ERROR: File 'email.html' does not exist
<h3>Changes since last build: </h3>
[Viliam Repan] MID-7576 improved handling of localization for polystrings, mainly in DisplayType. MP will attempt to translate PolyString.origin by default (with key as fallback message)
[Viliam Repan] MID-7550 couldn't reproduce. making sure no such element exception is not thrown there
[Viliam Repan] MID-7502 improving breadcrumbs, removed transiency for icon/label models (wrong) and started caching values
[Viliam Repan] MID-7576 improved handling of localization for polystrings, mainly in DisplayType. MP will attempt to translate PolyString.origin by default (with key as fallback message)
[Viliam Repan] MID-7550 couldn't reproduce. making sure no such element exception is not thrown there
[Viliam Repan] MID-7502 improving breadcrumbs, removed transiency for icon/label models (wrong) and started caching values
<h2>See more info:</h2>