<h1>Build FAILURE</h1>
<h3>Changes since last build: </h3>
[Pavol Mederly] Add skeleton of resource merge algorithm
[Viliam Repan] MID-6271 set npm registry for midpoint build to nexus.evolveum.com
[Viliam Repan] MID-6271 fixed typo for production (by maven) build
[Viliam Repan] MID-6271 npm download root set to our nexus
[Viliam Repan] MID-6271 fixed a bunch of icons after font awesome upgrade (in archetypes)
[Viliam Repan] MID-6271 fixed more missing icons
[Richard Richter] CaseWorkItemUtil.getCase() replaced by CaseTypeUtil version + cleanup
[Viliam Repan] MID-6271 info boxes cleanup, wip
[Viliam Repan] MID-6271 info box fix for linked boxes
[Pavol Mederly] Add skeleton of resource merge algorithm
[Viliam Repan] MID-6271 set npm registry for midpoint build to nexus.evolveum.com
[Viliam Repan] MID-6271 fixed typo for production (by maven) build
[Viliam Repan] MID-6271 npm download root set to our nexus
[Viliam Repan] MID-6271 fixed a bunch of icons after font awesome upgrade (in archetypes)
[Viliam Repan] MID-6271 fixed more missing icons
[Richard Richter] CaseWorkItemUtil.getCase() replaced by CaseTypeUtil version + cleanup
[Viliam Repan] MID-6271 info boxes cleanup, wip
[Viliam Repan] MID-6271 info box fix for linked boxes
<h2>See more info:</h2>