[Midpoint-dev] Issues in creating approval workflow

Pavol Mederly pavol.mederly at gmail.com
Fri Nov 7 11:09:18 CET 2014

Hello Shelly,

it took me some time to look at this.

The problem is with outdated wiki documentation - I apologize for that. 
I've updated it, see 
https://wiki.evolveum.com/display/midPoint/Some+examples. Basically, you 
have to change *user -> object* and that's it.

Please note, however, that in order to recognize user as a Org manager, 
it is necessary to have the following defined for him (taken from 

*<parentOrgRef oid="00000000-8888-6666-0000-100000000001" 
type="c:OrgType" relation="org:manager" 

And, if a user has no managers, the role assignment will be 
automatically approved, as described on the wiki page. (There was a bug 
related to automatic approvals that prevented them from being applied 
succesfully. It's been fixed yesterday in the master branch: 

Best regards,

> Hi ,
> Request you to provide help on this issue. Attached is the role scipt 
> and also the logs for the reference.
> Regards,
> Shelly
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>     Hi Pavol,
>>     I  have increased the log level.
>>     Attached is the log file for reference and also the
>>     SensitiveRole3 script which I am trying to assign to the user.
>>     The error I am receiving in the  logs is :
>>     *groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property: user for
>>     class: Script7 (new) approverExpression*
>>     *com.evolveum.midpoint.util.exception.ExpressionEvaluationException:
>>     groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property: user for
>>     class: Script7 (new) approverExpression*
>>         at
>>     com.evolveum.midpoint.model.common.expression.script.jsr223.Jsr223ScriptEvaluator.evaluate(Jsr223ScriptEvaluator.java:124)
>>     ~[model-common-3.0.jar:na]
>>         at
>>     com.evolveum.midpoint.model.common.expression.script.ScriptExpression.evaluate(ScriptExpression.java:108)
>>     ~[model-common-3.0.jar:na]
>>         at
>>     com.evolveum.midpoint.model.common.expression.script.ScriptExpressionEvaluator.transformSingleValue(ScriptExpressionEvaluator.java:58)
>>     [model-common-3.0.jar:na]
>>         at
>>     com.evolveum.midpoint.model.common.expression.evaluator.AbstractValueTransformationExpressionEvaluator.evaluateScriptExpression(AbstractValueTransformationExpressionEvaluator.java:276)
>>     [model-common-3.0.jar:na]
>>     Looks like we need to define this user  variable which I am using
>>     in the script of SensitiveRole3. But not sure how to exactly
>>     define that.
>>     Please provide your inputs for the same.
>>     Regards,
>>     Shelly
>>     ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>     *From:* Sai Chandra
>>     *Sent:* 09 October 2014 21:41
>>     *To:* Shelly Piplani
>>     *Subject:* RE: [Midpoint-dev] Issues in creating approval workflow
>>     Thanks and Regards
>>     Saichandra.T
>>     *From:*midPoint-dev
>>     [mailto:midpoint-dev-bounces at lists.evolveum.com] *On Behalf Of
>>     *Pavol Mederly
>>     *Sent:* 09 October 2014 14:12
>>     *To:* midpoint-dev at lists.evolveum.com
>>     *Subject:* Re: [Midpoint-dev] Issues in creating approval workflow
>>     Shelly,
>>     you (and I as well) need the stack trace for the error you've
>>     mentioned. Stack traces are written to the log if the logging is
>>     at DEBUG or TRACE levels.
>>     So, set you debug level to TRACE for Workflow module, try again,
>>     and post the log here.
>>     Best regards,
>>     Pavol
>>     On 8. 10. 2014 17:37, Shelly Piplani wrote:
>>         Hi ,
>>         I am trying to create approval workflow. Ihave created a
>>         manager for an Organisation Unit and created a role called
>>         SensitiveRole3 as given in the following link:
>>         https://github.com/Evolveum/midpoint/blob/master/samples/roles/sensitive-role-3.xml
>>         <https://github.com/Evolveum/midpoint/blob/master/samples/roles/sensitive-role-3.xml>
>>         midpoint/sensitive-role-3.xml at master · Evolveum/midpoint ·
>>         GitHub
>>         midpoint - MidPoint Identity Manager
>>         <https://github.com/Evolveum/midpoint/blob/master/samples/roles/sensitive-role-3.xml>
>>          However, I have removed the  following from the role:
>>         <automaticallyApproved>
>>         <description>If the user works in F0006 (Scumm Bar), the
>>         assignment of this role is automatically approved for
>>         him.</description>
>>         <script>
>>         <code>midpoint.isMemberOf(user,
>>         midpoint.getOrgByName("F0006").getOid())</code>
>>         </script>
>>         </automaticallyApproved>
>>         After assigning that Organisation unit to the user, I am
>>         trying to assign SensitiveRole3 to this user.
>>         I am getting the following error in idm logs:
>>         2014-10-08 20:53:21,861 [MODEL] [http-8008-5] ERROR
>>         (com.evolveum.midpoint.wf.impl.jobs.JobController): Couldn't
>>         send a request to start a process instance to workflow
>>         management system, reason: Couldn't evaluate approvers
>>         expressions
>>         2014-10-08 20:53:21,910 [MODEL] [http-8008-5] ERROR
>>         (com.evolveum.midpoint.wf.impl.processors.primary.PrimaryChangeProcessor):
>>         Workflow process(es) could not be started, reason: Workflow
>>         process instance creation could not be requested.
>>         Please provide your inputs on this.
>>         Regards,
>>         Shelly
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>> -- 
>>   Ing. Ivan Noris
>>   Senior Identity Management Engineer
>>   evolveum.com
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> -- 
>    Ing. Ivan Noris
>    Senior Identity Management Engineer
>    evolveum.com
>    ___________________________________________
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