fixing sanity schemas
      Adding a missing schema
      Implementing role exclusions (simple SoD). Not tested yet.
      Support for JSR-223 expression interpreter. JavaScript expressions supported.
      Groovy scripting support.
      Better error message
      Preparing schema for protected accounts (MID-625)
      Adding SecurityViolationException.     Basic implementation of protected accounts (untested).
      Test for protected account in refined schema.     Fixing a bug in refined schema parsing.     Implementing equalsRealValue for prism items.
      Test and fix for protected accounts. Should work well except for synchronization (yet).     Some extensions in prism.     Fixing missing objectClass in UCF search.
      Extending protected accounts also to synchronization (+ test)
      Initializing system configuration in model's postInit (+test for logging initialization)
      Fixed NPE in ItemDelta
      Improved the test
      Fixing equals() and contains() problems related to the container IDs.     Minor cleanup in schema description.
      Fixed bug in stack trace dump in OperationResult.     Some fixes of error results in validator.     Fixed failing sample schema. Also some namespace cleanup.
      Fixing order of system config and postInit in sanity.
      Better error message
      Extra checks for presence of definitions
      Fixing missing definition in deltas for dynamic types (+test)
      Implementing <condition> in value construction + tests in common. More tests in model and sanity are needed.
      Completed resource schema annotations + documentation.
      Adding tests for parsing and constructing user/assignment/extension properties.
      Improved diagnostics output
      Fixing sanity test052
      Extended test to cover also assignment extension
      Fixing the problem with missing deifnition in assignment extension. It was caused by bug in prism applyDefinition, prismContext was not propagated as it should be.     Also changing the schema for cached nativeCapabilities in resource.
      Changing the wainting mechanism in sanity to also work on slower computers.
      Fixing remaining sanity tests.
      Extending the JAXB construction test also for account/accountRef
      Bugfix: handling of references with objects in JAXB
      Generating caching metadata for native capabilities.
      Adding Groovy exression to sanity. Fixed some jsr223ExpressionEvaluator bugs.
      Fixing getPropertyDefinitions in refined account (+test)
      Adding JavaScript expression to sanity.     Implementing "simplification" of deltas partially as a workaround to a ICF add/delete problem.
      First few model API contract tests.
      API cleanup: removing "resolve" relict from repo and provisioning. Adding task to model API operations.
      Reworking the resolving code. Basic resolving seems to work.
      Better "resolve" tests. It seems to work OK now.
      Sanity test for role exclusion.
      Sanity test for conditional outbound expression.
      Refactoring the UserSynchronizer and associated classes. This fixes several bugs in the RBAC and assignment processing.     Also seems to better support some usecases. There is also a couple of new tests in model-impl and common.
      Adding some utility methods
      Adding a test for linking and unlinking accounts
      Reconciliation test (user synchronizer).     Fixing wrong reconciliation load of account to sync context.     Fixing a lot of small bugs in user synchronizer.     Improved logging.
      Adding test for get-add of full shadow. Creating a couple of utility method for that, minor model test refactor.
      Fixing searchObject, countObject and listObjects in provisioning.
      Fixing problem trigered by adding a user with an account.     Also some work on enabling <source> in inbound expressions (MID-138, not complete yet).
      Implementing changes in value construction needed to support <source> in inbound expressions. (+tests)     Source in inbound roughly works. More testing needed.
      Typo fix.
      Fixing inbound <source> for absolute-state reconciliation (+test)
      Defined prism annotation schema.     Bumping prism annotation schema major version to 2.     Changing all the namespaces to reflects that.     Adding concept of displayOrder (prism annotation). + tests.
      Bumping resource annotations to major version 2.
      Fixing prism-jaxb problem with filter in object references (MID-662). This breaks sanity.
      Removing last relicts of xmldiff.
      Fixing parsing of prism references from JAXB objects which also (almost) fixes sanity.
      Fixing the test. (MID-695)
      Detailed tracing in GUI logging page (commented out).     Better error message in UserSynchronizer.
      Fixing parsing of displayName, displayOrder and help annotation on containers (MID-698)
      Extending test for <extension> displayName and displayOrder.
      Fixing clone()
      Making test300 timeout longer (fixes the test).
      Fixing the TestParseUser.testPrismConsistency.
      Divided schemas between prism and schema components.     Foung a great battle with XML and XSD libraries and catalog files to do so.     Introducint PolyString (Java class) and corresponding XSD type. No conversion yet.     Default normalization for PolyString. Quite rough, but seems to work acceptably well.     Improved DOM to schema parser to provide better messages in exceptions.
      Lower amount of OpenDJ DB cache (less trashing in tests).
      Fixing "ignore" flag in refined schema (MID-702).
      More tests for displayOrder. Fixing propagation of displayOrder (and others) when extra extension schemas are used (MID-698).
      Correcting package name.
      Integrating PolyString to prism. Conversion from DOM tested. Conversion to JAXB implemented but untested.     Exteded assertDefinition in prisms and deltas. Adding that to some tests.
      PolyString syntactic short-cut in XmlTypeConverter and DOM prism parser.
      "Hardcommiting" generated code for types-2.xsd - a workaround to JAXB inflexibility with PolyStringType.
      Making "orig" na PolyStringType optional (with explanation inline)
      Changing comomn tests to pure-string variables.
      Fixing DirectoryFileObjectResolver.     Basic PolyString expression tests.
      Better PolyString support in expressions (especially XPath)     New <path> value constructor: more reliable and much faster than XPath.     PolyString value construction tests.
      Updating user definition in common schema: switching types to PolyString, adding additional optional string properties.
      Fixing schema tests after common-1.xsd change
      Adapting common tests to schema change
      telephoneNumber fix
      Blindly fixing some of the test files.
      Test for multivalue PolyString. Fails.
      Fixing multivalue PolyStringType properties in JAXB.
      Rudimentary implentation or OperationResult summarization. Used during import.     Adapting some of the model tests to PolyString.
      Creating concept of default value constructor (AsIs).     Fixing a lot of polyString-related bugs.     Updating tests to PolyString.     Hacking around semi-automatic type conversion in AsIs value constructor.
      Fixing yet another batch of PolyString issues. And more tests.
      Fixing delta/item to triple conversion bug which caused some path constructions to fail.     Also fixing some sanity tests.
      Fixing last remaining model test.
      Fixing role definition wrt PolyString.
      Fixing inbound processing (delta code path).
      New DeltaConverter method for createing ObjectDeltaType.     Fixing existing DeltaConverter methos (+test).
      Moving sample schemas to a separate directory.     Attempt to use sample schema in sanity validation - failed due to duplicate definitions.     Aligning custom namespaces ("my") in samples and sanity.
      Adding logging of logging changes.
      Extra check for password replace modification.
      Improving checkConsistence in deltas.
      Fixing the File vs String problem in UCF (caused CSVFile to fail) - MID-723.     + test
      Fixed NPE in logging statement
      Fixing getValueNew to also for single-value ADD deltas.
      Small schema update to allow future compatible change (MID-656)
      Fixing application of connector schema to the resource (extended test). This should fix MID-729.     Also minor fixes in ObjectImporter.
      Making resource namespace optional.
      Adapting the expressions to PolyString. This fixes few consistency tests.
      Optimizing thread count of the embedded OpenDJ
      Fixed few bugs in user synchronizer components and also in other places.
      Fixing wrong deltas for unlinked and deleted accounts
      Fixing account delete upon unassign
      Fixed sanity test to reflect recent imrpovements
      Deprecating old GUI (v1), removing it from the build.
      Fixing NPE
      Deleting accountRef with full account also deletes that account (MID-728). + few tests
      OperationResult summarization improvement (MID-734) - untested.     Fixed dump order in UserSynchronizer.
      Maybe fixing MID-730.     Improving OperationResult summarization.
      MidPoint function library - just a single function now (MID-660). +test.     Removing deprecated XPath recilts.
      Forgot to update after refactoring. Sorry.
      Fixed getPrismContext
      Possible fix for MID-730
      Addinig more function to basic midPoint expression library.     Also support for vararg functions (does not work in JavaScript).
      Changing namespace common-1.xsd -> common-2
      Schema rename: capabilities-1.xsd -> capabilities-2     Schema cleanup: removing deprecated resource/resource-schema-1.xsd
      Change the icf-1 schema to the version 2 namespace.
      Fixing handling of default XML namespace (MID-685).
      Refactoring of PasswordType. Breaks build. Will be fixed shortly.
      Improving error messages in model (MID-748)
      (hopefully) last namespace change: action-1 -> action-2
      Fixing NPE. Fixing minor error reporting bug.
      Test for simple refined schema and one small fix.
      Fixed refined schema: lookup of default account.     Added hasOutboundExpression.
      Extra check for presence of objectClass in accounts.
      Making ICF UID optional in the schema (formally)
      Making ICF UID optional in the sample
      Extended test to check for correct shadow definition
      Aplying refined schema to accounts that go out of the model. This fixes a strange definition bug.     Also extending the test to cover more od refined schema.
      Improving correlation expression error reporting (MID-754)
      Fixing completing resource (MID-753)
      Creating new #synchronize action for sync situation (MID-757).     Using that in the consistency tests, which takes it one step further.     Small fix of diag output.     Setting policyDecision for more situation types and fixing addUser action according to that.     Fixing more problems with resource completion.
      Switching derby test to use default resource namespace.
      Replacing sample with a newer version that is using default namespaces     Fixing "adopt" bug.
      Replacing resource definitions with ones that are using default namespace.     Making types-2 JAXB classes Serializable.
      Making ResourceObjectPattern serializable.     Removing the relics of old entitlements design from common schema.
      Fixing problem with roles and existing accounts (MID-772)
      Fixing exceptions after API changes
      Fixing a problem with non-existent role that is still assigned to user.     Improving sample roles, moving to separate directory.     Extending RBAC test for MID-784. Commented out now as MID-784 is known issue for this version.
      Minor fix of schema violation.
      One more sample role
      Fixing inability of delta converter to convert reference and container values.
      Adding "org" to the common-2 schema.     Adding orgRef to ObjectType     Adding "relation" to the ObjectReferenceType.     Modifying JAXB plugin to support relation.     Extra checks for delta definitions in ChangeExcutor (and elsewhere). This breaks a couple of sanity tests.     Fixing some typos in logging messages.     Adding some logging messages.
      Sample organizational structure. Still not complete.
      Improved example
      Minor fix
      Making fimilyName and givenName optional
      Fixing application of resource schema (if not yet applied) to resource objects in model controller.
      Fixing the tests after recent changes.
      Introducing "thombstone" concept ot ResourceAccountType, BaseAction and therefore indirectly also to UserSynchronizer.     This seems to fix the consistency tests.
      Refactoring "resolve" parameter of model.getObject(..) to a more generic "options".
      Forgotten files
      Adding options to provisioning.getObject(..)     Rough implmentation of NO_FETCH.
      Fixing NPE
      Fixing NO_FETCH implemantation (+tests)
      Switching to default namespace
      Updating schema to support entitlements. Rough design now.
      Attempt to fix name clash problem in PrismValueDeltaSetTriple (in java7)
      Adding parent.relativePath to pom.xml (required by netbeans build).
      Fixing previous pom fix :-)
      Disabling BaseX repo build as a temporary solution to build problems.
      Finished removing BaseX
      Extending schema for resource/accounttype dependency.     Extending dummy resource and connector to support multiple instances (+ fixing the tests).     Adding "red" dummy instance in model tests.
      Refactoring user synchronizer: putting change executing inside. Refactoring the tests as well.
      Refacting UserSynchronizer to execute changes in waves. Currently fixed to 2 waves, will add     dynamic waves and dependencies later.     This should also fix the inbound-after-change feedback problem.     Fixing a lot of internal incosistency bugs in prisms and provisioning.     Adding a test for the inbound feedback.     Improving some provisioning tests.     Removing few deprecated mockito-based tests in model.     Fixing dymanic schema namespace in model.     Some test files cleanup in provisioning.     Lots of other small things that I don't remember ...     WARNING: one sanity test still fails.
      Additional object consistency check in model.addObject().
      Fixing the problem with secondary wave delta OIDs which also fixed the import sanity test.
      Provisioning dependencies. Executing provisioning in waves, ordered by the dependency tree.     Tested only very lightly.
      Adding checks for changing parent in prism items and values. Fixing the rest of the code to accomodate that.     Moslt likely also fixing lots of hidden bugs as well.
      Refactoring UserSynchronizer into "lens": a set of a Projector that recomputes the context and Clokwork that drives     it through state changes and executes the changes. Still not 100% complete but should not cause too much harm now ...
      Adding ModelInteractionService with previewChanges method.
      approverRef in role
      Fixing NPE in projector which fixes the remaining sanity tests.     Also some performance improvements (avoid to repeat projection if it is already projected).     Improvements in logging the projection progress (but the logging is stil quite bad).
      Moving tests to correct packae, fixing test names.
      Making LensContext clonable (and also some other required objects).
      Simple test for hook in clockwork. Also fixed a bug in PropertyValueWithOrigin.
      Improving the Clockwork test. One test still fails (disabled for now).     Adding better toString to lens context and other classes.     Improving consistency checks and crating a single place where to turn them off for production (ModelCompiletimeConfig), not ideal but OK for now.     Refactoring lens tests constants.     Very simple serialization utils.
      Adding revive and applyDefinition methods to deltas.     Adding adopt() support for deltas.     Adding adopt() to lens contexts.     Adding "resurrection" of resources to ContextLoader.     ... this fixes the clockwork serialization test.
      Fixing NPE
      Constructor validations
      Adding new factory method to ObjectDelta.     Some comments in ExpressionConstants.     Additional checks in LensContext, LensUtil and ObjectDelta.
      Fixing missing setup of projection class in objectDeltaToContext
      Adding executeChanges to model API, deprecating addObject, modifyObject and deleteObject.     The implementation may not yet work.     Changing previewChanges to Collection.     Adapting the GUI code.
      Cleanup up projector/clockwork logging a little.     Moving projector classes to a separate package (better for readability and also logging).     Some model test refactoring.     Adding few model tests.
      Adding passowrd policy reference to accountType.
      Adding assignment enforcement policy to accountType.
      Test for account modification using executeChanges(). Fixing the model code.     Cosmetics fix in sanity.
      Adding properties that describe the last synchronization situations.
      Changing the TestModelServiceContract methods to executeChanges(). Moving the tests using deprecated methods to TestModelServiceContractDeprecated.
      Adding "intent" to ResourceObjectShadowType, deprecating accountType in AccountShadowType.
      Creating the ShadowProjectionObjectDelta subclass of ObjectDelta. Fixing the test and code to support deltas without OID.
      Changing name of ResourceAccountType to ResourceShadowDiscriminator to reflect its much more generic function.     Also changed names of related methods (getters/setters).
      Switching from accountType to intent (in a backwards compatible way)
      Cleaning up the "default account type" mess. It is now dynamic based on schemaHandling definition.
      Migrating samples and tests from accountType to intent. Changing the default intent from "user" to "default".
      Extended test to check for special characters.
      Fixing user template (it was loaded into context incorrectly).     Adding tests for user template.     Some groovy-friendly convenience for PolyStringType.
      Fixing account type and a strange filename.
      Fixing the results in projector and change executor.
      Fixing UNKNOWN result (failed sanity test).
      Some fixes to avoid duplication of values in prism. Not really successful yet.     Some fixes of user template processing. Not yet complete.     Adding abstract Recomputable interface to cover all the PolyString-like cases. This is also unfinished.     model.previewChanges is now "resolving" all the resourceRef with the full recource object in hope that the GUI will use it more efficiently (also a test for it).
      Fixing multiple bugs and tets failures.     Better application of shadow schema in model. Created a new provisioning API functions for that. Migrated ShadowDiscriminatorObjectDelta to common to do that.     Added few provisioning tests.     Improved debugging at few places.     Improved checkConsistency in prisms and lens context.     Added few minor funtions to prism such as hasCompleteDefinition() and fixed many small bugs.     Fixed a schema application in projector context loader.     Some User Processor fixes (but user template still not working perfectly, work in progress).
      Fixing problems in model.executeChanges with non-shadow objects (+test).
      (hopefully) fixing remote connector discovery (MID-876)
      removing deprecated fixShadows()
      Fixing problem with remote connector discovery and test connection (MID-883).     Some samples.
      Explicitly clearing remote connector cache before discovery.
      Fixed recording of test connection result into operation result.
      Ability to present string-typed configu properties as protected strings.     Test for this hack in provisioning.     Extending dummy resource with two useless config properties.     Improvement to AES protector that returns clear value if available.
      Adding option for "literal" diff that does not ignore xmlns declarations (+test).     Refactored the labyrinth of equals methods in prism values.
      Switching diff in "repository objects" page to literal mode.     Cleanup after MID-650 fixed long ago.
      Added new EXPECTED_ERROR operation result status.     Using that in lens and import.
      Fixing the use of isConfidential() in ICF (MID-887)
      Attempt to fix provisioning to support connectors that do not implement schema() (MID-890). Not yet tested.
      Support for orgstruct in Projector. It supports assignemts of OrgType targets.     Also a test for two basic usecases. One of the tests fails with an SQL error in repo.     Fixing some delta merging code in prism.
      Fixing NPE in model
      test for boolean value constructions.     Fixing Boolean vs boolean in XPathExpressionEvaluator
      Improved tracing of ICF values.
      Fixed RB-RBAC test.     Improved PrismProperty debugDump()
      Complex userTemplat sample
      Adding prismContext to ObjectDelta to make some of the factory methods easier to use and more intuitive. Also for consistency with rest of the deltas.     Improved userTemplate test.
      Fixing compilation error. Sorry.
      orgRootRef in SystemConfigurationType
      Reorganizing the samples a bit.     Complex orgstruct sample (quite a sci-fi for now).
      Fixing tests to adapt to changes samples directory structure
      Tests for schemaless resources in provisioning and model.     Adding a better error message if an unknown configuration property is used in resource config.
      More tests for schemaless connectors and static-schema connectors.
      Adding options to model.executeChanges(..), preparing to route all the calls throught model.
      Implementation of RAW option in model.executeChanges() ... not tested, but does not break anything (yet).
      support for getObject(RAW).     test for getObject(RAW) and executeChanges(RAW).
      Switching PageDebugView to model (with RAW option) instead of repo.
      Fixing error messages.
      Fixing error message
      Better error message
      Forcing connector reload after testResource(). +test.
      Better error message.
      Cleaning up the rubble of some old refactoring. That fixes the tests.
      Changing test key size to 128 so this test will run also on machines that haven't installed JCE strong crypto option.
      Great Expression Revolution.     Completely reworked expressions, valueConstruction, propertyConstruction and similar strange constructions to a unified concept of Mapping.     Chaging all the test files and samles as well. But som problems may still exist. Will hunt them down in next few days.     Needs quite a lot of testing.
      Fixing absolute script expressions.     Fixing the samples.     All tests passing.
      Fixed mapping
      Basic footwork to generate string that fit password policies.
      Sorryyyyyy, forgot to commit.
      Fixing the sample
      Cleaning up forgotten conflict marks
      Fixing the resource marshalling problem. Uncovering another.
      Fixing few problems related to handling of compile-time classes in containers.     Also extended the tests.
      A test for generate mapping with string policy.
      Fixing problems with passing string policy down to <generate> mappings.     Looks like some problem still remains.
      Recon fixes, minor refactoring.
      Support for non-readable password option in dummy conncetor.     Fixing projector test after introducing genetrated password in dummy resource inbound mapping.
      Switching expression evaluators to maxoccus=unbounded to allow nicer syntax for <value>     Refactoring the code to expose a method for parsing <value> elements.
      Improving mapping tests
      Changing password/protectedString to password/value
      Leftover from refactoring
      Renaming resource configuration to connectorConfiguration
      Changing resource schema. Adding operational, consistency and business sections.
      Marking new containers as containers
      Removing old junk
      Adapting to changed schema, replacing with newer versions
      Replacing with new versions to reflect schema change and also a bit simplified.
      One more schema fix
      Changing name to PolyString (breaks build)
      Fixing test for polystring
      Fixing prism tests
      Almost fixing schema tests
      Fixing schema tests
      Fixing common tests
      Some fixes of polystring conversion
      Provisioning test fix
      Fixing the last model test
      Some sanity fixes, still not done
      More sanity fixes
      Fixing the last sanity test
      Serializing literal values (+test)
      Fixing some consistency tests
      Adding consistency tests to normal build
      Reingineered prettyPrint to allow dependency injection from upper layers. This makes the projector logs a bit more readable.
      container.diff() implementation + some tests. More to come.
      Container value diff
      Fixinf handling of THOMBSTONE flag which fixes the consistency tests
      Attribute minOccurs and maxOccurs override in refined schema.
      Fixing NPE
      Fixing simplification of deltas which also fixes the replace-on-singlevalue isses (+test)
      Reworked capabilities schema. BREAKS THE BUILD.
      Making provisioning compilable     bling fix of XMLs
      Fixing sanity build
      Fixing GUI build
      Fixing repo XMLs
      Fixing model tests
      Fixing samples
      Fixing consistency tests
      (re)implementing auditing in clockwork (that means in executeChanges). +test
      Getting rid of redundant auditting in ModelController.     Delegating all model api deprecated methods to executeChanges.     Fixing a bug in clockwork auditting (this fixes sanity tests).
      Fixing error of not passing through clic() in FINAL state.     Fixed auditting, improving the test.
      Fixin model compilation error
      Fixing clowwork re-projection problem that caused duplication of deltas.     Some minor diagnostics improvements in projector.     Fixing import from resource problem (missing old object in projection).     Test for enable/disable outbound propagation (both projection and clockwork).
      Cleaning up origin in Projector. Extended tests, fixed some bugs.
      Renaming PasswordPolicyType to ValuePolicyType
      Support for explicit specification of value policy in <generate> expressions.
      Fixing the test
      Indicating error if there is an attempt to delete an assigned account.     Automatic loading of focus context in projector.
      Removing unsupported <length> from samples
      Fixing handlinf of "assigned" flag
      Improved logging at many places throught the system.
      Renaming PolicyDecision     Some logging improvements
      Making SynchronizationPolicyDecision part of model-api (in context)
      Forgotten file
      Improving previewChanges
      More test for preview changes. Uncovered some problems in projector. Fixing some minor problems wich also (magically) fixed other problem with password bounce in inbound.
      Some reengineering of projector and lens contexts in hope of fixing the consistency tests. Fixing a lot of small issues. But the problem in the consistency tests is quite different ...
      Refactoring mapping schema: initial -> strength
      Less polution in logs at debug level.
      Fixing multiplication of assignments in user template.     Fixing NPE during user delete while uset template is active.
      Fixing problem with repeated assignment application when it was in the secondary delta during ADD operations (+test)
      Lots of small fixes and a big fix of mapping condition processing. + many tests     This also fixes user template problems. Or at least some of them.
      Fixing all-null case in script expressions.
      Better error if attempting to add the same account again.
      Marter merging of item delta values. This also fixes consistency tests.
      Adding channel limitation into schema for mapping and reactions.     Partial implementation of mapping limitation in inbound and user template (+test).     TestUserTemplate fails due to repository issue.
      Fixing build. Sorry.
      Limiting outbound mapping to channel (+ extended test)
      Fixing prism-jaxb code to not create empty properties
      Fixing a problem with delta merging. This also fixies an issue in consistency test. But we are hitting a different problem now.
      Support for resources that do not tolerate duplicate values (MID-784) + tests.     This should also fix consistency tests, but it uncovers yet another problem.
      Fixing one of the consistency tests
      Updating the test to current API
      Some cleanup and tests regarding handling of intent in accounts. Unable to replicate the MID-957 problem.     Additional validation for delta OID in model.
      Fixing reference equals() (+test)
      Consistently applying intent through all the layers which fixes MID-957
      Removing the "fortification" of namespaces (MID-965). This was a workaround (read: hack) for BaseX namespace problems. We don't need it anymore.
      Fixing result of import from resource (MID-945)
      Minor refactoring of test code.     Additional assert in consistency test to check for MID-961 (test fails now)
      Fixing prism contains() problem wich also fixes the problem of multiple assignments (MID-961).
      Implementing weak mapping in credentials processor (+test) MID-872
      Implementing weak mapping for activation (+tests) MID-872
      Implementing weak mapping for outbound (+test) MID-872
      Extra test for <path> mapping that fails now.     Test for import/recon in model that also fails (not part of build yet).     Work interrupted due to sanity failures.
      Fixing sanity. Forced to split expression function library into two classes.
      Step 1: renaming PropertyPath to ItemPath and segregating it to a separate package
      Refactoring ItemPath
      Workaround for MID-972
      Test form import from resource with check for protcted accounts (MID-786)
      Fixing the problem with reconciliation of single-valued attributes (+tests)     Model test for running a reconciliation task.     Improved messages in asserts.     Extending the contract test to cover more cases (esp. weak/strong mapping cases).
      Fixing (hopefully) the last issues with projector.     Reworked the case of account creation in the projector. The preview now shows that a bit differently.     Adjusted the tests.
      Refactored account construction schema
      Changing namespace to common-2a
      Support for normalization in prisms (+rough test) - needed for correct comparing of complex prisms.     Invoking normalization in projector. This fixes some problems with non-ideal deltas that the GUI creates. And test for that case.
      Dummy aditing service implementation. Using that in model contract tests.     Fixing auditting: intoducing executedDeltas concept in the lens context, using that to audit changes.     Reworked execution audit to a per-wave method.
      Fixing the last audit test
      Test for telerant attributes in reconciliation
      Small refactoring in the prism query code.     Some refactoring of model test code.     Intoducing the basic model negative test.     Improving some of the exception handling code.
      Fake dummy resource to test behavior of multiple connector versions at the same time.     Basic test for multi-version connector discovery.     Few other minor fixes.
      Fixing the recompute after prism adopt() (+test and small refactor).     Improved multi-resource test. Fails now: there is a bug repo somehow related to resource connectorRef.     Fixing the problem of resource modification in provisioning.     Making resource-dummy.xml in model tests imported instead of inserted into repo.     Extended several tests.     Capabilities caching: fixing the provisioning part (+test). But it fails because of repo(?) bug.     Some minor model test refactoring.
      Refactoring model tests a bit. Switching from adding the resources to importing them. This fixes the keystore problem (hopefully).
      Resurrecting previously forgotten TestSynchronizationService, updating it and making it part of a build.     Intorducing more complete test TestLiveSyncTask with two resource. Very basic test cases for now. Work in progress.
      Fixing synchronization problem that appeared when multiple resource instances of the same type were used (+test).
      Extending the live sync test for inbound/outbound sync case with two resources.
      Fixing the test
      More tests for connector upgrade/downgrade
      Minor improvement of the test
      Negative tests for schema violations in provisioning (fail now).     Fixing NPE in the model (projector).     Model test for the case of no-attribute account assignement.
      Switching all resource in model integration tests to import instead of plain add.
      Test for some border cases (assigned but not created account).     Fixing at least two bugs.
      Fixing NPE in prism.     Passing generic error messages all the way to the top (we can't do much better).
      Fixing the mystery of two accounts in change preview (+test) MID-1001
      Ability of dummy resource to simulate some errors.     Test for corrent processing of schema/capability errors in provisioning .. and fixes of course.
      Test for CSV file not found case on the model level.
      Improved the test
      Adding equals(), hashCode() and toString() methods to a prism JAXB classes.
      Fixing provisioning OperationResult processing (+improving tests).     Better and mode model tests for error situations.
      Adding notifyFailure to the provisioing API ResourceObjectChangeListener
      Hunting down the mysterious issues of wrong <attributes> element definition (MID-994, MID-1010 and maybe others).     Refactoring handling of operation results in the model and provisioning a bit.     Refactoring restart of projector/clockwork after consistency error (not yet perfect).     Improved the test to check for resutlts.     Some minor moving of classes around.
      Resurrecting and updating one old test. Adding test for schema violation in LDAP.
      Implementing automatic removal of broken accountRefs. This should fix the fialing consistency test.
      Logging of getObject(resource) results in GUI.     Test for combiner error result and resolve.
      Better error message in case of unsupported activation.
      Examples of tolerant and non-tolerant attribute handling.
      Two tests for auditing and RAW changes.
      Cleaning up provisioning tests
      Extended test for the case of phantom <schema> container.
      Extending parsing tests to check for non-present <schema> and <schemaHandling>
      Resurrecting forgotten provisioning synchronization test.     Fixing error message during schema parsing.
      Improved negative provisioning tests. Some of them fail now.     Added ConfigurationException to a throws clause, it was missing in the APIs.
      Fixing the JAXB problem of no container vs empty container.
      Attempt to fix the negative test
      Extending the negative test
      Extending the negative test
      More test cases in OpenDJ negative test. Fixing result handling in provisionig.searchObjects.
      Adding negative test cases for synchronize. Also fixing exception handling in ConnectorInstanceIcfImpl.fetchCurrentToken
      Better error reporting in model.previewChanges
      Extended test for preview changes.     Fixed runtime error in preview changes.
      Fixing result handling.
      Additional test with assignement enforcement switched off
      Adding POSITIVE assignment policy enforcement. making it default. Adjusting the tests.
      Fixing the FULL assignment enforcement mode. Adjusting the tests.
      Better RBAC tests (for POSITIVE enforcement mode).     Fixing NPE in ConsolidationProcessor.
      Test for assign&add and unassign&delte in a single executeChanges call in s POSITIVE enforcement mode.
      Correcting OrgFilter, using Integer instead of String. Also some minor refactoring of multiplicity parsing in prism to avoid code duplication.     Extended test for assign/unassign of org. Fails.
      Extending the test for project orgstruct as well.
      Adjusting logging levels and messages.
      More tests for orgstruct.
      Geralizing the way how deltas are computed from the triples. Unifying the code of UserPolicyProcessor and ConsolidationProcessor.     This fixes a bug with value removal in user template (+test).     Still suspecting more problems. Will work on the tests a bit more.
      One mode user template test.
      Extending the user template tests for strong/weak mapping and duplicate mapping
      One more user template test
      Improving log messages
      Test for exception messages that are too long.     Fixing looooong exception message when constraint violation happens.
      Testing add user with partial failure of assignments.
      Improved log messages on DEBUG level, reduced the log noise.
      Refactoring model tests, step 1
      Refactoring model tests, step 2: package name cleanup
      Model test refactoring, step 3: moving abstract model test to a separate component.
      Switching sanity and consistency test to be instances of AbstractModelIntegrationTest. This removes some code duplication (especially in the future).     Test refactoring complete.
      Replicating MID-1056 in consistency test.     Some minor sanity test cleanup.
      Rearranging the tests a bit
      Cleaning up the logging a bit
      Attempt to fix MID-1056. Too complex for now. Rolled back most of the work. This is known issue for 2.1 release.
      Disabling the org test to see more complete state in bamboo.
      Fixing temporary caused by disable of previous test
      Adding Elaine test user
      Some work on test for MID-1062
      Fixing broken tests
      Improving the test
      Two more tests for weak mapping.     Fix of delta merging error in inboubnd processor.
      Introducing "normal" mapping strength. This is the default now.
      Fixing a cloning bug in ObjectDelta. This also fixes several small bugs in projector.     Extending projector tests.     Better failure messages in tests.     Some new mapping tests. Switching all model dummy resource to "output" with various mapping stregths.     Creating new "green" dummy resource that is authoritative. Adapting the sync test.     Several minor fixes.
      More mapping tests. More mapping fixes:     fixed use of authoritative flag (also changed defatult to true to reflect the expected behavior od mappings)     fixed the skipping of non-strong mappings in presence of a priori deltas in consolidation processor.     fixed checking of results in the previewChanges tests.     Some minor cleanup in prism (generics) and test infra.
      Fixing comparisons in add and delte in deltas which also fixes ObjectDelta.union() (+test).     Adding new test for OrgStruct: remove all org assignments. This uncoveres error in assignment handling in presence of replace deltas. Fixing that.
      Extending orgstruct tests.     Fixing dealing with relation during orgstruct assignments.
      Implementing ObjectDelta.summarize() (+tests)
      Few more orgstruct tests.
      Fixing unassign+delete bug MID-1075 (+test)
      Schema extension sample
      Slightly improving livesync tests
      Expanded live sync tests.     Moving CompiletimeConfig to common.     Adding and improving consistence checks in ChangeNotificationDispatcherImpl.     Fixed missing definitions in old shadow in provisioning when calling notifyChange. This caused unlinkAccount action to fail.     Fixing deleteUser action.     Better error message for query processing in repo.
      Refactoring and cleaning up the test a bit
      Some work on complex recon test. Not yet finished.
      Fixing user count asserts
      Refactoring of options in model and provisioning API to be more type-safe.
      Empty project for model integration tests
      Moving integration tests to a new project. Work in progress. This breaks the build.
      Fixing the build. The tests may still fail.
      Fixing test setup. some tests still fail.
      Fixing some more tests
      test fix
      Fixing delta merge problem (MID-1054)
      Refactoring script expressions to allow injection of function libraries
      Adding initialized spring bean as a function library for expressions. The bean is just a placeholder now. + a rough test.
      Projector javadoc
      Solaris/linux resource samples
      Some work on MID-1090
      More work on MID-1090, still in progress.     Test for MID-1090 (now disabled).     Fixied few minor potential problems in prism.     Test to check container ids in repo (fails now).     Some ajustement of connector loading during tests in eclipse. Still not perfect.
      More work on MID-1090.     Refactoring model-impl tests to remove OpenDJ dependency (this is better to keep in integration tests).     Switching all model-impl tests to dummy resource.     Removing one deprecated test.
      MID-1090 (hopefully) fixed
      Fixing a delta merging problem which also fixes projector test.
      Fixing MID-1068. Also fixing few bugs in tests.
      Few more delta tests
      Fixing a problem with empty set after delta merge (+test)
      Fixed MID-1087 (+tests)
      Adding sync timestamp to schema
      Making queries clonnable.     Storing synchronization timestamps.     Improving reconciliation (MID-1098). This is quite crude now. Timestamps not used.     Adding reconciliation test to model-intest. Adapting the test for recon.
      Increasing timeout.
      Making GreaterFilter and LessFilter clonnable.     Implementing timestamp-based filter in the shadow reconciliation.     Adding parameter to override the default freshness interval (+schema).     Minor improvement of task API.     Fixing the reconciliation intest.
      Refactoring change & operation listeners. Work in progress.
      API modified for provisioning notifications.
      Fixing the test for the API change.
      Provisioning tests updated for new notification methods. They fail until the method invocation will be implemented.
      String mapping issues: Fixed MID-1067, found MID-1101
      Fixing MID-1101
      Fixing race condition (hopefully)
      Additional checks for object consistence in model getObject and searchObjects.     Fixing UCF layer to ignore attributes that have no or null values.
      Fixing the last bugfix (null values), +test
      Switch to OpenICF release
      Always force "update" ICF operation for single-valued attributes. This is more robuts wrt some not-really-ideal connectors (such as Solaris).
      More magic. More broken connector robustness magic.
      Fixed missing <import>
      Fixing top-level reference definition issue
      Basic schema hanling mappings for one-click provisioning.
      Basic framwork of model client (JAX-WS stub code read to be used without any code generation).     Minor refactoring of JAXB-related code.
      Sample of model client usage. Work in progress. Maybe will need to be moved to a better place. Later.
      Fixing failing tests (broken by moving the equals strategy).
      More work on ws client.     Fixing missing CXF logging config (to log using SLF4J)
      Create user and change password webservice client samples.     Better exception message in prism.
      Changing webservice endpoint to http://localhost:8080/midpoint/model/model-1
      Adding example of search to the sample project.
      Schema chage: RoleType is a supertype of OrgType
      Fixing after schema change.
      Updated test to try org-is-a-role behavior.
      Splitting sample tests and sanity tests
      Moving the sample to the right place
      Test for requestable property in RoleType.
      Fixing the test
      Adding "organization" user property.
      Update the sample: role lookup and assignment
      Implementing ObjectDeltaType -> ObjectDelta conversion
      Re-adding lost hashCode, equals and toString.
      Small maven revolution:     Switching maven repository to nexus.evolveum.com and cleaning it up a bit.     Cleaning up repeated repository (and other) definitions in POMs.     Updating README and similar files.     Fixing some minor displaying issue in prism.     Switching connectors to the newest versions (from OpenICF).
      Updating samples to match new connectors bundled with midPoint.
      Finishing surgery of unneeded files.
      Fixing consistency test.
      Improved provisionig scripts test. Fails.
      Temporary disable of failing test MID-1113
      Extension tests in model. One of them fails.
      Extending the tests with join (AND search filter) and a timestamp property.
      Using indexed extension properties in the test. The test fails.
      Basic infra for model and repo diagnostics: new model-api interface, basic (almost empty) implementation, extended repo-api and sql impl (almost empty), test skeleton.
      Adding sample of role assignment/unassignment
      Some repository self-test implementation
      Fixing bean name in GUI. Improving repo self-test (part commented out due to MID-1116)
      More testing, more failures.
      Fxing the <indexed/> vs <indexed>true</indexed> confusion.
      Test for storage of long text in a non-indexed property.
      Textending repository self-test to try long data in user.description.
      Fixing problem with absolute paths in wsdlLocation
      Disabling test which is work in progress. Sorry.
      Small test refactor
      Switching audit to ObjectDeltaOperation instead of ObjectDelta. ... also improved audit tests and some related changes.     Switch of ChangeExecutor is not yet complete. But the system should work at least as good as before.
      More reasonable results in the deltas.
      Minor ChangeExecutor clenup. Including failed deltas in the audit trail.
      Adding protected accounts to the sample
      Adding java.util.logging -> SLF4J bridge
      Attempts to fix JUL logging in connectors. Not really successful. But at least some more connector logging tests.
      Adding connector version to a generated name for newly discovered connectors.     Minor cleanup.
      Some magic. Trying to resolve the tomcat/eclise deploymnet problem with JUL bridge.
      Updated sample. The $ is not the same as \$ :-)
      Logging type and version of created connector.
      Moving DB shcemas to a more visible place.
      Extending the RBAC tests.     Improving error message when account type is wrong.
      Switching OpenICF framework to Evolveum build 1.1.1.e6329, supporting Byte as a new data type.
      Introducing AbstractRoleType. WARNING: broken build. Fix in progress.
      Adding schema generation limitations to common schema (for the future).     Fixing model for AbstractRoleType     Better test error messages
      Better errors in tests
      Fixing schema tests
      Adding test for orgstruct root query.
      Fixing channels. Especially GUI and webservice.
      CSVFile sample tailored for imports (and associated role).
      Testing tool that will repeat a test until it fails
      whoops :-)
      Fixing generating of qname prefixes.
      MID-1132 ... but the warning is still somehow hidden.
      MID-1147     + some logging level fixes
      Import from resource warnings in log
      Delete example
      Adding $operation variable for outbound mappings.     Adding log ability to expressions.
      Small fix of expression logging.
      Adding version progress checks to some tests.
      Better tests for correct version during resource modifications
      Test for correct version progress on model level
      Schema checking in repo objects page.
      Handling of Integer in JSR233 scripts (MID-1165).
      Fixing delete user with orgstruct (+test)
      Fixing NPE which also fixes sanity.
      Better password generator tests. They fail.
      Fixed conversion of generated value to int (+test). Or maybe-fixed. We won't know until the generator is fixed.
      Fixing handling of "ignored" flag when used in schemaHandling (+tests).
      More work on mapping+generate+policy tests
      Fixing the test
      Fixing occasional test failures
      Support for nillable XML elements in prism XML forms (prisms and deltas).     Attempt to replicate MID-1096 in test. Failed to replicate, test works well.     Minor test improvements.
      Prohibiting PolyString.orig=null, adapting the code. GUI still needs to be changed.
      Minor cleanup
      Recompute task result (MID-1129)
      Fixing the ignore problem.
      Bumping CSV connector to a newest version
      Tests for MID-1171.     Partial solution to MID-1171.     Fixing a bug in prism delta merging (+tests).     Some rearranging of model intest dummy resource definitions.     Rough fix for occassionaly missing prism context in PageDebugView.     Additional consistency checks in the system.
      Fixing MID-1171 and also a model test failure.
      Real fix for MID-1171 (hopefully) + more tests
      Resolving MID-1184
      Fixing activation mappings (and tests) MID-1186
      Fixing delete with orgstruct (+test) MID-1180
      Improving provisioning to survive null sync tokens.
      Fixing several issues related to provisioning scripts (MID-1181)
      Displaying password field fixed (MID-1195)
      A bit better run script
      Fixing upgrade issue. This made the schema not entirelly backward compatible. Relaxed the constraint.
      Fixid bug that made it difficult to add resource using a webservice (+test).     Some basic tests for path resolution (in progress).
      Fixing path inside polystring in mapping source (MID-1206) +tests for prism find methods and paths
      Adding options to repository.getObject (MID-810)
      Improved test to validate schema
      Fixing export issue MID-1197
      Fixing refined schema test error after previous fix.     fixing maxOccurs in schemaHanling MID-1139
      Multi-layer attribute access limitations (MID-1133)
      Account sync settings in resource (schema).
      Adding meta-data to the schema. Fixing the tests. (MID-1212)
      Implementing rename in the dummy resource.
      Adjusting mapping strength for rename to work.
      Error in case that prefix is not defined in the path
      Fixing asIs expression with residual path
      MID-1223 test
      Simplifying handling of paths in prism, especially in deltas.     Fixing handling of residual paths in deltas which also fixes some mappings (MID-1223)     Some work on improving clockwork restart in consistecy cases (not perfect).     Some minor things.
      forgot this, sorry.
      Temporary fix
      Fixing MID-1224
      Recompute task sample
      Removing other namespace restriction from extension
      Fixing the delta test
      Minor cosmetics
      Schema for authorizations.
      logging adjustements
      Refactoring the security code: moving to a better place, better align with spring security convensions, some preparation for authorizations.
      Authorizations. Prepared for GUI integration.
      Improved test for mapping condition.
      Demo configuration files
      Minor sanity test and model client sample refactoring.
      Fixing webservice authorization
      Authorizations: adding to spring context (not complete), enforcing in web service: still work in progress.     Test for MID-1234 (disabled).
      Fixing failing tests
      Work on fixing password reading from DBTable (and possible other) connectors. This leads to support for attributes that are not returned by default.     This is only a half-solution. I have avoided large refactoring so this can be potentially backported to 2.1.x.     The tests rely on updated DBTable connector which is not yet in OpenICF svn, therefore the test is still disabled and the jiras are not resolved.
      Fixing security context setup in test which also fixes the sanity tests
      Refactoring refined schema: renaming classes, removing some old stuff
      Refactoring refined schema: part II
      Refactoring refined schema: part III
      Refactoring provisioning ... and few more details.
      Better provisioning scrip expression tests.     Fixed exporession error handling.     Fixed setting of expression variables.
      copy&paste error
      Change executor error handling fixes
      More result fixes
      Result computation fix.
      Intorducing concept of minor operation and operation cleanup.     Checking for unknown operation states deep in the result.     Fixing most of the tests. But some remain.
      Better implementation of "not returned by default" attributes.     Some provisioning cleanup and refactoring to make that possible.
      Prettyprinter fix
      Big cleanup. Really big.
      Fixing the testNG build error
      Renaming ResourceObjectShadowType to ShadowType.     (and some small fixes)
      Explicit checks for data encryptions.     Some basic internal monitoring code.     Fixing application of definitions and ecryption in the model.     Removing some dead code.     General code cleanup.     Splitting deprecated CRUD methods from the model service. Creating separate CRUD service for use by web service and (future) REST.     Removing few stale tests.
      Forgot this
      Better checks in tests and in model service
      fix for null value
      yet another "null" fix
      Group support in dummy resource
      Fixing validation checks
      Fixing dummy resource NPE
      Implementing group in dummy connector schema.
      Implementing group in dummy connector
      More work on entitlements: entitlements association in the refined schema and shadow
      Updating the samples and bringing the tests back to build.
      Missing pom
      Tests for adding/getting a dummy group.     Fixing handling of shadow kind.     Some minor refactoring (mostly test code).
      Matching rules
      Matching rules in the provisioning.
      Fix after move of matching rules to common
      Changing container id from String to Long (adjusting schema to the reality).     Extending common shcema for per-resource object template.     Extending capability schema for ignore option.     Improving the opendj sample.
      fixing undeclared prefix
      Support for operational flag in prism.
      Modifying the scema: general synchronization.
      More work on entitlements: reading entitlement associations
      Fixing the tests
      Entitlements: subject-to-entitlement direction
      Entitlements: provisioning done
      Refactoring AccountConstructionType -> ConstructionType
      Fixing the tests
      Minor doc changes
      Schema extension for MID-1292, suport for xsd:duration data type
      Repository methods getVersion and searchIterative in the API (MID-934, MID-1283)
      Generalizing entitlement concepts
      Generalizing schema handling
      Test skeleton
      Fixing the tests
      Resource caching refactored
      Fixing resource caching, improving the tests.
      Improving resource caching tests
      Removing OpenDJ account from model-intent
      Fixing swallow in case of ADD delta. Clonning of userData.
      More fixes to resource caching. Fixed prism value cloning.
      Additional check for prism property value validity. Some adujestements.
      Forgotten detail
      Improved resource and connector caching tests
      Some compatibility even after value checks were introduced.
      Swithcing resource cache to new getVersion method.
      Resource and connector asserts in TestDummy
      Name for mappings (optional)
      More expression library functions. And more sophisticated functions. Also some refactoring and introduction of script expression context.
      Stringify library function. And filtering of empty values.
      Composite reference definitions (+test)
      Composite object references serialization (+test)
      Changing user template to object template. May need some changes in repo.     Introducing Migrator. Only partially tested.
      Explicitly removing resource from resource cache when deleted (+test)
      Improving userTemplate schema test. More debug in tests.
      Removing the delete+add fallback for overwrite from the importer.     Some result output improvements.
      Fixing support for xsd:integer (+test) MID-1298
      More tests for import and repository overwrite. Fails.
      Reverting the depencency change, moving some things a bit
      Fixing NPE
      Fixing few more tests after schema change
      Mapping trace
      Expression trace
      Fixing unknown result
      Change of activation schema, activation computer, clock + test
      More schema changes
      Adapting XML files to new schema
      Fixing typos in schema definition. Some infra test fixes for new schema.
      Fixing schema tests
      Refactoring most of the system to use activation/administrativeStatus instead of activation/enabled.
      Fixing provisioning tests. Object template includes (still untested).
      Foegotten include file
      Fixing some model tests
      Fixing TestPreviewChanges
      Fixing some sanity tests
      Fixing consistency tests after activation change
      Migrator for user activation
      Reworking ActivationProcessor
      Fixing disable-instead-of-delete, adjusted tests.
      This is not supposed to work (at least not yet)
      Adding focusExcists variable to activation mappings. +test
      Refactoring the import from resource task to a generic search-based task. Some exception handling that somehow escaped before.
      Minor cleanup
      Activation timestamps added to schema
      Removing "absent" activation state
      Activation time constraints, work in progress.
      Fixing the test after schema change
      Computing effectiveStatus deltas in UserPolicyProcessor
      Validity capabilities
      Fixing some model-impl test
      Fixing model-impl tests
      Fixing most model-intest tests.
      Using validity capabilities to compute the administrative activation status of accounts.
      More activation (validity) tests. Some fixes (user policy, inbound, activation)
      Fixed parsing of operational annotation (MID-1314) +test
      Switching recompute task to the abstract superclass. Fails.
      Fixing enable/disable sanity tests, minor test clenaup
      Object triggers added to schema
      Test for construction in inducement
      Adding kind and intent to the test. To be on the safe side.
      Switching to inducement in roles. Deprecating accountConstruction.
      Rename accountSynchronizationSettings -> projection
      Supporting validFrom and validTo in provisioning. Also support in dummy resouce, connector and tests.
      Fixing the samples
      Fixing one sanity test
      Extended test for validFrom and validTo mappings (model integration tests)
      More RBAC tests, some small fixes.
      Introducing magic $assignment variable for RBAC mappings. Still only partially tested. Work in progress.
      Improved RBAC variables, improved RBAC mapping tests, some small PolyString fixes (for expression convenience). MID-1318
      Fix after schema change
      Fixing after schema change
      Fix after schema change
      Updating sync task URLs, some small cleanup, basic validity scanner (not tested yet).
      Fixing line numbers after license change
      Finishing licence headers change
      Activation time costrains seems to be done +test (MID-615). Also some minor test method refactoring, adding superuser role and scanner task to initial objects and few more minor things.
      Fixing Migrator and better migrator test (MID-1342)
      Recording activation timestamps. Improving the tests. Cleaning up small part of provisioning code.
      More work on trigger scanner task, trigger registry, etc.     Unifying the model synchronization namespaces.     Fixing some test after previous change (activation timestamps).     Changing "cleanup" task category to "system"
      Fixing handling of RELATIVE enforcement mode which also fixes failing test.
      Fixing wrong namespace constant. That also fixes some tests.
      Fixing parsing of enumeration literal values (MID-1338)
      Forgot to commit. Sorry.
      Extending the set of variables and the extend of magic in RBAC (MID-1344)
      Disabling the test as it is still work in progress
      Enabling the test and fixing it
      Extending the Trigger test. Fails.
      Adding iteration expressions to schema and some rudimentary implementation. Work in progress.     Added iteration tests (they were missing!). That uncovered few issues. Fixing them.     Reconciliaton is now executed every time it is effecient to do (e.g. if we already have full shadow). Fixing the tests to accomodate that.     Some minor cleanup.
      Additional expressions in iterations (MID-1102, MID-1321). Some expression fixes.
      Webservice login/logout auditting (MID-1289)
      Fixing handling of repo shadows in provisioning rename operation (+test) which also fixes the model-intest test.
      Fixing handling of repository cache in model controller (MID-1353)
      More multi-resource dependency tests, especially for deprovisioning. Fixing a multi-wave problem in relative enforcement mode.
      Tests for MID-1341
      Fixing handling of empty values in expressions whic is especially helpful for negative conditions (MID-1328). +tests
      Fixing MID-1328 again ... + tests
      Fixing the null-related problems in mapping tests
      More mapping tests
      Fixing model tests
      Possible fix for the impossible error (+test)
      Fixing handling of sync null values (MID-1331). Extending sync tests.
      Fixing skipping evaluation of expressions based on mapping conditions. (MID-1377) +tests
      Fixing triggers
      Support for time constraints in mappings (schema, common) +test
      Fixing sanity recon test
      Using time-constrained mappings in activation. Still work in progress.     Recompute trigger handler.     Extending tests for time-contrained activation.     Fixing the time constraints in mappings.
      Implementing more of trigger-based recompute. Fails now.
      Offset account actions (MID-1272) implemented, but still needs more testing.     Extended the tests. Minor refactoring of recompute context initialization.     Maiking trigger scanner task part of the initial objects.
      Fixing the pre-create account scenario (+tests)
      Fixing handling of result in provisioning.applyDefinition
      Fixing several correlation and query bugs.     Test for dummy and LDAP rename with iterations.     Option to turn off opportunistic synchronization mode.
      Making fullName optional (MID-1048)
      Fixed the skip of ignored attribute mapping evaluation (MID-1379)
      Fixing the tests after schema change
      Fixing MID-1379  (inbound)
      Fogot to commit this
      Fixing devilish MID-1386 (+tests).     Moving some display methods to test-utils so even tests form low-level components can use them.
      Explicit executeScript provisioning operation
      Fixing after schema change
      Reconciliation provisioning scripts (MID-1392).     Fixing several bugs in expression and mapping processing (+tests) especially     realted to path resolution and automatic type conversion.
      Fixing missing clone()
      Fixing script expression handling of the same value in plus and minus set (related to MID-1409)
      Storing lens context in thread-local variable to be used in model scripting functions.     Implemeting hasLinkedAccount() function (MID-1287) +tests. Still work in progress.
      Fixed ignoring of protected accounts in synchronization (MID-1416)
      Fixing null in t:norm path resolution (MID-1407) +test
      Fixing typo in schema.     Partial fix of access limitations (MID-1393).     Refactored provisioning dummy resource tests to better align them with model tests.
      Fixing model tests
      Disabling check for ignored attribute due to interaction with consistency
      Implementing access limitations in provisioning (MID-1393)
      Ignoring mappings of non-readable/non-writable attributes (MID-1393)
      Fixing access limitations in sanity and consistency tests
      Function to check for attribute uniqueness in iteration condition (MID-1367)
      Adding iteration and iterationToken to schema
      Fixing iterations (and many other things)
      Additional test for iteration-based uniqueness check during user modification + rename.
      Fix for null provisioning script arguments (MID-1463) +test
      Fixes of fixes.
      Maybe fixing yet another iteration problem.
      Fixing automatic string->datetime and long->datetime conversions
      Fixing NPE in simulated activation
      Fixing yet another NPE in provisioning. More verbose test failures.
      Test for resources without activation capability. Also some improvements and fixes.
      Imptoving the test
      Resetting iteration counter when renaming.
      Fixed getExtensionPropertyValue function (MID-1463) +tests
      Fixing MID-1388 (+tests)
      Fixing target in audit records (MID-1373). Enabling previously disabled test.
      Fixing support for deprecated enableDisable capability
      Fixing no-encryption import problem (MID-1440) +test
      Importer now goes through model.executeChanges. test for import auditing.
      Fixing parsing of connector schema in RAW mode (which also fixes sanity tests)     Some work on clean startup test (still in progress)
      Test for clean starup (without errors).     Ajdusted error message levels in model.     Testing mode that avoids resetting of logging config.     Better log messages from initial import.
      Fixing NONE assignment enforcement mode (MID-1362) +tests
      Fixing disableTimestamp (MID-1435)
      Improved activation test
      Implementing dependency strictness (+tests)
      Little less verbose common tasks at info level.
      Fixing reconciliation audit records (MID-1481)
      Fixing audit messages (part of MID-1373)
      Improving auditing assertions in the test
      Added missing XMLGregorianCalendar to String type conversion.
      Introducing "relaxed" dependency. Fixing few issues related to dependency error handling.
      Additional test for string to date conversion in mapping.
      Forgot to commit. Sorry.
      Fixed swallowing of error messages in scipt execution code.
      Extending CRUD service tests
      Fixing stupid NPE in dependency processing.
      Test for proper dateTime conversion error message.
      Minor test code refactoring. Replicated MID-1435 in the tests (commneted out for a while).
      Break mode for all operations in dummy resource.
      Fixing error message in reconciliation failure audit record. (MID-1373)
      DateTime conversion expression library functions.
      Fixing enableTimestamp (MID-1435)
      fixing TestPreviewChanges
      Slightly more verbose test failure.
      Fixing model-intest cross-interaction of tests (hopefully).
      Extending sync tests for disableUser reaction test.
      Fixing autoconversion of xsd:integer and xsd:decimal and also other types in expressions +tests
      Explicit JAXB dependency in the client library
      Utility method for creating JAXBContext
      Updated sample with a code that unmarshalls object from file.
      Problem with simulated activation. Work in prgress. New tests temporarily disabled. (MID-1435)
      Fixing activation container with simulated activation (MID-1435)
      Fixing a strange issue with dependencies and rename which actually was an issues of mapping with value replacing itself. Also pushing down some test utility methods (refactor).
      Adding objectCurrent to the lens contexts. It fixes wrong computation of mappings in the waves beyound wave 1.
      Switching to a newer version of LDAP connector from Evolveum OpenICF flavour.
      Fixup after LDAP connector version change.
      Fixing import with OID and filter (MID-1525) +test
      Fixing wong attribute definitions in roles (MID-1526)
      Fixing configuration issue for LDAP import (MID-1522).     Moving LDAP test to a separate testing component (not executed by default)     Fixing JUL logging in tests.
      Extended test for MID-1523
      Fixing problems with tasks that have deleted owners (MID-1535) +tests
      Adding gitignore files
      Updating source code location
      Changing SCM URLs
      Distribution project using assembly plugin
      Forgot to stage the files. Sorry.
      bad idea
      Making basic.concatName more generic.
      Merge branch 'master' of git.evolveum.com:/srv/git/projects/midpoint
      Functions for getting single-valued attributes (MID-1539) +tests
      Two more attribute functions (+tests)

Viliam Repan (1933):
      .project .settings .classpath to svn ignore
      i18n update
      overwrite flag handling during import of nonexisting resource fixed. MID-93
      admin-gui tests
      admin-gui tests improving
      admin-gui tests improving
      authentication localization, webapp security cleanup
      added admin-gui tests
      admin-gui updated pages and templates, removed unused definitions
      xml test file fix in model-impl
      active directory resource samples
      menu components for new template
      applying new template to login and welcome index page
      logging to menu components, template fixes
      about/help updated, yet another template fix
      user part of application updated, not finished yet
      debug pages uses new template now, but they're broken :)
      import, xpath debug moved to new template
      all pages moved to new template, not finished yet, still not working properly
      web app CSS cleanup
      web pages update
      minimal page height fix
      info/warn/error messages handling updated, not finished yet
      fixed broken build
      admin-gui localization
      typo fix in template
      template fix
      html button rendering fix, more i18n for template and login page
      error page update
      create/list accounts page updated, template css updated. MID-86 MID-77
      create/delete/list accounts page updated, template css updated. MID-86 MID-77
      syntax highlighting fixed, new component not finished yet. MID-86 MID-77
      syntax highlighting fix, navigation update/fix. MID-86 MID-77
      OperationResult object for better error handling. MID-110
      theme css update, localization finished for /account/index MID-86 MID-77
      theme template update, localization finished for /account/create MID-86 MID-77
      localization for create/list/delete user page, SK translation. MID-86 MID-77
      localization for resources/configuration pages, added SK translation. MID-86 MID-77
      removed staging from web application dto objects. MID-99
      cleanup and refactoring, still in progress
      web application dto objects are now serializable. MID-99
      obsolete delete page removed MID-86 MID-77
      localization finished for user details MID-86 MID-77
      work on resources tab part of web application started. MID-86 MID-77
      resource list, not finished yet. MID-86 MID-77
      selecting items in user/resource list fixed, work on resource details page started. MID-86 MID-77
      resource details page, styles update. MID-86 MID-77
      better names for /account/* pages. MID-86 MID-77
      yet another localization cleanup
      improving resource details page MID-77
      test connection working in resource details page. MID-77
      connection state fix in webapp, debug utils updated
      yet another localization cleanup. MID-77
      help pages cleanup, localization, resoruce pages update. MID-77
      resource index table updated
      resoruces, import pages update, localization. MID-77
      debug pages cleanup started. MID-77
      added password policy element
      fixed bug - password policy is now extended from object type
      debug list/edit/view. MID-77
      password policy - dictionary test flag, first char in password. MID-77
      fixing test. MID-116
      debug pages. MID-77
      debug pages, localization. MID-77
      debug pages, localization, css update. MID-77
      debug pages bugfixing. MID-77
      create resource wizard, work in progres.
      create resource wizard, work in progres.
      operation result added to common.xsd, OperationResultFactory implementation started
      svn igore for target folder .settings .classpath .project
      ace editor integrated into debug pages and import
      ace editor improvement, MID-136 fix, Operation Result factory updated
      MID-136 fix
      resource wizard update
      debug/import controller fix
      import controller fix
      work on sync page started, MID-144
      ace editor improvement
      maintenance filter (not finished yet)
      logging category and component type added. MID-102
      trunk build fix
      xpath debug page update, css update, work on logging not finished yet
      logging configuration through web app, not finished yet
      logging configuration through web app, not finished yet
      faces messages redirect support added, logging still in progress
      controllers divided into multiple packages
      controllers divided into multiple packages
      broken build fix (package declaration not refactored)
      logger configuration startup class
      jaxb utils v2, not used yet in projects, old version will be removed
      jaxb cleanup
      package rename MID-77
      maintenance fix, logging manager fix, template update
      xpath debug pages refactor, multiple variables support, browsing not finished yet
      browsing in xpath debug pages in progress. MID-147
      browsing in xpath debug pages in progress. MID-147
      browsing in xpath debug pages, probably finished. MID-147
      html button component updated, now supports enabled=true/false state
      browser and paging, ListController updated
      added in/out parameter OperationResultType to all model operations, tests still are passing.     operation result is not used properly, now it's only there waiting to be used...
      moved operation result factory to common, argument validation in model methods updated
      jax-ws tools downgrade
      logging configuration persistence almost finished. jsf messages updated a bit
      logging configuration persistence. operation result updated
      operation result class update, xml result type to result is now possible
      project for model api prepared
      logging persistence (not supported by repo now), errorhandling updated. InitialSetup moved to web/init package
      logging manager error handling
      fixing broken build
      better error handling on schema processor
      schema classpath fix
      schema dom to schema processor
      fixed simple ucf test
      removed obsolete catalog, removed sysout from dom to schema processor
      fixing bugs based on FindBugs
      system configuration initial import
      model refactoring started
      paging update, removed BigInteger, added count attribute to ObjectListType for better paging handling
      logging utils for exception logging moved to /infra/utils, work on MID-67
      localization fix and removed obsolete classes, working on resource tab. MID-77
      resource details update. MID-77
      localization for resource details, resource object types table added
      resource import and synchronization pages added
      navigation updated a bit
      user and resource details pages navigation updated. MID-77
      work on resource tab, in progress. MID-77
      fault message - operation result added, model refactoring in progress. MID-67
      import, list objects in progress. MID-77
      import, list objects in progress. MID-77
      import, list resource objects in progress, localization. MID-77
      css styles cleanup, default.css now contains only modifications of icefaces xp theme (xp.css) MID-77
      model refactoring, in progress. MID-67
      model refactoring. fault-1.wsdl fixed typo. MID-67
      AccountType replaced with AccountShadowType here and there.     AccountType is element from schema handling, not object representing account on resource.     Tests are still passing :)
      removed string constants for object types from everywhere - introduced enum ObjectTypes and ProvisioningTypes for better type safety.
      implementation of model controller, in progress. MID-67
      upgraded tests - prepared for new model implementation. MID-67
      implementation of model controller, in progress. MID-67
      fixed locale norway replaced by russia. MID-154
      synchonization details page, in progress. MID-144
      account search by name implemented. MID-155
      typo in test. MID-155
      fixed object type translation to uri
      resource objects listing improved, not finished yet.
      awsome resource objects listing implemented.
      navigation fix for resource object list.
      resource deleting, work in progress.
      resource deleting, implemented for now (provisioning doesn't support resource delete)
      fixing resource details sync and import navigation
      trying to figure out what to do with object managers, model dto classes and so on...
      AccountType to AccountShadowType rename
      object managers cleanup, work in progress
      object managers cleanup, work in progress
      adding generics to dtos, implemened connector type manager
      adding generics to dtos, implemened connector type manager
      updated implementation in operation result, resource listing uses now resourcemanager
      object managers code cleanup, work still in progress.
      object managers code cleanup, work still in progress.
      delete operation in object manager refactored, result handling implemented
      add operation in object manager refactored, result handling implemented
      exception and fault message handling, removing dependency to model from controllers, using managers.
      exception and fault message handling, removing model dependencies from controllers, using managers. part two :)
      exception and fault message handling, removing model dependencies from controllers, using managers. part three...
      model controller updated, now uses new repo and provisioning api. not finished yet.
      model controller logging improved.
      unknown status in operation result status type added
      custom faces messages for operation result in configuration page as html prototype
      custom faces messages for operation result, css style classes created, work in progress
      custom faces messages for operation result, css style classes created, work in progress
      create user page fix, xpath debug page fix id uniquess
      custom faces messages for operation result, probably finished
      custom faces messages for operation result, fixing css and javascript quirks
      test connection method updated, only compilable, not working
      fixing broken admin gui tests
      fix in list (component ids for testing)
      fixing dependencies for new components, provisioning-impl dependency still needed (schema processor)
      fixing runtime dependencies for new model-impl and tests
      fixing tests in new model-impl, work in progress
      fixing tests in new model-impl, work in progress
      yet another test fixing in model-impl
      yet another test fixing in model-impl, refactoring
      actions moved to sync package, refactoring, going to hell and so on...
      yet another refactoring round through model-impl
      removed provisioning-impl dependencies from admin-gui
      removed direct dependency from debug pages to repository
      removed repository port type dependency from import controller
      DataModel removed from controller member (was not serializable)
      faces utils, exception messages handling update
      user details, account schema processing updated, fixed some bugs after integration
      initial objects import fixed
      system object types enum
      Added object type System Configuration to enum, fixed localization.
      debug pages logging
      debug pages, system configuration list fix
      user template handling in model controller, first iteration
      failing test added to ignore, test refactor and mocking will be next
      fixed admin gui tests
      writing tests and fixing bugs in model
      model utils tests and bugfixing
      typo in ModelUtils schemahandling tests
      model controller tests. Testing input arguments only now.
      preparing add user with template test
      preparing add user with template test, not finished yet
      preparing add user with template test, expected account xml definition, not finished yet
      preparing add user with template test finished.
      preparing add user with template test finished.
      model controller almost finished. tests needed.
      fixing build
      fixing build
      test for model utils
      tests cleanup in model-impl, in progress.
      tests cleanup in model-impl, in progress.
      tests cleanup in model-impl, in progress.
      fixed another test
      test cleanup
      synchronization refactoring started
      initial import fixed, synchronizaiton update, operation result handling in model controller add object updated
      synchronization refactoring in progress
      expression handling stuff, work in progress
      filter code review, now it's unused. will be used in model controller later.
      fixed logging in action manager, expression handler available through schema handler now.
      diacritic filter
      fixing model-impl build
      old test ignores
      old test ignores
      fixing tests in model-impl
      filter package test coverage improved
      more cleanup in tests
      more cleanup in tests in model-impl
      more cleanup in tests in model-impl, work in progress
      more cleanup in tests in model-impl, work in progress
      more cleanup in tests in model-impl, work in progress
      more cleanup in tests in model-impl, probably ok for now
      spring fix for connector manager in gui, in runtime. actions, first cleanup round started.
      spring test update in admin-gui. actions, second refactor round.
      unit testing util classes for actions testing, add action unit test
      unit testing util classes for actions testing, add action unit test
      fixing build, improving add action test
      mocked unit test for add user action
      correct unit test for add user action
      test mock for link account action
      test mock for link account action finished
      test mock for unlink account action finished
      removed old model service implementation, delete action mock tests in progress
      more tests, delete user action in progress
      more tests, delete user action in progress
      delete account action test mocks in progress.
      delete account action mock tests finished
      from now on sync actions are not dependent on repository and provisioning service, only on model controller.
      add account action refactor
      add account action refactor, tests in progress
      add account, modify user action mock unit tests, fixing result handling in model controller.
      add account action mock unit tests
      add account action mock unit tests
      small cleanup, logging fix
      schema handling refactor in progress
      schema handling refactor in progress
      fixing build
      fixing model-impl
      admin-gui fix
      admin-gui fix
      add object bug fix for error handling
      target folder to svn ignore
      model-impl outbound schema fix.
      resourcte type import validator fix
      outbound schemahandling improved, fixed
      fixing add user account modification
      resource listing in admin gui, using new connector type from provisioning. still not workging.
      admin-gui test fix
      fix for MID-282
      xsd type converter update, get connector type update
      junit test for patchxml also fix
      typo error
      inbound schema handling refactor
      refactored tests for schema handler inbound expression
      schema handler integration
      refactoring schemahandling tests
      all schema handler tests updated
      small refactor in object types, added object qname and object type (also qname)
      admin gui fix - users details didn't show accounts
      connector test connection in gui, work in progress
      connector test connection in gui
      expressions, confirmation rule handling, work in progress
      confirmation rule handling test, work in progress
      correlation rule handling, work in progress
      sync refactor
      connector type handling in gui
      created interface for model controller which will be later used from admin-gui
      model controller interface update
      model controller interface cleanup
      added task manager spring xml to web.xml
      fix for webapp spring context
      server tasks in gui, logging manager appender example update
      fixed build waiting for igor and ndc
      fixing exception handling, removed sysouts
      removed obsolete mx beans from spring contexts
      fixed tests in model
      test connection exception in admin gui fixed, error goes to logs
      messages update
      fixed bug in provisioning types, added log messages to model controller, removed obsolete password service and tests
      updated last two parameters in getObject method in ModelService interface, OperationResult is last parameter now as expected
      new object manager impl which is using model service interface, work in progress
      new object manager impl which is using model service interface, work in progress
      new object manager impl which is using model service interface, work in progress
      updated result handling in synchronization service, web/model managers error handling, work in progress
      removed old schema handling from model, user manager in webapp refactor started
      expression exception fixed in synchronization service, updated log4j test configuration for better logging.
      improved logging in synchronization service
      user manager impl upgraded, now it's using modelservice interface not web service
      admin gui test fix
      get object fix
      synchronization service exception handling
      mockito fix for model controller tests
      web/model managers refactoring, work in progress
      resource web/model manager, work in progress
      resource web/model manager, work in progress
      account manager web/model interface upgrade, work in progress
      web/model managers interface upgrade, work in progress
      web/model managers updated
      import success/error message handling
      bugfixing based on sanity
      bugfixing based on sanity
      schemahandling user variables test fixed
      resource manager impl class casting fix
      updated localization files
      updated sanity, removed logging mess from jsf account form
      MID-133 schema access implemented
      MID-133 schema attribute access implemented in admin-gui
      logging management page update
      logging management page beans update, schema fix
      appender editing fix and localization
      logging manager update, trying to save configuration without diff, not working yet.
      sorting attributes in account form. MID-304
      user account delete fix. MID-303
      MID-301 work in progress
      admin-gui application context fix
      logging controller update, model bugfixing
      MID-301 fix for negative case (bad resource definition)
      probably fix for MID-306
      modify user error handling during schema handling outbount
      localization for appender types
      ndc appender file size in webpage was not shown
      appender list item fix, added new column datePattern to appenders table
      probably fix for MID-307
      operation result handling in outbound section processing in model controller impl
      removed deprecated traces pages from configuration page
      in case we want to list all object then paging was replaced by null
      fixed repository searching from admin-gui
      disabled resource wizard, fixed operation result status computing
      reverted jsf versions, DO NOT TOUCH THIS NEVER EVER, or properly test it...
      fixed resource test connection in admin-gui
      improved user enable/disable, web access enable/disable, work in progress
      schema handler error message improvements
      not serializable exception fix
      user and account deactivation, work in progress. MID-320
      user and account deactivation tests. MID-320
      user accounts activation/deactivation is now supported in model. Waiting for provisioning. MID-320
      fixed provisioning slf4j logging, updated logging manager - now it should create max file size in KB as stated in gui
      improvement for displaying operation results in admin-gui. MID-341
      automatic model initialization from admin-gui
      model post initialization now started after logging manager init
      small fix for MID-75
      bugfix: jaxb silent marshall to log was without object wrapping
      ace editor updated from version 0.1.6 to 0.2.0, fix in faces utils, user template property construction handling in progress
      operation result compute status update, please review your parts of code and use OperationResult.computeStatus(String)
      admin gui spring context fix
      added operation result parameters to model controller
      operation result name localization in model, work in progress
      operation result name localization in model, work in progress
      operation result name localization in model, work in progress
      object and user manager operation name handling
      all model test fixed
      another test update for outbound default="true" handling. MID-355
      model controller password push, work in progress, MID-73
      schema .classpath fix
      removed build folder from svn
      broken build fix
      task-impl added to pom
      search objects methods cleanup in model. MID-364
      search objects methods cleanup in model. MID-364
      password, encrypted value handling with AES. work in progress.
      fixing model tests
      ng test folder to svn ignore
      more fixed model tests
      all model tests are fixed
      protector class implementation, work in progress
      compilation fix for build
      protector class implementation, work in progress
      protector class implementation, work in progress. a few tests implemented.
      protector class implementation, test keystore added
      small warnings cleanup
      improved exception handling in model controller impl, test resource. Improved defensive checks in Midpoint faces messages.
      yet another defensive check in Midpoint faces messages.
      more tests for filter manager, it's working, problem in admin-gui runtime is somewhere else
      yet another schemahandler wiring fix, common xsd update biginteger to integer
      revert for schemahandler wiring fix
      Connector host listing on resource page added, work in progress. Added also some localization.
      removed provisioning types, using only object types, fixing tests in admin-gui
      fixing imports
      connector factory icf impl fix for connector loading in sanity tests. Localization updated in midpoint faces messages.
      sanity timeout fix, xml repo logging typo fix.
      updated correlation/confirmation handling in synchronization service. added more logging.
      pom fix for admin-gui (system-init lib as runtime dependency)
      logging cleanup, small refactorings
      fix for model service serialization
      counted array list interface and impl prepared for better listObjects
      user template property construction handling, work in progress. MID-74
      improved interface of counted array list, also added implementation
      protector implementation improved
      protector implementation improved, tests added
      checkUri validator bugfix
      import and validator fix
      import and validator logging improved
      connector loading
      protector implementation enhanced
      model update: protector implementation enhanced
      admin-gui: protector implementation update, security package update, login/create user
      repository update after protector implementation
      adding test output folder to svn ignore
      fixing application context loading in tests
      protector context loading fix
      authentication provider test fix (ignore, will be fixed later)
      protector test moved to repo-basex-impl, where spring configuration can be used
      protector cleanup & documentation
      fixing tests in model, work in progress
      fixing tests in model, work in progress
      fixing tests in model, work in progress, only one test is failing now in model-impl
      fixed all model-impl tests
      testng can be debugged now from eclipse
      schema to dom fix, added test
      test output to svn ignore
      removed test files
      fixed test files for schema processing
      schema catalog enhancement, xsd and dtd files are loaded from file system
      preparing tests for user template property construction handling
      tests for user template property construction handling prepared, disabled for now. till implementation is complete
      fixed imports during schema processing
      user template property construction handling, work in progress
      user template property construction handling, work in progress
      user template property construction handling in model implemented. MID-74
      small cleanup in expression handler wiring. MID-290
      namespaces test in repository
      test description
      bugfix: account reference was not removed from user object after account delete. MID-375
      bugfix: ConcurrentModificationException was thrown during user accounts delete (more than one). MID-375
      enhanced repository xsd schema namespace test
      removed deprecated getObject methods
      protector key handling improved, for encryption we're using key with alias 'default' as if no other alias is defined in configuration
      removed obsolete configuration parameters, keystores
      update user details submit, implemented unlink account button. MID-305
      operation names in model web service localized :)
      schema handling operations translated
      synchronization service operation result handling
      update serialized schema files, tests are still failing
      account form parser updated
      fixed TRACE->LOGGER refactoring
      fixed xsd schema validation, added licence header
      attempt to break modelcontrollerimpl into smaller parts, tests are fixed
      check situation unknown subresult fix
      util method for activation, also tests
      user type handling fix (2 sanity tests fixed)
      encrypt/decrypt utility in configuration tab in admin-gui
      encrypt/decrypt utility in configuration tab in admin-gui
      model web service port removed from web application
      preparing for assignments, MID-407
      fixed another bug in user type handler, one sanity test still failing
      account construction assignment handling during addObject/addUser, MID-407
      account assignment handling during addObject/addUser, work in progress. MID-407
      assignments delete operation, work in progress MID-407
      preparing gui for assignments
      first simple test for role and account construction assignment
      operation result compute status improvement, schema outbound error status handling updated
      fixed simple assignment handling test
      fixed operation result computing
      another assignment test for model, not failing but exception: org.w3c.dom.DOMException: NAMESPACE_ERR: An attempt is made to create or change an object in a way which is incorrect with regard to namespaces is in test.log.     MID-407
      fixed tests, improved assingment tests
      changed xsd:integer -> xsd:int therefore java BigInteger to int
      resource wizard implementation started
      resource wizard implementation TODO added, work in progress
      empty schemahandling account type fix
      NPE fixed in account type handling in model utils
      value assignment holder performance improvement, catalog files cleanup
      resource schema parsed now through ResourceTypeUtil
      fixed log messages on trace level, added LOGGER.isTraceEnabled() for jaxb log messages
      LOGGER isTraceEnabled() and isDebugEnabled() added
      fixed typo
      LOGGER isTraceEnabled() and isDebugEnabled() added
      getDocument() document factory handling improved
      fixed credentials saving. MID-418
      fixed provisioning multiple accounts with some errors (can't provision one account). MID-416
      fixed readonly text field in account details form. MID-417
      fixed error/info messages localization.
      fixed jaxb context, now using new capabilities package
      some small cleanup
      updated namespaces for patchxml regression test
      simple role management in admin-gui
      simple role management in admin-gui, work in progress
      roles can be now saved to repository
      password push from user to account during user add/modify. MID-73
      password push from user to account during user add/modify. MID-73
      fixed model tests
      usertype handler code cleanup
      user add account modification fix.
      resource capabilities added to user details page, work still in progress.
      resource capabilities added to user details page, work still in progress.
      capability namespace enum added
      icf test connector skeleton
      icf test connector skeleton
      revert back for diff patch regression tests
      improved schema form parser, also user accounts details form, work in progress.
      schema form parsing update
      disabled showAll attributes for now
      logging rewrite, work in progress.
      logging rewrite, work in progress.
      updated pom, now using saxon 9.3.1 with private patch
      logging rewrite, work in progress.
      logging rewrite, work in progress.
      logging rewrite, work in progress.
      logging gui almost working, use with caution.
      logging page, cancel operation implemented, more improvements later.
      added TODOs, comments to code
      small updates to MID-445, svn ignore for target folders for icf-connectors
      root logger level/appender saving
      icfs:password element handled in gui as protected string, work in progress. MID-357
      removed name generator for account shadow
      role listing fixed. MID-143
      fixed test in model, modify activation
      role management, work in progress. MID-143
      role management, work in progress
      role management, work in progress
      role assignment browsing for target/targetRef implemented. MID-143
      fixed admin-gui test context, update in assignment browsing
      xml editor for assignment account construction, work in progress. MID-143
      xml editor for assignment account construction implemented. MID-143
      imporovements, bugfixes. role management probably ready for testing. MID-143
      fix for role submit. MID-143
      fixed resource delete dialog localization, exception handling for operation add account on user details page
      role editing calendar improvement. MID-143
      fixed model tests
      fixed model tests
      user assignment handling, danger bombs everywhere. MID-490
      rendering, disabling/enabling form components for assignments editing on user details page. work in progress. MID-490
      role and assignment management, fixed many bugs. MID-490
      fixed one sanity test
      reverted code, sanity test was bad.
      add user with exclusions added to model controller interface
      synchronization situation updated, added LINKED and UNLINKED situation based on diagrams and discussions
      sync action modify user implemented, work still in progress
      user account listing fixed
      most of sync actions reimplemented, work still in progress
      fixed localization for object type PasswordPolicy
      implementing inbound processor, updated sync actions, work in progress
      implementing inbound processor, updated sync actions, work in progress
      implementing inbound processor, updated sync actions, work in progress
      refactored property value
      initial import of new wicket gui, work in progress
      bin folder cleanup
      refactored property value
      fixed broken build
      enable/disable working in sanity
      removed sysouts from assignment processor
      preparing pages skeleton
      preparing pages skeleton
      preparing pages skeleton
      fixed war packaging, html files was not packed to war
      ajax button link, added debug panel to page
      ajax button link with images, added reconciliation read before all processors in user sync
      prototyped xjc plugin, now it's prepared in main build
      example for xjc plugin which generates ELEMENT_TYPE qname constant to jaxb classes, SchemaConstants will be obsolete after while
      example for xjc plugin which generates ELEMENT_TYPE qname constant to jaxb classes, SchemaConstants will be obsolete after while
      example for xjc plugin which generates ELEMENT_TYPE qname constant to jaxb classes, SchemaConstants will be obsolete after while
      prepared project schema-util which will be used during schema cleanup. it will be probably renamed later
      example for xjc plugin which updates get/set method for fullName in UserType as well as updates ObjectType
      fix for webservice test
      modify user action, still not working
      modify user action, still not working
      one parameter encoder for gui v2, disabled inbound processor for now.
      one parameter encoder for gui v2, disabled inbound processor for now.
      updated modify user action, still not working because of bad sync property changes.
      updated modify user action, still not working - user extension schema not supported yet
      updated modify user action, added user activation decision to sync context. user activation will be supported later. also added reconciliation processor, now doing nothing.
      updated sync actions and user synchronizer
      fix in object type util and property container definition
      inbound processor is now correctly handling loops (probably), also updated opendj resource definition
      fixed modify user account looping
      fixed opendj resource definition. idea is removing "unused" namespaces
      inbound processing now working.
      inbound processing improved, inbound filters working. test updated.
      inbound processor filters fix
      fixed test
      fixed test
      fixed another test
      item and property value is now serializable
      add user action now creates user, some property change cycles still there. work in progress
      fixed broken build
      fixing bamboo
      fixing tests in gui
      fixing tests for bamboo in repo-cache
      now we're removing some unnecessary property deltas during consolidation phase. work still in progress.
      add user, link account action works
      synchronization situation cleanup, removed unnecessary situations from schema
      in compiles, ship it!
      fixed xml files. freakin idea xml formatter :))
      synchronization service, should be fixed now
      fixing sync actions, work in progress
      fixing sync actions, work in progress
      further improvements in consolidation processor and sync service.
      number one gangsta sync back on track
      bugfixing synchronization
      add user, link account actions working properly after ldap add
      object delta support prepared for modify object in repo, disabled for now.
      object delta support prepared for modify object in repo, disabled properly for now.
      just small cleanup in xjc module
      xjc now generates complext_type qname, field qnames and schema constants with namespace definitions and all schema types qnames
      added property containers and midpoint object containers, based on annotations, also helper methods to object type.
      preparing code for get/set methods generator update
      fixed testng xml for model-impl
      more xjc stuff, all disabled for now
      fixed: user can be created now
      more xjc stuff, all disabled for now
      unlink account now should work
      simple delete user action working
      password change update in user manager
      test for modify user action, now fails till repo-basex-impl is fixed.
      tasks gui heavy reafctored.
      task editing fixed
      bit more logging to modify/add/delete user action
      sync and execute changes refactor
      updated correlation rule handling, still not working
      updated opendj resource
      updated opendj resource     ...i hate idea xml formatter
      enable/disable user
      fix for link/unlink changes during synchronization.
      fix for link/unlink changes during synchronization.
      fixed opendj resource definition -> unlikend accounts will be linked
      account activation handling, now disabled
      added log messages to inbound processor
      fixed inbound processor
      fixed sanity resource definition - fixed "Couldn't create filter from correlation"
      fixed sanity resource definition - fixed "Couldn't create filter from correlation"
      xjc prototyping, first jpa stuff.
      sanity pom cleanup
      sync link action test added to sanity, activation handling for user/account
      sync link action test added to sanity, activation handling for user/account
      added methods to get activation and credentials inbound holders from schema handling
      only typo errors
      activation/credentials (generate, asIs) inbound handling as well as initial flag
      fixed schema testng xml
      PolicyDecision handling update in add user action and change executor
      credentials inbound handling, initial true flag added. removed link action after add user (add user action now links account automatically)
      fixed add account to user, great hack
      fixed build
      sanity update
      test sanity cleanup, refactored just a bit. one test still failing.
      forgot to commit ldif file
      sanity fix, still one test failing
      initial sql-repo import :)     just experimenting with hibernate
      some indexes for object type and user type
      get/list objects
      fixes for custom qname type and oid generator.
      more mapping, not finished yet.
      logging controller NPE fix, removed maintenance (unused)
      logging controller NPE another fix
      sanity timeout fix for bamboo, probably
      MID-588 fix. web profiling cleanup
      sql repo mapping refactor
      logging message moved to debug level
      more mapping, not finished yet.
      more mapping, not finished yet.
      more mapping, still not finished. minor NPE fix for calculate diff xml
      sql repo mapping types
      sql repo added mapping, addObject operation implemented
      sql repo more hibernate mapping, almost done
      deleteObject operation
      claim/release task operation + simple test
      listResourceObjectShadows + simple test
      all methods implemented, most of them still not tested. sql repo factory and query processor are not yet implemented.
      property array list, query processor class prepared.     property delete operations now returns boolean - if property was changed true, otherwise false - like in lists/sets
      sql repo cleanup, factory update
      operation result mapping fixed
      extensions mapping version one :) quite fragile for now...
      c3p0 connection pool with configuration for hibernate
      sql repo factory, not finished yet
      failed logins changed from BigInteger to xsd:int -> Integer
      sanity timeout updated for test 104
      admin gui v2 initialization fix
      renaming schema-utils to prism
      spring security update, disabled session invalidation handling and redirecting in admin-gui
      small fixes in admin-gui-v2
      sql repo factory improvements
      base class for page testing for admin-gui2, small updates to xml util
      moving schema-utils to prism
      renaming schema-utils to prism
      moving packages to prism
      moving packages to prism
      jpa processor will not be used, sql repo classes with mappings were written by hand.
      removed fake midpoint object and property container
      web app error handling and pages for it
      prepared custom object form for admin gui v2
      versions cleanup in maven pom files
      prepared custom object form for admin gui v2
      fix for xjc-plugin
      pom version upgrades from 1.10 to 2.0
      prism cxf added, work in progress.
      foo-1.xsd fixed
      xjc used in prism project
      sql factory init script loading for embedded h2 database (create database if not exists)
      update for jaxb objects during xjc parsing,  toString, equals, hashCode methods implemented. only child containers are not fixed yet and all constructors.
      setter for List<?> objects fixed with PropertyArrayList implementation, setter for property containers updated
      prefix mapper for xjc generator update
      equivalent method added to prism container, updated constructing containers in schema processor
      prism containers/objects construction reimplemented
      object reference type now uses prism reference value internally     filter and description fields not used yet
      getter for containers in jaxb classes
      setter for containers in jaxb classes
      fixing compilation errors in generated code, not finished yet
      experimental usage of PrismContainerValue in JAXB
      extensible object is now abstract, partial refactor of xjc schema processor.
      get/set for container jaxb objects update
      it compiles :)
      reimplemented references, not finished yet
      single references handling fixed, only reference list in user type left
      methods broken into smaller pieces
      xjc - List<ObjectReferenceType> is handled properly now
      ProtoStructureType commented out
      references handling fixed.
      assignment type as container
      prism containers id handling for all containers
      refactor, methods cleanup
      a:object now implements Objectable, renamed old annotations
      toDebugName and toDebugType implementation added for ObjectType (objectable)
      schema project compiles, prism references handling updated
      prism for jaxb utils, implementation added
      first simple test for marshal/unmarshal new jaxb objects - failing
      fixed sql repo implementation to match repository service interface update
      simple query api in repo-api, not finished yet.
      commented out compilation problems in sql repo, will be fixed later.
      fixing jaxb context loading problems, not working yet
      fixing jaxb context loading problems, not working yet
      jaxb context initialization fixed (jaxb classes should be ok for now), changed UserType.eMailAddress to emailAddress - some naming problem in XJC with M letter...
      fix for prism/jaxb utils
      small sql repo hibernate mappings cleanup, waiting for more
      renamed methods asPrismContainer, asPrismObject now in use
      more fixes for prism/jaxb utils
      simple marshal/unmarshal tests
      property array list todos implemented
      property array list fixed compilation error
      asPrismValue,asPrismContainer added
      changed version type from string to long, for optimistic locking, updated sql repo configuration
      optimistic locking exception check
      fixing mapping in sql-repo
      making admin-gui compilable
      making admin-gui compilable, not finished yet
      making admin-gui compilable, not finished yet
      making admin-gui compilable, not finished yet
      making admin-gui compilable, not finished yet
      repository initialization updated, now supporting custom repo beans
      upgrading repository loading, not tested yet
      making admin-gui compilable, not finished yet
      making admin-gui compilable, not finished yet
      making admin-gui compilable, not finished yet
      one small step for a man, one giant leap for midpoint...we can compile with success again.
      fixing sanity compilation, not finished yet
      fixing sanity compilation, not finished yet
      fixing sanity compilation, not finished yet
      fixing sanity compilation, not finished yet
      fixed equals method in generated jaxb classes
      spring now trying instantiate prism context, sql repo added to web app dependencies
      container list in jaxb classes (List<AssignmentType>) fix
      container list in jaxb classes (List<AssignmentType>) fix
      starting h2 embedded (and/or server) mode
      svn ignore for sql-repo/target
      sql repo initialization prepared, test environment in progress
      Fix fox XJC equals - prism container jaxb classes didn't have equals method (was removed by mistake)
      fixed trunk compilation
      updating reference mapping
      QUICK HACK to fix recursion, didn't know what to do with it (was causing stack overflow exception)
      updated prism context loading through configurable factory (configuration not used for now) will be implemented later.
      fix for repository cache spring loading, updated sql repo implementation.
      improvements in repository factory loading, fixed sql repo lazy loading
      admin-gui is up and running - at least login page
      yet another jaxb equals fix
      sql repo factory configuration and initialization update
      fix for getObject in sql-repo -> when object was not found ObjectNotFoundException was wrapped to SystemException
      more validation in sql configuration
      fix for xsd:any handling in xjc plugin for jaxb
      first attempt to cleanup protector loading, removed obsolete schema registry factory
      version fix for jaxb classes, also removed F_VERSION and F_ANY qname constants
      fixed generated methods toString, hashCode
      forgot to commit updated tests and pom file
      fixed account/account ref handling
      removed jaxbutils and added prism context
      NPE fix in assignment processor
      reviving jaxb object after entity translation
      fix for protector
      removed annonymous complex type connector framework configuration
      fixed contexts in basex-impl
      fixed contexts in basex-impl
      fixing bugs in prism context silentmarshal, sql repo and connector type manager
      more logging added
      better check in setContainer method
      yet again better check in setContainer method
      fixed anonymous Extension complex type
      yet another xjc schema fix
      Containerable implemented
      fixed repo test.
      fixed spring context loading test for sql-repo
      updated mapping, also sql test configuration
      spring config test now generating schema.sql in target
      disabled some system-init tests (was using hardcoded basex impl configuration)
      unmarshalRootObject method added for object which are annotated with @root element
      simplified sample classes to test mapping for hibernate, will be removed later
      simplified sample classes to test mapping for hibernate, will be removed later
      another attempt to map entities
      assignment mapped, foreign keys fixed.
      more mappings
      disabled setContainer check clauses
      removed ExtensibleObjectType
      references mapped
      sql test config prepared to user h2 or mysql
      another mapping simplification
      composite foreign key mapping for assignment-extension now working.
      compilation error fix in sql repo
      bad commit reverted
      fix for sql repo
      yet another attempt to map our data model with JPA
      handling any containers, not working yet
      small changes in extension mapping
      assignment sets added to user and role
      assignment workssss
      more relationships annotated
      massive repo, here we come :)))
      massive repo, here we come, part two
      massive repo, here we come, part three
      repo-sql refactor, probably done with the big stuff
      advanced add/get test, now failing
      updating jaxb to repo objects and back translation
      npe fix for prism container value serialization
      fixing translation jaxb-repo objects, not finished yet
      fixing translation jaxb-repo objects, not finished yet
      fixing translation jaxb-repo objects, not finished yet
      fixing translation jaxb-repo objects, not finished yet
      still fixing translation jaxb-repo objects, not finished yet
      still fixing translation jaxb-repo objects, not finished yet
      better class names, removed Type suffix
      more bugfixes, still not working properly
      added indexes, updated doc
      added test for schema: null values, empty lists are not handled properly in prism. failing now.
      more bugfixes, still not working properly
      more bugfixes, still not working properly
      more bugfixes, still not working properly, extensions/attributes not yet implemented
      more bugfixes, still not working properly, extensions/attributes not yet implemented
      extension schemas loading now from midpoint.home/schemas or based on config value
      small NPE fix
      trying to save extensions, not finished yet
      trying to save extensions, not finished yet
      extension save should be done, just implement isSearchable() method
      repo->jaxb update
      compilation fix
      first attempt to implement simple sql query interpreter
      few improvements in simple xml query interpreter
      more improvements to simple xml query interpreter
      two tests for xml query interpreter, one failing
      small mapping fix for references
      failing test in jaxb construction
      improved 'any' loading, also query interpreter. not finished yet.
      new failing test to schema
      saving/loading "any" parts, only complex elements fails now.
      changed isSearchable to isIndexable.saving/loading "any" parts, only complex elements fails now.
      default indexed/not indexed working, we can save 'any' and 'attributes'
      more complex querying in progress
      added custom extension schema directory for test config
      more complex querying in progress
      more complex querying in progress
      more complex querying in progress
      log messages added to query interpreter
      fixing any loading
      query interpreter now can create hibernate criteria, references not supported yet.
      query for refernces simple support. query engine still not finished yet
      gui v2 startup fix
      luxurious query definition registry and parser :)))
      more tests for query interpreter
      preparing more tests. added logged warning if we're querying by attribute which is not indexed.
      fix for admin-gui pom file
      more tests and fixes, server mode initialization improved
      more tests and fixes, server mode initialization fixed
      small updates to sql-repo
      fixing bugs
      fixed another bug (prism context silent serialization was causing changes in objects which were printed)
      added missing fk mapping for resource
      created extension.xsd in samples/misc, fixes to sql repo, PrismValue now implements Serializable
      resolving references in get, support for ordering in list/search operation
      more fixes to sql repo :)
      improvements in search query interpreter
      improvements and cleanup
      moved test xsd extensions to proper folder
      more fixes, more tests, one failing
      fixed test
      moooore tests
      sql repo now available to admin-gui
      more fixed bugs, tests cleanup
      After sql repo release
      login page, spring security
      fix for account saving.
      login implemented
      failing diff test
      logging page, work in progress
      logging page, work in progress
      logging page, work in progress
      logging page, work in progress
      logging page, work in progress
      removed old menu
      removed old menu
      menu renaming
      removed old menu
      top menu updated, more pages added, also localization for menus
      locale panel on login page, otherwise user panel (right top corner)
      fixed build
      pages navigation
      navigation fix
      more page structure
      import from file, localization, work in progress
      import from file, localization, work in progress
      import from xml, localization
      removed obsolete logging manager from web apps
      small fix for sql repo
      sql tests fixed (test files c:path -> t:path namespace).
      fixed gui 2 spring
      user listing, work in progress
      user details service fix
      implemented object list data provider, list users working - paging. sorting not yet.
      another data provider cleanup, added navigation from user list table to user details.
      sql repo implementation update. listObjects is now using searchObjects impl, added countObjects method
      user list sorting, paging.
      object data provider updated, model controller simple impl for count objects, needs to be done properly.
      created component for listing pages (user, roles list, etc)
      user and role list
      task, resource list, work in progress
      page user details, work in progress
      page user accordion
      repo fix for already exists exception during add
      sql repo fix for delete
      option panel component + example on task list page.
      task list page updated, debug list page implemented in wicket, functionality later
      debug list, work in progress
      dropIfExists option added to repository. If true, db files based on current config will be deleted in repo init phase
      debug list page almost working
      small fixes for paging navigation
      updating version for wicket to 1.5.5, object form on user details, work in progress
      better names for form
      small updates to form
      simple fix to form, now it shows all properties for user (even activation, credentials). needs refactor and cleanup.
      sql repo, task object/owner ref fix with inheritance and discriminator column
      assignment processor now uses cache repository service, also assignment test. still failing
      logging page, work in progress
      logging page, work in progress
      more logging stuff, small refactor
      more logging stuff, appenders
      fixed admin-gui spring
      logging settings shown on page, almost done.
      small fix in sql repo, debug view implemented (almost)
      fixed dynamic defined values saving.
      updated user new/edit, menu fix
      sql repo dynamic definitions fix in any container, fixed path, value element namespace in query interpreter
      query c:value to t:value as well as c:path to t:path
      query c:value to t:value as well as c:path to t:path, user details service
      query to other namespace
      moving querytype to other namespace, part one
      moving querytype to other namespace, provisioning
      moving querytype to other namespace, model
      moving querytype to other namespace, gui compilable
      updating query xsd
      sanity compilation
      basex tests success
      provisioning tests fixed
      schema constants small cleanup
      one more test failing in model
      refactor done
      sample update, query namespace change
      object form cleanup, part one, small fixes all over the place
      small update to prism form panel
      page user, account listing prepared, not finished yet
      added log messages to query interpreter
      updated query interpreter, tests runs in sql repository from now (hopefully)
      ugly fix for basex tests
      pom update, sql repo for all tests...sql repo everywhere
      NPE fix
      fixed provisioning tests
      model test fix, still 5 of them fails
      fix for sql repo tests on bamboo
      fix for sql repo tests on bamboo
      fix for sql repo tests on bamboo, yet another try
      name uniqueness check implemented
      list account shadow owner
      fix for assignments jaxb/prism handling
      admin-gui test passing
      prism form based on div elements, major cleanup in component
      small cleanup
      form minimalization
      form minimalization, part two
      minimalization, show empty fields
      failing modify test
      failing test disabled in sql repo, not yet fixed
      updated opendj sample and extensions.xsd example
      node and exclussion(still not used in role) entity added
      node and exclussion(still not used in role) entity added
      small image fix for prism form and user details
      simple prism form footer
      connector hosts table added to resource list page, updated page user details page
      user list search wicket, also option panel prepared
      more simple stuff for admin gui
      login localization, icon colum implementation, added page user impl
      model dirty context fix
      equals and hashCode for some entities
      xml test file fix
      adding equals, hashCode to entities, part one
      adding equals, hashCode to entities, part one
      adding equals, hashCode to entities, part three
      adding equals, hashCode to entities, part four
      adding equals, hashCode to entities
      db_close_on_exit=false added to sql factory
      modify operation fixed, optimistic locking disabled for now
      optimistic locking enabled
      optimistic locking enabled
      fix for role exclusions id generator
      fixed merging for object references
      optimistic locking disabled, modify (get,diff,merge,update) now in one transaction
      version cleanup
      updated field mapping for operation results in sql repo
      user list searching
      fixed null in owner type (any container)
      fixed deleting orphan entities
      NPE fix
      profiling level
      sql repo modify operation retry cleanup
      sql repo add,delete operation retry
      name uniqueness in modify operation imlemented
      yet another fix for any container and composite PK
      fixed index names and FK constraints
      list account owner test
      returing null instead of throwing object not found exception in list account shadow owner. improved operation result handling on error
      improved operation result handling on deadlock error
      fixed NPE in expression handler
      simplyfied general exception handling
      locking exceptions handling, small update to converter, still needs proper fix
      sql repo any converter fix
      nodes list added to tasks page
      attempt to fix NULL constraint violation, now at least we get property system exception
      attempt to fix NULL constraint violation, some other schema related problem now occurs in sanity
      add test for assignment extension
      small update
      resolving test, work in progress
      added log for sanity debugging
      small fix for any
      resources loading
      resources loading reverted
      added prism consistence check to sql repo, created feedback messages component in gui
      added prism consistence check to sql repo, created feedback messages component in gui
      feedback panel improvements, op.result details still not implemented
      small update for adopting new jaxb objects
      definitions asserting
      operation result
      operation result, subresults
      operation result, subresults, fixing css
      added main feedback panel to page base
      fix title with feedback on pages
      operation result csssssss
      removed logs from any container, obsolete checks in sql service.
      user details, account loading.
      user details, property sorting
      task manager aded to page base, prepared user delta computing and saving
      user editing almost working
      updated account ref test, now failing
      fixed operation result serialization
      admin-gui-v2 can view user and account details
      task listing updated just a bit, fixed page roles listing. fixed npe in old gui
      operation result fix in gui-v2, added attributes to node and task in sql repository.
      role view/edit
      role editing
      role deleting
      roles implementation
      roles fully implemented
      tasks, round one.
      fixing importing, gui.
      fixing importing, gui.
      task list, work in progress
      task list, work in progress
      node list, localization
      task add/edit page, first shot
      error handling o list objects pages, task data provider
      task listing, localization
      task listing current run time, next run in columns
      object reference column in task list.
      node listing
      node listing, part two.
      task list result handling, checkbox columns fix.
      configurable webapp import folder, fixed success/error messages on import pages.
      fixed user account viewing, disabled option buttons titles and stuff for now
      added category
      added column executing at to task list.
      user details fix.
      resolving fix in model.
      small fix in operation result panel.
      password panel, add/remove value buttons visibility.
      yet another feedback improvement.
      add/remove value button visibility, small fixes.
      new user saving, work in progress
      debug page delete/deleteAll
      sql repo result parameters added, also exception on fatal error. fixed activation translation to repo
      new user save working (passwords and non "text field" stuff not yet) extension, dates (e.g. activation is working)
      menu items now properly enabled/disabled visible/hidden. fix in new user - create delta.
      small fixes.
      fixed trunk
      fixed trunk
      save new user now working.
      improvements on page user, feedback.
      provisioning hacking. somebody will implement it properly someday
      resource list working, not finished yet.
      more wicket to resource list
      resolving connectors, status icon in place
      resource details cleanup a bit, title fix.
      logging cleanup
      old configuration to model, preparing for loggers editing.
      very simple loggers editing, not finished yet.
      very simple loggers editing, not finished yet.
      very simple loggers editing, not finished yet.
      add/delete/edit loggers working
      appender edit/add/delete.
      editable/selectable, columns cleanup
      logging configuration editing, almost done.
      simple fix for lock exception message and count handling
      fixing todos
      fixing todos, error handling and i18n.
      more fixed todos and i18n
      more fixed todos and i18n
      added localization for GUI operations
      another packages cleanup, added i18n
      more i18n.
      clear filter button, i18n
      activation, credentials handling. disabling fields like failedLogins, lastFailedLoginTimestamp, etc...
      repository query interpreter - enums querying
      tasks querying
      disable/enable user, more i18n.
      disable/enable user small fix.
      enabled sql repo tests (passed), fixed i18n in user list.
      delete users with confirmation.
      attempt to implement password handling and validating in user form, not working yet.
      fixed get full account, one test still failing
      fixed account name in testLinkUnlink
... 786 lines suppressed ...


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